League of Legends General - /lolg/

Taric is good edition.




Shaco is the best jungler.


Is Nautilus still good top, or should I pick up Cass and play her in mid and top?



Will I make it to gold this season?

Cass is meta
Naut is worth learning however he also can support well too.

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

i afraid you cant do anything good other than rely on team mates, sions early sucks ass for a reason

>tfw someone is so tilted that they vote to surrender in a game thats you didnt even realize you were "losing"

taric is good
not great

xth for Monkey see monkey do

he'll literally be the Swain of assassins update
>not so good but not so bad either
>mains make him look really good
>gets changed
>becomes disgustingly powerful and easy to play
>riot tries to nerf it again and again
>will end up being a shadow of his former self

screen cap this

The zombiemains are sleeping please try again later.


xth for people picking things that are good, and fit the comp just like everyone else

Who's your main and what are some useful tips for people looking to play them?

>AoE heal
>shield with armor steroid
>AoE stun
>AoE invurnerability


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

but only Talon, Katarina, and Rengar are getting reworks

I main mordekaiser and don't build him hybrid.
Also don't play him, you could learn someone better.

I want to go swimming in luluposter

Good enough for koreans in competitive but not good enough for you?

Max W. Rush 45% CDR. Start coin.
Use your heal to proc the passive when taking turrets. Use W+E combo on assasins/engagers to secure the kill. Buy as much hp and armor as possible.

Don't you mean cuddlINg?

Which rework is this for Ryzegar. The Third?


it is going to be just like the mage update user
the "big 4" (those you mentioned) are going to get heavily changed just like Malz, Brand, Zyra and Cassiopeia and other assassins are going to get smaller changes the way Swain, Anivia or Annie got.

>not nearly enough in the most important time of the game
>tiny garbage heal with easily abused downtime
>long ass cast time on invul windup, telling the enemy to save their spells
his shield and stun are the only good things, and only because he can move to reposition while it's casting


I main mordekaiser.

AD is for pussies.

I also main singed.

You can toss quinn when she does her dashey jump off of you ability thing. This works on literally every quinn player. They never learn.

>EU has been getting worse and worse every season since S4
>their home grown talent either got exported to NA or is sitting in a gutter somewhere
>their only successful imports left for NA too

I guess this Worlds is the result. EU literally only has one team, G2, and they're looking worse than both wild cards.


Unless you plan to be a dedicated I would recommend someone stronger and easier to pick up.

Rush Nashors + Rylais, thats core no matter what. DO NOT think you're going to win early game. Unless your opponent is retarded and stands in your soldiers, you need to act like you lost lane.

DO NOT attempt to Shurima Shuffle in SoloQ. You are setting yourself up into a dangerous position and no one will follow up on it. Azir is an entirely late-game champion, if you can make it there, you're good.

Are you just sexually attracted to bullshit hitboxes?

I remember playing Singed support with my friend on Chogath adc and I flinged quinn into our turret, into his rupture at level 2. Fun times.


AP is for pussies
You're a nuke and assassin, not a tank/fighter.
Win quickly or lose.

>tahm Q
>naut Q
>Mundo Q
>all extremely satisfying when i hit with the invisible hitbox

I never realized until now

Spotted a bronzie. His heal is pretty nice when building hp. His ult is just a matter of a player skill, if used right it is one of the most broken things in this game. Also did you forget that his passive resets cooldown of his basic skills? With it you can spam your spells like a madman in TF's.

Bjerg is technically EU so there's that.

Give me some juicy tips for a beginner azir bby.
Also what do you think about the viability of azir top?

reminder that you could be this poor unfortunate fool

>play Mordekaiser
>team flames me for not building tank
>carry game

It's not porn.

You are actually bronze right?

Playing singed can give you some of the best moments in league.

I won a fifty plus minute game by having all five enemies chase me in and around their base while the rest of my team got elder dragon and baron. I even killed the support before they got me. The rest of my team promptly steamrolled two inhibs and the nexus.

tfw bronze 1 and 300 wins

>start playing jhin again after a long break
>trying to get the next mastery icon
>check patch notes
>everything is nerfed

fuck off, riot

he wasn't even that strong

>>check patch notes
What patch notes?

Gangplank is male.
Rengar is female.
Kled is their son.

