League of Legends General - /lolg/

Shells edition



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1st for fuck yasuo


2nd for Ivern gonna be broken support

where is the cigarette?

So does SG Jinx ok with the team or does she not give a fuck about them?

xth for Kayle needs buffs

Leaks are gathered together yet?

draven buffs when
graves poster return when
draven op when

8th for dating girls who aren't really cute so everyone looks at you as a couple and goes 'wow that boy is so cute what's he doing with a girl like that'

Most likely doesn't give a shit. I'm pretty sure she joined them because they gave her a way to blow things up without getting in trouble.

Best butt
Best girl
Best jokes


Graves is a man sir, he prefers cigars Fuck riot for removing one thing I liked about him.

Star Guardian Janna hype!

She has positive things to say about lux (as positive as you can expect from jinx, it's a pretty backhanded compliment)


Waifufags are the purest type of poster in lolg and their presence is annoying, yet familiar and reassuring. I hope they never leave to be honest with you all familia.

The best part of the starguardians skins is that we are going to get more yordle porn, who is with me

Thats the spirit

She's probably with them mainly because "here's cool weapon you can kill things...righteously of course"

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Implying EU gives a shit about the colonies

Why are there two shaggys?

You gave this a lot of thought right?

So how do I use Iverns bushes? Like I'm completely lost on what to do with them, just use it for the attack boost or how can I sneak into lane to gang with them

wow i didn't have this, thanks senpia


She got uglier (She got cuter and CUTER and C U T E R!)

This was 100% percent an inside job. TSM and C9 where in it together.

This is how they fuck with korean teams, they leaked SKT and ROX scrims, and to hide it they released some info about Locodoco who doesn't even work for them anymore and totally fake data about their players.

Like seriously, did anyone even check those numbers? LOL

>maximum amount of imps from 4 to 6
>killing a minion with Q while at least one of your imps is following you instantly spawns another imp

How do you think Ivern is supposed to build?I think red jungle item with blue gem in the middle is nice,and then that one purple AP item that gives HP and mana,maybe sorcerer shoes,but after that im not really sure about what he should build,maybe support items that enhance shields,like grail or ardent censer,and fill the last 2 items with ZZ rot and that memeitem that gives steroids to a single minion,but then I thought this build was way too memey and retarded,what do you think?
>talking about the game

How to play midlane Vi?
E>Q>W and Thunderlord's?
Trinity rush? 2hu blade rush?
Going with full pen runes (19 flat pen at level 1)

>graves poster return when

I want to make sweet, sweet love to SG Jinx.

Would I have to make curry for her first?

shut it down

the goyim knows

you can use them in teamfights to really disrupt the enemy team

>ivern nunu chogath rengar teemo team


why are you playing Vi mid?

>I have the best toys
>delicious and nutricious

what did she mean by this?

why did reapered have access to all of TMS information?

Happy to help

> How do you think Ivern is supposed to build?
No jungle item. Mobies rush. Zzrot into banner.
> How to play midlane Vi?
You rush Yomuus. Jk, you rush maw or get stuffed by Syndra and other fun champions.
> Going with full pen runes (19 flat pen at level 1)
> on a champ with AD scalings out of this fucking world

For fun

Why would this be good?

Nothing really special about it.

Dicks that she gets fucked by that makes audrey hollander impressed




Riots retarded right? They do just realize Ivern is going to be a counterjungle support that roams steals creeps and comes back to CC the fuck out of the enemy. Do they realize this?

Where's the rest of this picture user. It almost makes me want to pick up darius.

Top tier Korean teams don't scrim with western teams more than once, C9 didn't even scrim SKT.

When TSM leaked the SKT scrim, SKT's coaches said on an interview that their players were mentally in the trash because of it.

Now C9 leaks ROX scrims.

This is weldon (they psychologist) talking about how korean teams how and why don't scrim with them


complete control of the jungle.
Synergy with bushes from teemo and rengo
Nunu ulti from suspicious bush

because ivern can make bushes. and nunu bush trap, chogath in bush, teemo bush passive, rengar bush jumps

That's sweet to hear.

So many other games have distracted me.
Hello azir-poster

ivern enables all of them and the team would have infinite wave cleaver
>gives teemo a free stealth anywhere
>gives rengar multiple free jumps anywhere
>can share red buff with both of them
>can share blue buff with nunu
>3 smites
>lets chogath instantly get in feast range
>infinite cc
>nunu can give teemo steroids to go with his red buff
>chogath silence on top of nunu ult almost guarantees it wont be canceled at the start
>ivern ult into nunu ult
>iverns cc can let chogath Q and then teemo slap a shroom on top of that cc
>nunu bush traps

>getting buttraped by 6 little midgets with 1.02 AS and 156 AD plus Yorick's fucking shovel

Basically no fun allowed: the team.

Disgusting (After she's gotten done with a long day of eradicating evil form the universe and causing mayhem I wanna tongue her butt)

GP Nerfs courtesy of Riot Games.

Anyone got the full set of leaks not just the Dardoch stuff?

which games?

