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What exactly about yog is getting nerfed and what other cards, decks, and classes are getting nerfed?

I was just going to make a yog Druid deck too last week but was too busy to do so.

If yog gets nerfed then what are the new t1 decks? I'd imagine hunter will be dominant

we did it reddit :^)

What did he mean with this?



Find a flaw

I play scarab in my evolve deck

Now with shaman nerfed a bit i think control warrior will see a raise in power. Also i've been having a lot of wins with murloc pally recently (and some urrelevant streamer held rank 1 legend with it too). SOme of my friends say that tempo mage will come back but i think with the yogg nerf they won't.

Is it worth buying a bunch of Whisper packs now for the dust? I am still missing a lot of good legendary cards from the set

Oh well, my respect for you and a fedora tip. people like you make hearthstone better (and give me free wins on my fedora warrior).

When will this community stop wanting free shit? We basically have 1 pack/week, 200+ dust/month from chest and 330+ gold/week if you play the bare minimum.

And I still hear that this is a hard game for beginners, you pretty much dont have to spend any money if you farm for a few months.

who timmy here

Only if you have the balls to gamble on getting yogg for that sweet free dusst, since there are like 4 relevant legos in the set.

help me build a dragon priest /hsg/

Yogg because Yogg. It's literally the best card in the game, are you crazy?

After nerf though I still think N'Zoth would be better than Ysera because of all of the deathrattles combined with barnes and rez cards adding extra copies to the N'Zoth pool.

Me, have also been having some wins with this. Even though I can only beat midrange decks by outvalueing them.

If you have the dust, craft the Yogg and play Yogg Druid until the nerfs hit. You still have a week or two to play the deck before the nerfs, and then when the nerfs hit you get all of your dust back anyways.

It's like a Free Play Weekend from Steam. If you have 1600 dust you can play Yogg for 2 weeks for free.

AOE of your choice, I usually prefer holy nove, also I would recommend adding N'zoth with Chillmaw with Dragonlord. The greed usually pays off for me.

>Get to rank 15 in one sweep
>Suddenly i stop getting the key cards
>every yogssaron gives the other dude everything he needs to win
>Lose all brawls even when its v1
>The ohter dude topdecks the card it needs to win a lost game
>suddenly perfect curves literally 12345 lose in turn 5 because they got literally everything they needed
>If i manage to win its because the other dude literally has no nothing else to clean the board with

This is worse than the forced 50% in Dota

Is there any online card game that isn't rigged?

Yes, but I also want cards like Loatheb and wouldn't mind Fuegen/Stalagg, so I figure it's cheaper to pay the 1400 gold than to buy 14 packs and dust them along with whatever other dust I have lying around

What happened to Cthun and Nzoth Warrior?

We're back to regular Control Warrior now

Surprised at how good Sjow's list is against mid shaman. Despite all the maelstrom/lightning storm dumbfuckery, it has so much reload it can still go card for card with it unless they just high roll on totems every time.

No, we aren't, EU warriors run this shit still

Yogg is just too good. I suspect C'Thun and N'Zoth are going to see a big resurgence after the nerfs, especially in warrior.

More decks should run Baron Geddon, the guy's amazing against Shaman

I'm kinda ok with that CW is always the most skill intensive deck and best mirror match to watch and play.

zoo list*

Nzoth gets memed by Hex so no one plays it. Cthun is still alright but probably just weaker than regular CW overall at the moment

But most of the time he punishes you. When there were more mages they would just start throwing burn at your face. I used to get so mad at him.

I've been playing nothing but nzoth warrior

Post favorite card.

Ok, i'm new to this game and tried to copy the zoo deck from a list of google, what should i do to improve this?

favorite card.

>have to play Hearthstone because Shadowverse is in maintenance right now
The worst.

Do you think Priest can get back to tier 1-2 in the December expansion or will Anduin have to wait till Standard Year 2

I miss them

>the renolock lists that used these guys

fucking based

Oh man this card gave a second life to anyfin, I just wanna suck this' cards dick, I'm not a faggot though.

they would actually be good with owl being nerfed too

No adventures? Doomguard is better than that 6 mana 5/2 charge. Imp master or harvest golem is better than the murloc. Rest is fine for budget.

I actually got to legend running these in pally along with memehouse, it was great

Deathrattle Shaman is surprisingly strong in Wild.

