/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Nerfs soon, fellow killers Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Wiki: deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.1b)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


REEEEEEEmove hook camping devs PLS

That's just paranoia kick in. The crows aren't stalking you or anything. It's all in your head. Even the killer, is in your head. In the end you come to realize...you ARE dead.


>Angry Pug is insidious camping as Wraith
>In the basement


Killers should lose levels if they ragequit, it's not fair that they can take away the fun from me! Sab nerf needs to be reverted too. Combines aren't infinites.


>I don't care about my rank so it's ok

God. If anyone did that to him he'd shit himself and scream until the devs banned the killer.

this part always gets me

And they'd do it.

>Implying I don't know.
>Implying I can't hear you.

>He's doing it against a group of swf
>He knows they're swf
>Blames the survivors for being boring
>Claims Insidious is the most fun perk in the game
>Laughs when called out for infinite abusing and hook camping

Holt shit this guy is retarded.

Go to bed Jason, your game doesn't even have a release date.

It's literally okay when pug does it

Next killer is an animatronic bear, steam forum playerbase and fnaf "fans" that never played the games and instead watched someone on youtube play them have massive overlap.

I wish that faggot would move on to some other game already.

Let me think....

go his stream
right when it starts up hes on the combine infi doing it to a hillbilly

I never dodged a lobby so hard in my entire life.

Hey, look on the bright side.
Just like infinites, the devs aren't going to bother "fixing" hook camping any more if Pug is doing it.

Good to have you back on the killer side, Sloppy.

No, that was the Killer. I'm never playing killer again.

play neither you give this game a bad rep with the way you play your actually on level with angrypug

Tinkerer trapper, you're still here?
They've patched out tinkerer affecting sabotage time according to patch notes, but with those shit devs you never know so it's worth testing on KYF to make sure

Throw him a bone. He managed to kill an infinijuking Twitchcancer (72hrs).

But, yeah, besides that, he's cancer.

My autism compels me to post this on Reddit.

Should I do it?

>taking Veeky Forums memes to reddit
Do I need to say it for you to know what to do?

>Twitchcancer (72hrs).
And? others on here have killed Angrypug/Insert Twitchcancer name
Do we need to hand out medals to those who have?

Yes, then people will stop posting it here

No they'll ruin it

What's wrong with the way I play? Did I face camp you once for playing like a complete faggot?

>Did I face camp you once for playing like a complete faggot?
No I'm Glad I've never had the misfortune of playing with or against you.
The Fact that you face camp is just 100% being an asshole and/or just leave everyone to bleed out on the ground.
>inb4 No IG
Now seeing how you play Surv is even worse you just fuck around and shit talk killers because you cant play killer anymore because it's too hard to get 4k.

I just want to see the survivorbabbies' reactions.

Post it to steam forums

Oh my god you're stupid.

Survivor babies always cry, cry, cry and cry.

>Oh my god you're stupid.
Prove me wrong then you whiny cunt

This reminds me of that game we us kids used to play in the slums. We called it "Stranger Danger"
We hid in the streets as the big man with the coat ran after us. If he caught ya, ya done for or had someone hop into his van to pull the others out. If he caught ya....he'd molest ya.....
he'd molest ya......
Cause he was a child molester..........
After all these years....we wuz molested.

Can't do that anymore, these days all the slumrats have guns.

Harder to share images on Steam forums. Also, no downvote function, so you don't notice the hugbox as much.

You say that as if the people in this general are any different.

well if you want ruin a good meme or have it make a new meme from there reaction then go for it

In celebration of Halloween every game during the month of October will feature max fog and darkest moonlight!

The difference is that killer crying usually has merit. Survivor crying is 99% "fucking hook camping/killer being able to kill me"

>lvl 92
>every casual match is filled with lvl160+
>get shit pushed in constantly

Should I just solo ranked (no clan) for a fairer experience?


As a killer main I do not see a problem with this.

user, you didn't accidentally post in the wrong thread did you?

Wrong general buddy


>killer crying usually has merit

>angrypug so mad he deleted a vod


You're right dude the combine isn't an infinite. You just gotta climb back over to the other side.

We getting a patch today?

27th at the earliest.

You're giving the devs a lot of credit. They're gonna announce they have to delay it by 2 months this thursday while desperately pretending to ignore the hooked corpses of the F13 dev team behind them.

