League of Legends General - /lolg/

Bumper cars edition



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na.op.gg/summoner/userName=respected loner

xth for best husband

Star Guardian Janna!

Holy fuck now ranked is disabled like what the fuck please someone come to my house and kill me now. after losing like all my ranked games today because of fucking afks I can't even play anymore.

I feel so ashamed

>Hes only spent $1000
Look at this casual

>Yorick's minions are weaker than Malz
>Yorick's minions are harder to summon than Malz
>Yorick's minions are hard to direct at priority targets than Malz
>Yorick's minions are easier to kill than Malz
>Yorick's minions are fewer in number than Malz
>Yorick's minions don't apply effects like Malz
>Yorick's lockdown allowing the minions to go to town on a target is less lengthy than Malz
>Yorick's lockdown doesn't hurt people like Malz

He needs better imps.

>ranked is disabled
>no lol bf to play norms with

guess im just gonna fucking go to sleep

>says shit like this
>doesn't leave server/ign

can we have lol bf's if we aren't gay? also where do I find a lol bf?

can someone post the riot email where user ask to marry Lulu but riot says no but user can marry Poppy instead


NA, ign: imthem

I've been a mid/support main, but I've decided I'm fucking done with bot lane and it's bullshit

I want to start queuing mid/top

Who are some good ranged champions I can play top? Cannot play melee for shit. I can play Teemo but his late game sucks.

Whatever happened to this faggot

>there's a Yas main in chat bitching about his pick getting banned by his team
>and his back up he's playing is Riven
holy shit this webm is perfect

shot by a zookeeper

Vi vs Skarner, need one to play when Zac and Amumu are banned out.

Don't know that feel 'cause I do have a lol bf




Those come to mind

Vel Koz

The guy was a gold mine for sure.

what am I supposed to say instead? "hay fags add gaybear213 on na for a hot time"

no you cant have a lol bf if youre not gay

then youre just lolfriends


Is there some lore shit that makes them not want to have lulu marry, or is he just being funny.

>Yorick's minions can gapclose unlike Malz's
>Yorick's minions don't require an alternate skill to level like Malz's
>Yorick's minion numbers are more consistent than Malz's
>Yorick's minions don't have a time duration unlike Malz's
>Yorick's minion numbers are refreshed if Lady of the Mist is active unlike Malz's
>Yorick's minion graves can mindgame the enemy and passively zone them in lane because Yorick can call them whenever he wants once set up unlike Malz's
>Yorick's lockdown traps multiple people unlike Malz's
>Yorick's splitpushing is 10x more effective than Malz's
>Yorick has better lockdown than Malz pre-six for better early game ganks

shrugs I guess Malzahar is garbage

you're supposed to give them your dang ign and server so people can actually be your lol bf you DINGUS

Lulu is a little girl. Poppy is an adult.

I was definitely thinking about learning Kayle or Quinn 'cause they're both very versatile

Do people play that?

Also, in the event that I am absolutely forced to fill a tank role, who's the easiest tank to play? Can I build any ranged champs tanky? I must emphasize that I'm really, really bad at melee, but I do care about team comp.

>poppy is already promised to another

lulu is a child user

lulu is tight and pure

poopy is a mega slut literally walking around the country looking for bigger dicks

I want a toplaner that does well against most match ups and can hard carry. Is Quinn good for this?

because lulu is already married to veigar

>Can I build any ranged champs tanky?
That would be gnar

TF x Graves

Hadn't thought of him, thanks! Any general tips to not suck at Gnar?

Max W. People will try to tell you not to, but mid game you will be 3 shotting peeps.

watch NA LCS c9 games where impact plays gnar
get builds, levels, runes, and masteries here

guys what should i do with my smurf? na.op.gg/summoner/userName=respected loner
could i make any money selling it? how much would it go for? or should I just keep it

It seems like an lol bf is easier to find than a lol gf.

I guess that makes sense, since they say only about one in 10 players is female. But other media has contradicted that and say as many as 4 in 10 are female. So the truth is probably somewhere in between.

But in any event, I wish you guys luck and I hope you find happiness in your quest.

Someday, I'll meet a lol gf.

>Can I build any ranged champs tanky?
thats either Gnar or Cho

>Do people play that?
is not meta but works on many top like Garen, Fiora, Tryn, Darius.

that being said he has its draw back. like any champ with a hard dash or point and click dash will force you to play under tower. like Wu Kong, or Irelia. so its doable but you have to be extremely good at Vel to be fair

don't listen to this literal retard
there's a reason nobody maxs W first

You can always make some dosh from a diamond account but You could probably trade it to some irl for more value.

lulu is essentially 12 both mentally and physically even if she's lived aeons in the glade

just give it to me, smurfs arent worth shit after the xp changes

lolskinshop sells diamond accounts for like $250 so you could sell for like $200

What do you build on Nami, lolgen?

statik shiv

sell it on an auction site
I've been scripting accounts to plat for years and been making solid dosh off it.

every friday after work I hop on league and script up to plat or even diamond if I want to put in effort and sell accounts easy as pie, haven't been caught or warned yet, and there's somehow still demand for plat/diamond accounts too.

there's ur chance sona poster
like 3 cute girls looking for a lol bf

>tfw no /lolg/ gf
How hard is it even to find someone that won't make me gay by sticking it in them?

