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purged: old thread which wasn't linked in the previous one because OP was a faggot: >Vicar/Redditslayer Event

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Which has longer reach and easier to keep advancers away with between:

>lothric long spear

>dragonslayer spear

>dragonslayer swordspear

Also how is my vicar build?



is there any way to make the bonewheel viable as a vicar weapon?

heavy infusion maybe?

Backstab only takes into account the direction of the person to activate the attempt. I don't see the issue.

use it for push -> avelyn combos

late as fuck reply but- on my end you looked like you had absolutely no health when you went down the stairs after him

No one does dancer at that level. How the hell are you even thst level there?

Some people rush her early near sl 20 to sub 30

And most come around three normal level which is about 35-45.

I don't think anyone is ever above sl 50 when they first enter lothric castle


Is the wolf in the gameplay trailer for the DLC confirmed for Sif? Vaati seems to think so

I've updated that heal pic weeks ago. Here's the complete version if you or somebody else needs it.

lothric spear has the longest range out of these three as far as I know

You should probably get a helmet that matches the sunless armor. The sneering mask fits perfectly and is seen as the symbol of vicars.

She's dead now anyway
I do pitiful damage against oceiros though

Pardon my autism, but why "vicars" anyway?
Doesn't that word stand for a rather high-ranked member of the church?
Why are there so many?

Sif has been fucking dead for thousands of years

of course not, he has a different combat style, he has a huge scar on its face and he's like three times as fast as Sif
it's just from the same species

Stop flirting with me you dirty heal slut

Am I reading this wrong or Replenishment is completely worse than Gentle Prayer?

the issue is that the aldrich follows hornet animation while the host doesn't use it

It's what was voted on the Strawpoll.

Personally, I wanted Bishop or Inquisitor.

I assumed it has something to do with Bloodborne. One of its bosses has Vicar in its name, doesn't it?

i think that having a single name just makes it easier for bloodfags to avoid the rightful holy dicking by black crystalling out

>punishing gankers

Vicar Amelia
Laurence the First Vicar
Has nothing to do with BB tho

it sounds cool

That's kinda lame, but I guess it can't be helped.
Even higher than vicar, if I'm not mistaken.
That'd be solid.

Fulfill your duty.
Purge the unclean.

We using password "dsg" for vicar summons or just whitesigns at pontiffs?

>tfw bloodshades gank me when I am alone.

hey mozgusbro, what are you gonna run? considering there's no book weapon (sadly)

I'll tweak it a bit more, but it's looking good, specially when hollow.

Also, anyone wants to do co-op?
I've been playing solo all the time, but it's getting boring.
Sl 32+2, just killed the Crystal Sage.

31 days left

I know you secretly like it. Why resist?
You read it right. The only advantage replenishment has is the fact that you don't have to keep holding your chime for it to work, but it's pretty irrelevant considering that most weapons' 1h movesets are better than 2h movesets.
~6 hours of purging so far, going to increase that number further today. Heretics will be eradicated.
We use the "dsg" password.

You can be gilded, or any holy sounding name, really, paladin, crusader, priest, inquisitor, whatever.

dsg, think we got no hosts now.

It depends on what Church you're talking about, really.


"Inquisitor" is long and therefore leaves little space for our names. We were first supposed to be Executors, but dropped that title because it was long as fuck.

What level do most people do Champion Gundyr at, exactly? I never had this much trouble summoning phantoms (and actually getting summoned takes forever, too).

>Vicars of the Deep

Does that wolf have a jet engine in his ass ?

I fucking love the fact that DS3 literally has you fight a bunch of Undead priests lead by one dressed like the Pope. Even if the fight itself isn't particularly fun.

I've just been using the RHH/Saints bident so far. Maybe i'll just bop sinners on the head with my talisman. It's depressing there's no giant bible

Reminder that deacons are "our" guys

What platform

>comparing the vicars with that heretical, corrupted filth

Are you seriously putting this much thought into the naming of a meme covenant?.

What would be the best title for a female miracle caster? Gilded, Bishop, or high priestess maybe?
How is gilded holy sounding?


The damage they deal isn't even so little, especially when they managed to fire in perfect sync

No it fits, it's just that our deacons went a bit more hollow

I'd guess around 70- 80

>peeve managed to organize a war between fedora edgelords and clerics on high enough level to make viable hybrids possible
Not bad.

Just go with vicar.

