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Yordles best BEST


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1st for malphite nerfs

>>Why did you crop that picture faggot?
>I make and crop every picture I post

fuck off kid

did brazil really win?
can you post webms?

did they stop dynamic q on dia+?

>WAKE UP (>no patch)


pls no why

Okay guys here me out.

Remove pic related, it's complete irrelevant and only existed to facilitate Mordekaiser in a duo lane.

Instead add to his W a resistance steal over time as long as the enemy remains in the circle, reinforcing his gameplay which rewards the Mordekaiser player for long trades and punishes enemy all ins.


">NA sucks! But cheer for TSM!"
Good job doubleshit.
Nice remake.

New player with no idea what I'm doing. How do I praise the sun?

Frozen and Locket are core, right?

>get shit skin shards
>reroll into random permanent
>get 3 cool skins in a row
>no essence

dont make my mistake guys.


>TSM loses to RNG
>H2K loses to AHQ

When do I kill myself?

Is BRNA a girl or a black guy?

How about
>reworked mordekaiser to his old one
There, fixed

HP > MR > AR if you're near a mage or the enemy team has double ap
HP > AR > MR if you didn't buy mr first

>tfw league's skill designs prevent them from ever implementing Rubick


Start Q
Max R>W>Q>E

Go hard lvl 2 or go home

>any good

god damn youre retarded
and tsm is known to disappoint everyone

i fucking hate dynamic queue. Faced a team of 3 2 times in a row. Why the fuck is this allowed for plat. Let's be real, normies with friends do not group in high elo. This shit should stay in gold or below or silver and below

I'll ask again here.
Wukong, Vi or Olaf for the jungle?

Punch first

>BR team beats China first seed
>TSM still loses to chinese 2nd seed

>high elo

Eh, best 6% of players or something like that. I'd say Plat can count as high elo.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.


Only because the other 94% of players dont give a shit about ranked. Plat is average at best.

i wanna go in adventures with shyvana!

he makes me happy

Ask questions while punching

be brave.

>Plat count as high elo

This is what platfags actually believe.

be aware you can literally 1 shot the enemy adc as long as you land everything and he follows up.

i like this meme

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

More like:
>Riot will never implement a spell thief because they're too lazy to create custom animations for a champion using every spell in the game
Besides, if Riot ever did steal Rubick you know they'd make him only able to steal ults to lighten their workload.

Best icon?

>fail bronze II promos
just kill me now, end my miserable pointless existence

I'm not an ape.

Chink lover


>unironically stuck in bronze

Literally how. I just finished boosting 3 silver 5 players to gold 5 and i lost a combined 10 games out of about 80. Its impossible to lose as long as you have hands.

It could be worse. You could be a no lifer like me and drop from D4 to D5 and sit at 0 lp with like 5 losses against me.


>get gold
>lmao ur shit
>get plat
>plat is silver lmao get the fuck out
>get diamond
>wow nice job beating the shitters in plat lmao
>get masters
>who fucking cares you arent chally fuck off lmao
>get chally
>not even ladder top 10 fuck off lmao
>get top ladder
>who cares lmao you arent even in a team
>get in a team
>lmao fucking wild card shitter tier
>get in a good team
>still not faker rofl

>every game has been mid leaving
the fuck


>reach faker lvl
>you're washed up lmao

I need more of the bros being silly together

intz porra

What's your elo? I unironically want to get from silver V to gold V and don't know how can I pull that off.
I don't want to get boosted, I want tricks to jump.

H-hey buddy...
Ya... you got source on that pic there?

>brazil beats china first seed
>TSM loses to china second seed

Brazil > TSM


Welfare d5 player. Been diamond since season 2 though.

Why do people hate nocturne? He's pretty good. I just think he suffers from "Massive shitter" syndrome. Where the majority of people who play him have no idea how to play him. And just ult whenever and feed out their asses, further contributing to the nocturne paradox.

I don't know man, I'm pretty fucking bad at the game
One of the games I lost was a Darius who was competent boosting three shit-tier friends. The bot lane was feeding their ass off from the beginning so I tried camping for the lux. The lux ended up being a fucking retard who had 40cs at 10 minutes and used the kill and constant blue buffs I gave her to do jack squat (least damage on the team). Built abyssal scepter first too.
We could've won but the Darius disconnected so we suddenly had no damage.