Nostalgia thread

you can only run 2 hex or poly
yogg is king of standard, but nzoth is king of wild
with shit like belcher and shredder (not to mention fucking tirion and co) it floods the board with OP bullshit
might as well name it Call of the Balance

Pooped on by midrange hunter
Pooped on by Hex

>poly sylvanas+1
>Flamestrike nzoth
>VIrtually everything dies

I know why they call it roping now!
Priests are LITERALLY trying to get me to fucking hang myself!

I know that feel.


Looks pretty decent for a budget deck. Figure out if you want to craft regular zoo cards or discard zoo cards, not really sure which is the better archetype at the moment.

Start working on getting the adventures for shit like Malchazar's Imp, Imp Gang Boss, Silverware Golem, Dark Peddlers. Get packs and try to craft or unpack Forbidden Ritual, Sea Giants and eventually Leeroy or even Gormok.

There's a lot of flex cards in zoo and cheaper variants of zoo can be stronger than more expensive ones. Also keep in mind Standard rotations.

And don't forget the meme, Zoo is control



Is Yogg still worth keeping around for a 25+ spell mememage? If not I'll dust him but I already have 2k dust which I have no idea what to do with.


>dust every nerfed card
>get full refund
>if you still want it you can craft again without dust loss

Everytime there are nerfs, people always ask the same dumb question

Just dust him man, worst case scenario you recraft.

If you could nerf one card, what would it be and how?

>asking this right after blizzard announced a bunch of nerfs

wait for the new meta

>tfw there are no new good decks left to try and no motivation to play the game anymore

Do you think the new Charge has a place as a Warrior Control card? So many possibilities

Thank you i just craft a doomguard, and i'm saving to gold to buy the disco adventure

Some cards will be OP no matter the meta.

Better yet, what cards would you buff and how would you do it?

why run that trash card instead of real removal

Once again blizzard nerfs stupid card they printed to completly obliterate decks they deem bad. Instead they push stupid archetypes they made up so they can control the meta.

Now with shaman nerfed, who is new king of standard?

It's a solid Patron activator now.

It's still going to be fucking shaman famalam

It's not a bad choice, it will be the only standard adventure left. You're gonna need to save a while though, the good zoo card is at the final wing, Silverware Golem isn't good enough on it's own. It does have some solid cards like Maelstrom Potal and Barnes earlier on though so it's a solid buy overall.

Change Spellslinger to just your hand.

No, it has been warsonged.

Charging Sylvanas sounds fun

Hunter and Druid. CWarrior if you have the patience. I reached legend with 70%+ winrate with a secret hunter list. Maybe cotw nerf will hurt it a little, but not that much I think.

yeah but is it worth a card slot? I don't think so

If Warriors had a Discover a spell card I think it would be really cool. Blizz pls.

It hasn't been Warsonged.
Charge is playable in Patron, Warsong is not.

>So many possibilities

Gul'dan detected

Patron is a joke by now.

Zoo is Control

Why is the art so average?

Because there are many artists. The quality varies.

All you need to make this card OP is a Murloc that say "Murlocs cost 1 less"


Wow, that's some noce OC.

this is not really impressive though. It look pretty average looking

I've never spent a dollar on this piece of shit of a game,

I love Mill Rogue. The pause you get when your opponent realises what is going on and is completely thrown off is great.

As I said, quality varies. SV also has many cards that look almost like they're from MtG.


i think he's referring to gadgetzan auctioneer

Keep or free legendary of choice?


Too bad miil rogue is the only class that has a mill potential and he gets shredded by agro now due to the lack of heal.

Free legendary on choice

Net Decked


Great legendary. A savior against aggro decks since they cant polymorph or hex it.
Mages hate him, discover his secret!

Soggoth is p. good.

Oh, sorry, dodn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

He's pretty fun in control matchups.
He's also a decent topdeck against aggro, just the danger of having a dead draw on turns 1-8 is a bit scary.
He's also pretty secret tech since almost no one runs him.

War Golem?

Thinking of crafting this deck for wild, except probably swapping spellbreaker for ironbeak and Cho'Gall for Dr. Boom because I'm cheap

thoughts? Any better Renolock list for wild?

I sometimes wonder if I should just get 50 packs of each expansion