League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: based drawfags edition

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xth for waifu wars

I love Lissandra!

It was a champion shard.

Of course it was blue essence when im one disenchant away from brolaf

why aren't you playing ranked RIGHT NOW???



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Ranked is scary. The higher you get the more you get yelled at.

Star Guardian Janna!

Holy shit. I just played Graves for the first time in ranked and he's fucking broken.

I usually carry as jungle Vi or Kha'Zix and end games around 35 to 40 minutes, with the rare 30 minute game, but I ended this one at a bit over 25 minutes.

I cleared my entire jungle with him at around four minutes and was still full HP.

How the fuck is this champion balanced?

What's your longest game, mine's 70 minutes back when Tank Rengar was broken

akali bro here?
what matchups should I take tp into (mid)

how do I combo with the magical negro of giant scrolls?

Star Guardian Bard, Taric, and Braum!
Never! ;;

Remember when Graves used to be an adc?
But then riot gave him massive close-range damage and a stupidly good clearing spell?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

70 mintues too but this was like yesterday

Lissandra is better

Bard is already a star guardian though.

>That fucking Yas build.
I would berate more but he's also the only one in the entire game without double digit deaths, so he must have done something right.

Best butt
Best girl
Best gaze

why is the half breed so smug?

and delicious?

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Why won't the half-breed come, rip me to shreds, slaughter me and savour my screams?

"Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!"
(I like the idea that skins bring different versions of the characters personality wise and physically. Classic Jinx is different from Mafia, Mafia is different from Fire, Fire is different from Slayer, and Slayer is different from Star. It's entertaining to thing about.)

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on na

is there a model viewer for star guardian janna yet

i want to see her panties

which one to get for jungle?

Those patch notes will help me a lot.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

unrequited love

>Riven shield protected her eggs


Hang on, don't you mean with?

Is Syndra worth getting good at? I mostly play top laners or mid lane assassins and I'd like to add a reliable mage to my champ pool. She seems pretty fun.

Tips for playing her?

Don't you mean explode?

Her magic shield, duh. That sword of her is magical!

>Having any depth in her body or in her personality

(I almost forgot my line: I wanna hold her hand.)

Nobody knows because nobody tried impregnating her yet.

When do key fragment drop rates reset? It's been about a month and a half since I've gotten a fragment drop. So about 120~ games.

How the fuck does a guy that's platinum ll scum have almost half a million suscribers?


Where the fuck are the Yorick buffs guys?

Because I uninstalled a week ago

I don't like tp on mid. You take it top because in hard toplane matchups you can get pressured out of the long lane, but in mid the hard matchups are squishy and you can win them with ignite, or at least make them respect you enough to reach 6 safely. If I wasn't running ignite I would run either cleanse, ghost, or exhaust mid, tp is just really shitty.

If you're having trouble with midlane, consider changing your starting items and/or runes. Definitely take flat armor yellows even into aps because you will get autoed a lot, and consider taking some armor quints in ad matchups, with ap blues. Boots pots is the value start, because you would be buying boots anyway, but hurts your early all-ins significantly. Dorans shield gives less sustain than the boots pots but a better all-in, it will help you vs heroes with good autos and single target spells like Annie and Leblanc. Dorans sword is also pretty good, as is longsword, but you should only go for them if you're confident in the matchup and your ability to get an early kill.

Also, just to be sure, you should be going q>w>q>e if you aren't confident in getting a kill level 1-4 in the matchup. If you're getting e second that might be why you're having trouble in lane

tl;dr don't take tp

your combo should be

Q in their location,quickly use the push to stun,grab something to hit and proc thunderlord. finish off with ignite,ult or another q

remember syndra can grab minions,camps,heimer turrets,anything that is not nailed to the ground,even tibbers

I enjoy her quite a bit, but unless you're good with skillshots she's not going to be a reliable champion for you.

Max R>E>Q>W, don't lose track of your orbs, you have no way to escape if you miss/go in with your stun. Throwing minions is also a good idea.

>Q base damage 30 > 45
>Q AD ratio 40% > 50%
>base AD 57 > 60

Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before


>pick up taliyah
>do well in two normals

Lost both games because of very strange teammates, but hell it was fun anyway. Half the time I had no clue what the fuck I was doing but I still managed to do okay.

Maybe after her buffs and I get more games on her I'll bring her into ranked.