>3 cute girls
user they're gay

whats the singed bug?
also, any Veeky Forums games up?

girls only get lolbfs irl, like if you DONT know them irl then youre always less important than their friend group and irl orbiters

cute introverted guys that wear panties and shave their legs dont really flaunt that arround openly so the internet is a better place for them to find bfs

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>waiting till zed ult actually completes before casting E
You do realise that the delay is about the same length as the time zed is invulnerable, right? You can cast it as soon as he ults and you'll probably end up hitting him

i mean, there actually was a steam thread on the other chan's trap board
it's dead now
i will not explain nor justify what i was doing on /trap/

>Keep getting d/c or afkers
>All of them play it off saying its just ranked.
>And somehow they put the blame on us that they have a shit computer.

Can I just have one game where we have a fighting chance?

>it's just ranked

>hate playing bot cause I always get the troll supports or bards
>like playing jhin

fuck you lolg im playing jhin mid

I know, it was the one fuck up on my part.

Jhin mid is actually pretty good

>Double digit health
>Press W
>Survive with just the smallest user's dick of health while my team kills whoever is focusing me

Master Yi in low elo is one helluva guy.

user Jhin mid is fine
Just play it safe, ER Rapidfire, be really autistic with your trap placement and take thunderlords

is this a meme or is this because nami has no waveclear and it's an absurd sounding build that's actually legit

Told ya fags Tanky Yi is better than pure damage Yi

>its just ranked

>goes into game
>Fiora says top yorick enemy keeps disconnecting
>ask if she should spare him

play Jhin top, also you have a good wake clear with bouncing grenade. all boils down to how good is your skill shot skills.
you can out poke most close range with your traps and out range most champions. you can even out range a xerath

I climbed a few ranks early when he was just released with jhin mid

gonna take thundermeme but still going the youmuus duskblade build

>or bards
Jhin-Bard is actually really strong

Funny I always get shit adc who build no damage at all forcing me to play a support that scales to win the game. As for the bards I don't see why people fuck around with that champ I always get an S just putting down my dumb heal.

>Finally make it back to promos
>Get meme pickers that feed then go afk
Fucking awesome.

Did they buff Riven? Because I'm seeing more Riven players than usual.

Also what does lolgen build on Xin? Skill order?

You do how you do user.
Just try to hit your CDR fast like, even consider going 45%. You'll already have an ADC so >utility Jhin mid is kind of how I play it.

Different user but yesterday someone asked how to meme on nami and I said shiv for wave clear.

For some reason no matter how much I get my Sivir fed she always fucks it up causing us to lose. I am almost to the point I just leave the game the second I see someone lock her in.

Network Operations – 3:01 AM

Ranked queues are currently disabled in preparation for an upcoming maintenance occurring at 2016/09/23 01:30 PDT.

Wait what? Today just turned the 22nd...does that mean it will be down all day?

>bt first on riven
>riven losing to illaoi

how? She has 4 low CD dashes, how does she lose to illaoi

>teammate picks Kled mid
>gets absolutely shit on by Ryze
>solokilled multiple times

have you ever heard of timezones faggot?

"Wtf? I dodged her Q and E, and she has no mana, but she still autos me to death"

Right underneath Riven's turret, too.

Skarner is more like Amumu/Zac. Vi is more about the damage than CC.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

As a Illaoi main, I find that very hard to believe.

why is everyone picking zac now wth

Don't drown!

Every other jungler got nerfed, now Zac is all that's left.

He's strong, fun easy to play

Amazing early ganks, becomes a mega tank, and shits out damage while also having a crazy amount of CC.

You tell me.

well to be fair it did get worse after qt played it and made a youtube about it.

It's probably Riven being a retard and Illaoi murdering her because most Rivens are too stupid to use their shield dash before their Qs.

I can believe it, because I had another "Ribbon mayne" on my team the game before that.

>spergs out because I ended up getting the bonus gold for turret first-blood
>continues to sperg out because while I was taking dragon, the enemy team took herald
>spent rest of game flaming me in /allchat

Like the user said Everyone else got nerfed one way or the other, meanwhile Zac was allways decent but outclassed. It was probably the Gragas ult gutting that sent Zac into the top junglers.

>he also complains about jungler not letting him steal camps
He probably doesn't even know that junglers get more xp for them. Any good jungler will stop you from stealing his camps unless he is on the other side of the map or you're super behind and not a shitter at the same time (ultra rare case).

I'm really considering getting a coach, maybe 2 hours or so i can figure out how to carry harder. I'm Bronze 2 (63lp), climbed my way from Bronze 3. At one point I was bronze 1 with 70 something LP then it all went to shit. I need to learn how to carry harder but due to zero friends it's extremely difficult to know what I'm doing wrong and watching streams and guides only does so much. Anyone ever had a someone coach them or have any input? I main jungle and play Zac, Amumu, and Vi with alt role either being mid or bot but I'm garbage at cs'ing.

Fuck, why are good Lee Sin players so fun to play with? Literally the best ganks in the game.

>Needing a coach to git gud

Just fucking practice a bit and play carry champs you fag

>high mobility semi squishy
>vs a point and click root long range burst game

>first game, I had a vlad top that DC'd, came back, waited for the 4min mark, DC'd the entire match, and then came back just as the enemy is doing its last push
>he doesnt get leaver punishment because he came back ;^)
>second game, graves DC'd in the middle of the match and just never came back
>enemy proceeds to have fun killing all of us while blitz throws himself at their arms because "SHE'S" bored
>somehow riot thinks this is perfectly fine
I'm adding "break both of phreak's legs" to my list of things to do when I get superman's powers.

just watch n3ac3y's coaching vids
Hell even some of tricks 'My Way' vids can help

tanky, can gank beyond bush ward
