League of Legends General - /lolg/

old: Edgeville edition

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Today is my lucky day!!


fucking worth

the last 3 normal games ive played ive been autofilled support holy shit please bring back pick order

My little ADC can't be this cute



Useful links:

Garen is a diaper baby, riven is infertile, my team sucks, fuck yasuo, post tits and ass, i want my waifu to kill me


good job user

can i still post requests from the other thread here friends

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

>proof that it is possible to get riot graves from hextech craft
This pleases me.

Thanks for the spoilers asshole

i would BREED these fine ladies

Garen smug as fuck looking down on a defeated Darius
Garen wearing a diaper

I feel so sorry for Katafags

of course you can user
thanks for being cool

can you draw lulu tripping balls after pix spreads fairy powder catnip on her?

Thanks user, I've been needing that for a while now.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

This smile can heal even the most tormented of souls!

and if you try to hurt her, then i will literally find you and kill you

> only girls play supports meme
> adc mains.are.the hottest, most alpha.guys meme
This is fucking cancer

Don't you mean on?

Draw tahm, user!


I haven't seen this one before


Why are you not playing dota?
Are you too stupid to comprehend it? lol

Draw Lulu forcing Aatrox to stand in for pix with a drunk pix passed out in the background

will do, thanks!!

But i do

but thats a fact

the only supports guys play are blitzcrank braum and KENCH (UNBENCHED)

League has 100m+ active players.

Overwatch player here. I started playing with some friends.

Which Hero is the Genji of LoL? I wanna be an obnoxious deadweight and pretend I play a high skillcap hero in this game too.

Same article

At least lelg supportcucks aren't THIS bad....right?

>is this a real article by the real kotaku
>googled it and it actually is

gentlemen, journalism in the year two thousand and sixteen of the common era (anno domini)

why won't the gut the part of ekko's kit that is cancer aka the part where you can't ever chase or run from him

>best girl can't be this cute
Of course she can, duuh!

God bless

league is the chess of mobas

easier to learn, and anyone who claims they've found a "more complex" "better" game without being a grandmaster at chess is seen as a fedora tipper


>implying WoW and LoL didnt do it first


When do I go W max second on Vi?

I've heard it ends up being better than e max second with the trinity force changes. Even better if you go bloodrazor.

Trying to come up with builds for cinderhulk/warrior/bloodrazor since vi can build all those and fufill different roles.

Yasuo if you want to be an obnoxious deadweight weeaboo with a skillcap so high that all its mains are useless players

why are you wasting time on LoL lol ?

100m+ retarded toxic hipster kids

>league is the chess of mobas
I needed this laugh, thanks f4m


Neither got an article on them about it, as popular as they were/are.

Because its different and i like some of the heroes

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

They should just gut his execute since they haven't learned from when k6 q has %missing hp damage

because i don't like waiting twenty minutes for my character to get in lane or turn around

There's a lot of hidden unicorn booty out thre

Colonel, I've INfiltrated the facility.

calm down you slut go play a league of legends game and heal your man

>b-but its too hard mommy, make it easier mommy i want to pwn n00bz but without brain

>that art
im out

This always drives me up a wall, lolbabs cannot stand not having a recall button but theyre totally cool walking back to their lane instead of teleporting to it.

I've quit Dota 2 since last year after hitting 5,3k MMR.

Come at me

i want shyvana to make me her breeding toy!

I know we have some Vi players in here gimme somethin

thats like quiting LoL in silver lmao

>waiting twenty minutes for my character to get in lane
I don't even play dota but I know this is ebin troll
>league teleport to lane is like 240 seconds cooldown
>meanwhile dota has like 10 seconds

Is Sona a cow?

>but m-muh difficulty!
what are those fucking stupid players who want to have fun in playing a video game?

the game being slow isn't challenging user, it's slow

More like KotaKEWL xP

>it's a "Q is a linear skill shot that only does damage" champion

Alright, which one of you fuckers posted this?

because in the league of legends, your map isn't twice the size of russia and your character movespeed isn't a crippled goat

I'm also interested
Catbro, where are you?

>plebeian janitor deletes worst (best) girl pic that I posted
>he lets this shit titty monster champ sit on board
Nice one, janitor man

No Bully!

what are gook artists waiting for to deliver on this?
i know there aren't that many who draw traps but still


Should I even go in on Darius as Mega Gnar?

Or should I just sit back and hope to not get my ass split in half?

Can someone teach Tumblr that freckles do not magically appear on people's faces when they had none in the first place?

What champ should I buy for mid? I'm gold V. My Lux is fucking legendary, always carrying the games, but as I climb up the ladder of fame I guess I should have at least 2 other alternatives.


A very cute one


thank you so much user

How safe is it to main Darius?

>your map isn't twice the size of russia
but that's a bad thing, there's rarely anything to do during downtime in LeL.

Atleast in Dota 2 you can farm, splitpush and have tp up, look to gank someone trying to farm or splitpush.

LeL is literally just:
Take T1 towers or Drake, otherwise clump mid as 5 and hope somebody initiates somehow and you win the fight. The fact that the only player who can pressure lanes is the top laner with TP just shows how little there is to do during the mid-late game.

That's why I hate playing adc, you can'T really rice and outfarm your enemy heavily.

The more team fight potential they have, the better. I don't really care about them being melee/ranged since my enemies during laning phase are pussies 9/10 times.

That's how mediocre artists add depth to their artwork

You can see that Soraka in that pic has pretty much no facial features, her face is almost 2D because the person has no idea of how to draw a head in a 3D space, even in a very easy profile shot like that, so to create the illusion that Soraka's face is an object in a 3D space, they add freckles so now when you look at it you insert the cheekbones by yourself

It's the same thing as the red tumblr nose, pretty much, adding a different color to the nose suddenly makes it very noticeable so you compose the rest of the shot for yourself

In low elo people can't deal with him
If you don't get fed in lane you'll get fed of roams
If you don't get fed of roams you can always splitpush

can you draw a vi dashing with rocket boots?

W-wait I have more booty

Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!

Who is the best champ and why isnt it Teemo

Why the fuck do people pick Ezreal into literally any comp then wonder why they get outdamaged by Jhin or Jinx.


Draw Evelynn kissing Vladimir

Tahm Kench exists.

I mained zilean for a while.





I'm levelling my smurf all day, so many ragers in my games. There's usually 3 - 4 ragers per team in my games. They probably all got banned recently

is it weird that i want to jerk her horn but strongly dislike futaraka

Hardly anyone picks Kench

>Mordekaiser has 30%~ HP
>My toplaner Riven is at about 60% I'm almost at full, I'm Lee
>he's pushing the lane because he's fucking Morde he can't not push the lane
>go to gank
>engage on him, Riven follows up
>he goes from 30% to 80% health, gets a full shield, and both of us die

Jealous, user?


ez does have good mobility