What runes for tank Ivern?
I'm thinking movement speed Quints, scaling CDR (10%)/scaling MR blues and health yellows but can't decide on reds

Also considering gold quints for the luls or (%?) health quints

Post em


at the time she gets her vu

Reminder that Flash is, 90% of the time, used as a band-aid for bad positioning or undoing a bad play/impending death.

Replace Flash with either ghost, ignite, or exhaust, and learn to play the game better.

flash is a gapcloser

But when I play Annie 90% of the time flash is used as an IMPENDING TIBBERS DROP button.

or a gapmaker,depends on what you play

>come back 6 hours later
>Singed STILL disabled
What does Riot even do all day?

They sit around spitballing ideas for new skins, champs, and other shit.


pw is vidya

forgot to post results screen oops

Why was he disabled?
Had a bug that caused the entire enemy team to chase him die?

>tfw cant get lvl 7 on azir

when are they gonna do the stupid rework so I dont feel like im wasting time?

but I can't flash pull on blitzcrank or flash e on leona or flash e people back on alistar without flash

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

his Q did massive damages to Baron allowing him to solo it whenever and quickly

>play with Veeky Forums
>shit the bed
>get carried anyway

been using ghost instead of flash for 2 days,i say its better unless you need to emergency escape over a wall or want to juke.

lower cd,better for running away or chasing





pw is vidya

it's only fun if they run


I seriously hope they keep that line for the rework

Although it wont be as corny anymore

we all want what we cant have

I wanna fill your bp



Can you guys please stop going Deathfire's Touch on Jhin. Use Stormraider's Surge; it's better. The damage boost from DFT is miniscule in terms of value in comparison to Stormraider's. As an ADC one of the most important things you need to do in a fight is live. Stormraider's makes positioning braindead easy and makes you so slippery you don't die unless you act like a dumbass. If you go with Jhins best current build of Youmuu>Duskblade>RFC>IE, you will deal enough damage throughout the entire game to proc your Stormraider's against every Bruiser and against most tanks. You don't suffer from procing it like people initially said when Jhin would build Crit and AS. You go full Arm.Pen nowadays, so no matter what you have an oppurtunity to proc it.


Yes, this is a repost

>give him back his knockup

>undo damage nerfs

>remove all gimicky shit they did with his W. Soldiers attack speed now only scales with the skill level

Here.I fixed azir

Kek. I always wonder how it is to find a bug and exploit it before anyone finds out, like that one with TF perma-cleansing and healing himself with Mikaels.

>Your Leona goes full support (Iron Solari, Face of the mountain, sightstone) ASAP so she doesn't get tanky and her CDR is not good enough to peel.

I hate non Leona mains who go Leona.

>being wrong
>spamming misinformation
>not understanding how jhin works at all

Re-confirmed fertile GG


desu Taric could take Lucy's spot but I wanna keep it predominately adc orientated

>In bots testing new champs
>2 afk and 2 just feeding
>Can't do shit and bots wont end the game
Just left that game, will I get banned or punished for leaving?

>Champions that can delete an entire enemy team by themselves in a few seconds
What else?





pw vidya


7/10, get that Rek outta here


I'll fight you IRL. Meet me by the dumpster in the liquor store parking lot.

that is what leona is supposed to do moron

sightstone ALWAYS first,then supp item and fill the rest as needed against enemy

ruby sightstone,face of mountain,locket,mobi boots,2 defense items


/vg vs Veeky Forums +3 na

pw is vidya

custom games box checked



If Twitch is doing that the game would either be over anyway because you fed the shit out of him or you let him farm for 30 minutes and you deserve it.

i want to die

noone else can really match the speed that twitch does it


vg vs vg my niggas

pw is the same ol shit

>4 seconds for a total of 8 (+ 25% AP) (+ 60% bonus AD) magic damage.
Hmm, its almost like you get a crazy amount of bonus AD or something

niggas posting threads early and making me post in ded threds

oh baby you weren't kidding

holy shit i'm sorry i ever doubted you i did that exact start and it went... a little bit well

I'm not saying he is broken just that he has the potential to burst all 5 members of a team in a few seconds.
A lot of champions snowball hard but very few can do this.
Ah yes I forgot.

I like you. Lux is a bonus.

Always love me a good Leona but the rest are...

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