On the other hand, I was pretty retarded about actually going for objectives. Gave up first dragon and didn't really push towers early; I usually fuck this kind of thing up. I play Zac and Amumu and shit, so I can kind of compensate by being useful in teamfights, but it's a definite area to improve.

To be fair I don't play that much ranked. But yeah, I'm fucking garbage.


pick blitz and hook kids
everytime you hook somebody for fb say in all chat:
>ill report your (fag ad you just killed) for unskilled
then rush talisman and mobos and roam everywhere killing everyone, games will end at 20

League feels so weird to play after a break

but my dumb vayne can't kill for shit

If you win your lane 100% of games you will statistically win 80% of the time. There are always gonna be some games you cant win unless you are literally faker (or at least a diamond player). Dont worry about those and just keep playing.

pros: good 6 ganks, strong mid-game if fed, can thrive if enemy team is uncoordinated
cons: squishy all-in champ without a ton of burst. udyr, lee, jarvan, etc can do everything he can and more, safer

>tfw you actually see a zed not feed and contribute to the team

how lucky did I get? 1 in a million?

Blitz is permaban in silver.

look dude
even an ape can kill the 40% hp ad you just pulled into your minion wave

Anyone else hoping that intz makes it out? I'm sick of commentary shitting on iwc teams constantly.

zeds dont feed, they win lane then go on to be useless.

Name of artist please.

about as lucky as ill be when u kill yourself

I'm sure you can find her user

I don't lane usually, I jungle. Yeah, there's counterjungling and counterganking, but the extent of my counterjungling is usually just taking a few camps here or there. The only champ I play that can really push the enemy jungler's shit in early is Vi, and even then I feel uncomfortable doing it. Should I switch to mid as my primary and just Lux people to death?

At least my aspirations are really low. My dream is just to get to poverty gold tier before the end of the season.

>There's only two options: win or die
Is Zedd and/or Riot telling bad players to kill themselves?

How do we make Nunu good again?

Xth for best ship in LoL

Although I'm gonna write Vlad x Jinx smut soon.

>love adc
>suck at it
>decide to pick GP back up
>play top cause i actually win with it
>wow this is really easy wtf
>legit climbed 2 divisions with TP flank teamfight slaughters and good laning
maybe im just not as good at the mechanical stuff.

His W is now a %hp stun

total rework
make his numbers laughably high at first
nerf him to unviability again

I agree, however if your team is competent and you ONLY ult past mid game (You should have won by now as fed nocturne.) when your team is backing you up. You should be able to survive. That spellshield is fucking beautiful, it allows you to nullify so much shit.

you were in my game?


sounds like it's not actually the best ship and you know it

>snowball is skillshot
>landing consecutive snowballs deals more damage and slows more

>jungle main
>always get mid over jungle in ranked

wow thanks riot games

How is that even possible?!

>At three stacks of Snowball Fight nunu may cast Q on it for 75% of the currently level of Q in magic damage

did you have a wukong jungle? who got baited to die first blood by the horrible retarded bot lane blitz lucian?

I haven't been able to get jungle as much as I used to even though I pick jungle as my first preference and still wait 10 minutes for queues. I guess everyone in NA just picked up jungle recently or something. Stay strong, fellow jungle main.

riot add it now

Dynamic queue seems to try as hard as possible to give people mid if they queue with it as their secondary for some reason.


quick I'm going to jungle
what do I pick

I think it's because of all the people getting boosted because it's the end of the season, as I imagine jungle is one of the easier roles to carry from.

Why doesn't riot rebroadcast their alternate stream along with the main one?


Bear of electric scratching

This is what ive learned from my years in diamond. All you gotta do to be a successful jungler is make the enemy jungler useless. This is why high challenger junglers never lose because you literally end up in a 4v6. If you are motivated I suggest studying and learning the game at a deeper level.

So let me get this straight, eu lost all 3 games yesterday?

is bear of many 5volt batteries good at counterjungling