League of Legends General /lolg/

Akali is cute edition



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Lux is beautiful and my aryan waifu.

Question: Why that redhead tramp katarina is not played in pro since she is the one making quadras and pentas left and right in ranked?

Because pro players generally have to be above bronze.

Seriously though the actual reason is she falls apart at what she does when the enemy team even shows the slightest bit of coordination or has a stun. You get stunned once after you blow all your shit, you're dead.

Stop the ult, stop the combos, win. Only sub-gold retards think Kat is strong or broken.

I'd really like to see how gold players and above deal with this bitch.

Tired of she ruining my games. I win the goddamn lane then the retard presses R in a TF and turn the game around with a quadra.

She should be deleted from the game.

Best butt
Best girl
Best star guardian

just started playing lol again after quitting at the start of season 6
is this game ded ?


> Tired of she ruining my games.
Play literally anything with instant/fast hard cc? Katarina doesn't do any damage without ult unless she has 10+ kills, and ult is easily interruptible (not to mention everyone has a low cd dash to get out of it nowadays).
> I win the goddamn lane
Katarina is probably the weakest laner in the game after the nerfs. Pick to counter her in teamfights, you can lane against her with anything.

Watch for roams, that's it. She's terrible in lane and her kit is reliant on snowball and kills. As far as denying kills in general, ONE reliable silence and stun turns the game 5v4. So it helps to have a support with the CC to match, such as Leona over a Zyra. Hell, even soraka absolutely craps on Kat in teamfights.

Could you give me examples of champs that cancel her ult and what hability?

For example, Syndra's ball push can interrupt her ult?

>lobby quitter
>lobby quitter
>match remake
>lobby quitter
>forced to support due to auto-fill

What does lolg think of velkoz?

Just learn to play support : ^)

What does maining Poppy say about me

Not the guy you're talking to, but Malzahar, Galio, and Heimerdinger are a few

Thanks. I guess Malz's R blocks the bitch.

I haven't played since around S4 but I'm looking for a game to drown my sorrows in. How's the state of the game currently? Worth coming back to?

yeah it's alright

The games fine. Not as feelsgood as S4 but still great game.

I'm doing this now. Just bury myself in the game anytime i'm not at work.

It's pretty great to do it.

>some former WoW streamer starts streaming lol
>he absolutely sucks at the game and is silver or something like that
>people actually watch him
>he's the third most watched league streamer

Can you explain this? Because I honestly fail to grasp the logic behind this

>most watched league streamer
>Can you explain this? Because I honestly fail to grasp the logic behind this

people just watch him for his drama with other twitch streamers

honestly, people just watch him for the drama not for the gameplay

Personality, drama, memes.

He's been streaming his learning experience.
He leveled his first account on stream, discovered what champions did, got placed in bronze, and mained Zac/Eve to silver.
It's a really fresh and genuine experience, compared to everyone else being in masters.
We now have video proof of what "git gud" translates into.

His stream was pretty interesting, but recently he's been leveling a second account to play with friends and learn new champions. Going 0/10 every game on Leblanc/Yasuo/Riven got old pretty fast.

hey lolg im thinkin bout using a script to help my csing

how does riot do bans? like will I get fucked for ONLY the visual script or do they do it from a gameplay thing

kys my dude

Wait so you're saying if I start streaming my bronze games people will watch me because it's a "novel experience"?

no, cuz you're a boring asshole

If you are entertaining to watch, sure, why not?

>Riot still haven't fixed the mobility creep and the range creep

it's pretty hilarious. Especially considering Illaori was used ONCE and got nerfed showing they basically hate anything that isn't a flashy anime retard champion.

I mean they haven't even made knockback effected by tenacity yet.

>SG jinx mingun called Shiro and rocketlauncher called kuro
So League has actually been confirmed to be an anime?

That's the most retarded thing I've heard all day


He was the best wow player in the world I think? So people are curious to see how quickly a pro from another game picks up league and where he gets placed and stuff, if he can climb, etc.

pretty sure you will get fucked regardless

Probably the first thing you heard today too.

why not practice? custom games are easy to setup and it'll help more than you think

lost lane to an ekko, post game he says "dont buy a boost" check his profile and he has over 500k mastery on reksai and over 100k on ekko and riven as well as dynamic preference

this guy totally deserve to be in high diamond even though he has several hundred games and barely 50% winrate

>mad cuz bad

>have 500k mastery with a champ
>just got demoted to g5
champ mastery doesnt mean a thing

Don't mind me, just posting best girl.