We're all Vicars. If you're making a new character for this, name her a Vicar.
"Gilded" and "Vicar" were the two most popular covenant ideas, so we combined both of them into one.

Keep it Vicar.

The point is to make it seem like a UNIFORMED organised gank. If people start sprouting out their own variants, badshits will eventually come to terms that the original covenant has been watered out by non Veeky Forums vanguards. We don't want that

Keep it Vicar.

...Well, that would explain why I'm not seeing anyone. I'm like 57.

Maybe 60 I'd guess for lower end.

Vaati is a fucking idiot

"Over"leveled PvP is the best. It was the main reason why I didn't mind SM in DaS2, and this Bloodshade vs Vicar shit made me like DaS3 which I hated a few days ago.

But I want invaders to know that I'm not just any low level priest.

I'm going with pastor or maybe arch bishop so everyone knows that I'm in charge

So that guy doesn't look very special. Looks like a player.
>Equipping watchdogs in that area lets you get summoned for that fight

fuck off with your autism then, no one will summon you since you'll throw off the harmony

170 is not really overleveled in ds3
i'm starting to think it's around a level fromsoft designed us to stop simply because of a flat defense which gives a MAJOR penalty to fast spammy dps shit

make your own church then
trying to be a special snowflake is heresy, and heretics are for purging, not for ganking with

He is a player, why else would he have a darkwraith mask on?

both wolf and guy have a title "graveguard"
obvious new covenant

This is the problem with these kinda things.
It attracts all kinds of Attentionwhores and special snowflakes.

Just be like everyone else you mouthbreather.

Okay, good luck being summoned, you fucking autist

>don't follow the rules
>don't expect to be helped out


Wut, didn't see that anywhere

Vicars aren't low level though

i can coop with you. what's the password/where do i put my sign?

my fault, not graveguard, gravetender

Anyone hosting?

opps didn't mean to link

>the demo player character was set to Soul Level 100
I call bullshit
Takes a ton of hits and walks awaywhile chugs an estus as an afterthought

Yeah me the arch bishop and leader is hosting.
They aren'tthr leader so its low level compared to the leader
Why make my own church or beg for summons when I can just make myself the leader and summon a bunch of low levels like you?

not to mention
>infinite END

what we saw is not a playable demo but footage directly from developers, almost certainly with godmode and max stats

W..would anyone on ps4 like to help me trade some stuff over to a new character? I'll give you something in return too, just tell me what you'd like to have.

Cleansing Chapel, password dsgcoop

Fuck off there is no hierarchy system in this church, we're all the same


why not caestus?

I'm staring to agree with this... SL 170 in group combat, it feels right.

>Why make my own church or beg for summons when I can just make myself the leader and summon a bunch of low levels like you?
That's not the words a true leader should say if he wants or expects others to follow him.

Do we have an universal emote for the vicars? If not it would be really helpful.

reminder that sl170 still allows you to be invaded by sl120 aldritch fags
no need to stop ever using those characters if you will ever want to have fun again

holy shit, im not doing this covenant meme thing because i cant be fucked playing the game again that much, but these "Bloodshade" players keep sipping in duels

these are not invaders, these are players whos signs i have summoned and 3 of the 4 bloodshades i summoned sipped, the 4th died to the basic bitch r1r1r2 claymore catch

Thing is, champ, you're not the leader. This covenant doesn't have a leader, we're not like Peeve and his badshits.

Everyone be advised that this "Arch Bishop" fella is a heratic and you should Black Crystal out and\or not summon him until he knows his place.


By my sword is the most used.

if any of you figure out how to make your eyes glow red like champion gundyr, let me know

Prayer and the sitting dragon one with the crossed legs. By my sword also

>we're all the same
I wish more people would wear robes too instead of bulky armour.

Everyone has their style, you don't see Catholic\Protestant\Orthedox priests wearing the exact same garment. Everyone I've encountered as a Vicar, however, has been wearing the Sneering Mask.

Sneering mask is the primary set.

>tfw scythe girl will be brutally killed, with her blood spilled everywhere

well the title and general faith theme is the only thing really necessary, we have some going the guilded route, some going the "anything gold" route, some going the BB executioner cosplay, and a few running the armored paladin look. its all good and well as long as it moderately fits together as anti-edge holy looking.

Oh, it's you again, cool.
Should I use dried fingers? I wouldn't mind a bit of PvP while progressing.

i'm terrible at PvP


good night /dsg/