>Quickdraw (E) Armor and MR reduced to 5/8/11/14/17 from 10/15/20/25/30

Now graves jungle got gutted will they gut aurelion sol jungle too? Seems they don't like champs being played in roles they weren't designed for.

Y-You left us for other games...?? O-oh...

So Koreans say "fuck'em" to scrimming to NA/EU and NA/EU try their hardest to impress Koreans by picking the strongest shit possible, then the Koreans learn about it and pick other shit to fuck them over making foreigner teams useless?

Smart but it seems petty.


holy macadoodle



First of all yes Riot hates it when people play outside of their specially established meta but.

>aurelion sol jungle

no this is a nerf thats been needed for a long time. graves has the holy trinity, Damage, tankiness, mobility. think tank ekko, a dash, has damage builds tanky. graves has a dash, builds damage has tankiness.

>Star Guardian leak was right
>Candy Ivern leak was right

Holy fucking shit.

Lux is actually getting an ultimate skin.

Can a Karthus ult hit Vlad in his pool?

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

Triforce > Boots > Pen item >mr item >armor item>whatever
Pen item should be youmu most of the times,mr item is maw unless youre getting raped,which is very likely,so build spirit visage or banshee,armor item should be frosty fist or plate ,last item should be guardian angel because you want to dive the backline and then do whatever hoping not to die.
If you play in a shit elo just build ZZ rot last item and put it behind of your tower whenever its off CD,for some reason the enemy team will have no idea what to do

I'm not disagreeing that graves is stupid, but hes not as bad as ekko. Nothing's as bad as ekko. That champ literally has EVERYTHING

>Ivern's passive
So he has slow, but risk-free clears.
Until you get invaded.

>Adrian and Stixxay didn't want their teams to know they smoked weed

>entire e-Sports community now knows Adrian and Stixxay smoke weed

>Adrian going to try cocaine


Sol Jungle is a thing since release

Mid lane his his best role but Jungle is an option. He's not great at it but he can do it.

So what were the leaked scim results?

Did c9 win most of them or what?

the more i abuse this shit in his final days the mroe i realize why kog needs the rework rverted but

im gonna miss this freelo ;_;

traps arent gay

>tfw you will never suck on graves


not him, but it's pretty good. Save your stun for after you e into their lane. If you waste it you're a fucking retard. It's at least good until the nerf to his w damage hits live.

Overwatch oh and FFXIV
I still pop into league once in a while!

Also Ivern looks crazy in terms of supporting, but his skin is scary.

I mean, I'd get its possible, and his ganking's probably great, but my god his clear must be shit.

>what is ward trinket
yes they are,dont feel ashamed user-kun


> How to play midlane Vi?
AD reds, AD quints, scaling helath yellows, mr blues.
Rush serrated dirk.
Hit 6.
Walk into a brush.
Charge Q.
Flash connect it. Auto-E.
They flash.
Ult. Auto-E-ignite.
First blood.

So Ivern's bushes...

Can his bushes trigger other champs passives?

Like Rengar, Cait, Teemo, or Nid?

The new champion just shows you that riot had no more ideas on what to make anymore. that kit is a fucking disgrace.

>best jokes

girls are naturally unfunny

Did you read the preview? Yes.


It's funny to watch retards reflex pool as soon as they see Karth ult and then come out of it too early though

gib battle tag

Right? I'm not that crazy for thinking this was an insane job, right?

I mean no one else checked the players numbers, passports, korean accounts given by riot (not even their NA main accounts, their koreans accounts that they won't even use anymore because they are leaving korea tomorrow) or any of that shit.

This was the perfect moment to leak everything, they are leaving korea tomorrow, so even if all of the korean teams (challengers, b tier teams, etc) are told by the top dogs who saw through this attack (SKT, ROX, SAMSUNG) not to scrim westerners, they won't care because they are leaving as we speak anways.

The only thing that got leaked and might have been of relevance is Locodoco's passport, but that might be to hide the rest, because lets be honest who the fuck gives a shit about locodoco? Bjergsen hates him, Regi couldn't give a shit, Reapered never respected him, Impact was ashamed of him being the only korean representing korean in NA, etc.

>Until you get invaded.
Why do that when you could just invade them leave and then go back to supporting. Just take smite steal their opposite buff go to lane with said buff.

pay your damn respects

Being a trap is gay.
Liking traps isn't gay.

So it's pretty much some europoor leaking shit right?

Anybody have TSM phone numbers?

G-Graves pls...Draven has been posting in every thread since your disappearance. ;w; Stop playing ARAM and play some norms with us!

>the nerf to his w damage hits live.
Speaking of that, what are the thoughts on it? Is it too much? Is it deserved?

Personally all I see it affecting is his early waveclear and mana management, and he'll need more items to start being useful. Once the ten minute mark hits and you've been farming well and not dying you should be golden. Plus if I read the patch notes right you can cast your comet in combat now, which means you can use it to escape once they blow their cc. Overall it looks like they want sol to play a safer early game than what he has been, but his midgame and afterwards is virtually unchanged.

Now it probably puts jungle sol in the dirt since stars are his chief source of damage there, but sol himself as a champion should still be useful in my opinion. At least until they remove rylai's.

Yeah it should have been another generic bruiser