Our boi angrypug is streaming killer gameplay right now.


Fuck off

What was in it?

> AngryPug: "This is why killing sucks ..."
clips twitch tv/angrypug_/WonderfulBadgerYouWHY
Someone relay this to the devs. Maybe they will listen to their favourite pet.

>Angrypug: "Im Gonna face camp you so hard"
clips twitch tv/angrypug_/WittyJackalTwitchRaid

>Teammates get mad because I don't go for retarded unhooks.

Maybe I should go back to playing killer. You faggots are annoying from both sides.

Poor little Nea.

Public beta subforum is up.
No patch yet though because wow that'd make sense so we can't have that

there is literally nothing wrong with angrypugs playstyle. if there was, the devs wouldnt have given him custom cosmetics, right?

Looks like were gonna get a Wraith buff lads.

Devs said they will never ever buff wraiths and angrypug doesn't play killer enough to make them give a shit.

Speaking of angrypig's cosmetics, did bahroo or sxyhxy get any? They both get more viewers than him so if not he probably begged the devs instead of them doing it on their own.

Bahroo no, Sxyhxy not that I know of.

>tfw you want to make the game great
>tfw you don't want most of the community to leave so you watch closely what top streamers and their followers like
>tfw they probably hate most of the arrogant twitch celebrities, but they have to play it off cool else they'll lose money on it
>tfw it's a case of dont argue with dumb people since they'll bring you to their level and beat you
>tfw if cancer streamers like boohooroo and angrymug weren't at the top we'd have a better game but less lively which would result with no updates( disregard their inability to code lobbies/queues )
>tfw twitch streamers lead by example and form what's acceptable and what isn't

I don't know what I'm on about, but fuck these dumb ass twitch cancers.

Get the fuck out of here underage cancer.

Beta is available guys

>Have the devs said anything on the subject of fixing the exploit that allows killers to launch themselves on top of the harvester?

>No, but they shouldn't dare remove it BEFORE they fixed the harvester.

>What do you mean by "Fixed the harvester"? What's wrong with it?

It's not an infinite. Just because it can be used as a guaranteed escape and full heal when combined with the 2 most used perks in the game doesn't mean it's broken. It means you're a fuccboi that deserves some dudu.


the beta has been available for months

>Skip to end of thread
>Devs said the combine is literally okay and that time wasters are intended
why would you put the killer on an extremely quick time attack game and then make it stupid easy to waste even more of his time?

Link this thread





Is that lue guy pretending to be retarded for replies, or just plain retarded?

I'm tempted to run an Infinite if I get matched up with Angrypug.

>u still dont see it?xD infinites aint problem i just dony uderstand why ppl moan about infinites. i dont take advantage of infinites but asbu see they dont cause any trouble afterall. just a shitty excuse for own bad play. :)
twitch chat is a dangerous place, proceed with caution

Why wouldnt you? Dont forget to change your name to dududu.

I really hate that piece of shit. I should change my download region to somewhere near New Zealand.

I like the name idea maybe I'll even get myself banned. Then I'll finally be free from awful game.

This will never work.

Deactivate Windows


>Before they added the hay the thing was a death trap (killers would always just go around and then trap anyone that vaulted over) and survivors that knew that always avoided it they added the hay so that people would actually use it.

If you got trapped in the chute, which isn't even possible at full health since you can push the killer after you get hit, then you got read super hard and didn't look at what the killer was doing. I used the harvester all the damn time to juke killers before this hay bale shit and now I don't go on it except to bodyblock other survivors who use it.

Maybe pretending. Maybe retard. Maybe protecting something he likes. "Surviviorbabies will defend this" exists for a reason.

how long does it take you guys to find a killer that hates themselves enough to play that lobby?

He went for it surprisingly

get 4 toolboxes

And any survivor that uses the harvester in any way that involves them just sitting on the bales of hay and they get hit by the flying killer exploit is blind, dumb, and deserves it.Like you can't even be good when you cheat... it takes years to set that exploit up and execute it. You see it coming from a mile away.

clips twitch tv/admiral_bahroo/HorribleLionUleetBackup
This sums up why I like Bahroo. He understands the game is there to have fun, for both sides.

Oh, that's why.

You're welcome.

Why did you delete it?

Cuz Memeboy fears for his rep.