Because unlike every other stream, people in twitch chat are actually better than him at the game, so they watch and laugh at him making mistakes. He also asks for their input in builds and shit, so it's good amount of interaction with his viewers.

I thought it was a guitar from the thumbnail

>Riot makes star guardian skins into a set
>Gives JINX a skin
>Ignores Soraka the STARCHILD

Well here's another well made concept going down

how be happy /lolg/?

>ADC graves will never come back

>tfw no cute explosion magician girl

Will there ever be a more fun champion?

if you happen to be a pro dota or smite player, maybe

of course not, don't you know about CreepingDeath?

>wait 10 minute queue as jungle/mid
>get jungle
>everyone in my team has smite

dynamic queue at it finests

Does anyone know if there is a huge list out there somewhere with all the links to league sites like those in the OP?

>jungler picks rengar
>Enemy team picks Ali, ezreal, tryn, ori
>Proceed to have no jungler because they have 4 anti rengar champions
>They can stall to 30 minutes and auto win by outscaling without taking any non-turret objectives
Nice game xd


Funny how in the story they say that the leader of them (lux) doesn't understand why she is there.

>One of the best players in the world of the biggest MMORPG in history moves to the current biggest game in the world
>wondering why he gets viewers
I fail to grasp your lack of logic

How hard would it be to one trick my boy here to plat?


>this game still exists

If you have map awareness and decent mechanics you can make it up to diamond easily just by splitpushing.

>Valor will never come back

why did everybody stop playing zed all of a sudden?

why does she look like the most generic skyrim waifu over in elder scrolls general


hydra boc zzrot sunfire+situational?

why is doto so full of cyka blyats?





m8 get your eyes checked, that's clearly Renegade Talon

What's your opinion on Jailbreak Graves?

Nidalee is such a free elo

Outclassed by Graves' other skins.

Shit splash art good in game.

Why are you so bad at farming

>peacock will never be a playable champion in league of legends

>tfw have this match history
>if l get my secondary role l link my opgg and they'll suck my dick for me going to my primary role
>keep the match history intact this way and keep getting my primary role


Reminds me of Cable.
Also reminds me Graves needs a VU.

l'm busy doing other important things such as taking turrets or dragons

But some of your games are over 40 minutes and you don't manage to break 150.

what jungler can reliably solo dragon earlier

i know fiddle can do it at 4 with blue buff but can anybody else do it?

no cheese shit like ad malz

86cs at 23 and 101 at 25 is not bad, if not, link your match history to see your godlike farm

Nigga you blind that aint no Jinx the fuck you smoking?

Considered how they are completely gutting her next patch I don't think Riot thinks of her too highly. She would be a better fit than Janna though that's for sure.

there are only 2, the 5/12 one as you can tell by the score l was being shitted on, and the 8/3/13 my team was being shitted on, not much l could do

what matters is the wins anyways, say whatever you want about the farm

>still 9 more days until shitfest starts
>threads are ded until then

nidalee can solo it at lvl 4 after a full clear minute 4 if you know what you're doing

>adc graves

that was more like assasin not ad

>MF constantly splits lane alone and makes us fight 4v5
>we end up winning teamfight
>she groups just in time to get one wave of her ult off and then get hit by nami wave
>she says gg ez at end of game

HOLY MOLEY I'm so butthurt

I hate having to build tank stats.

I have kind of a weird key set up. I keep Q and W the same, but I replace E and R with my summs.
My third ability and ult are on my M5 and M4. Shop on space bar, center screen on 2, and recall on D.

How autistic am I? Does anyone else fiddle with their binds?

what elo are you?

>Vlad will never have a qt hemomancer gf to call his own
feels bad :(

He already has _____me.

Vladfag fuck off.

>no Star Guardian Zyra/Syndra/Morgana/Kayle/Diana/Irelia/LeBlanc/Lissandra/Orianna/
Why the fuck did they ruin the skin-set with goddamn yordles. they look awful ingame.

Lux/Janna/Jinx look pretty good though

>that Jinx recall

so someone not being in game for the first 3 minutes makes it invalid but someone being a whiny little bitch and leaving before 10 minutes is a wholesome complete match?
thanks riot

Zyra, Syndra, LeBlanc and Lissandra are more fit for evil guardians