Am I right or am I right?

ur rite

That makes too much sense, stop it.

for 6.17

his base damage and scaling was nerfed on almost everything except now his ult scales a tiny bit better with missing health and it doesnt refund based on unfired shots anymore

Today's predictions?
>tfw 2 hours south of world's but can't go

>Not even that strong

wow thats hot

>he wasn't even that strong

you can thank Esports for that

whats a good drinking game for worlds?

I was thinking pick a team to win, then all the bad shit for your team makes you drink

drink for:
champ deaths
tower deaths
pink ward kills

shots on:

maybe drink when casters make puns? idk

>living in central Cali
I'm so sorry.

jhin wasnt strong, youmuu's was strong

>Kindred is free so I try her
>Die to red buff
Why is she so squishy?

nigga pls

Drink whenever you're thirsty.

>giant tits jinx
no one likes this
stop posting it
you're stupid
stop posting

Sounds good.

Monterey isn't bad. I get paid to live here. Coming from the Midwest also makes it better.

Also warring kingdoms karma when

EUNE Master here and im tellin ya
If u didnt this till now, u wont

>Playing jungle in solo Q
>bot lane opens up a down-home buffet
>come to the conclusion that it is my fault
>mid dies once
>also starts flaming me despite the fact that i gave him first blood on a gank
>hit the fabled mute all button
>have a gran 'ol time farming up for a while
>carry teamfights
jungle is ez mode

>drink when casters make puns
>good luck dying from alcohol poisoning bud


If you want to learn him, its not a casual experience. You literally must dedicate yourself because he's not easy to pick up and especially since the nerfs to his early game were kind of heavy. The skill cap thing somewhat exists with him but he isn't the hardest thing in the universe learn.

For boots get Bersekers Greaves. The made up attack speed is better than the tiny bit of magic pen. as it helps proc thunder lords (which is practically your only damage early-mid). Scaling CDR runes are imperative. Be mindful of W+Q as you CAN run out of mana quickly if you aren't careful, however if you manage soldier placement you can be efficient with that. Your Auto attacks are fantastic for last hitting. Always also keep a soldier on stand-by for when you need to dash away.

Try to save your turret for if you get your shit pushed in and lose the first tower or if you're setting up a siege. As said before Rylais+Nashors is core since you want to be hitting as many autos as possible and the AP they both give are extremely strong together.

Azir top doesn't work efficiently because top is usually too tanky and usually has enough gap closers to get on you anyway, maybe on memepicks like Heimerdinger. If you're smart, Fiora. Usually however something tanky/sustaining like Illaoi/Irelia ignores you and wrecks your shit, or you get Quinn/Pantheon who can dive and murder you at level 3.

Play him in the jungle. Level your W first, then max R>W>Q>E. Build Cinderhulk (And once take Strength of the Ages, if you're at least level 18). Run 9 flat armor seals (and MS quints if you can afford them), with 6 flat CDR and 3 scaling CDR glyphs, and 8 flat AD marks with 1 crit mark thrown in for good luck.

Start Gromp (Smite it, duh), then clear blue, wolves, raptors, red (smite it for a health bump), and krugs (smite them, too - you'll have full 2 charges by the time you get to them). Back, buy boots, Stalker's Blade, health Ruby, and a ward. Rush Cinderhulk ASAP, then get Mercury's Treads and Frozen Heart. Buy an MR item (Banshee's Veil or Spirit Visage, it's up to you) or just get more health (Sterak's is a nice choice here).

Leave Titty Hydra in a sealed glass case labeled "Break in case of shitters."

Gank a lane once you hit level 6.

He's fun, effective, and exhilarating as all hell to play. Just don't be a coward and if you get counter-jungled, may the ELO gods have mercy on your soul.


Well then no ad carry is strong because they all predominately scale off items anyway
>jhin wasnt strong

well you like nidalee so your opinion is shit

Post YFW
>Jhin doesnt get nerfed
>Yoomus gets gutted


Oh yea, that's pretty good, thought you meant more central valley where nothing exists.

Did I fuck up?

I just want both icons.

we need more big tits jinx

I also like chicks w/ dicks

I once had a game where it was my personal fault as the jungler that we kept losing dragons despite us having a teamfight at every dragon and losing said teamfight

Let's try that again



Contestfag, please shed more light into the Halloween thing you are doing

What a cutie

Why aren't people not perma-banning Janna again?

Fuck me, the only reason she'd get Mejais in the first place is because SHE NEVER DIES. Most retarded support, and the most retarded champion next to Ekko and some other one I might be forgetting.

>Leave Titty Hydra in a sealed glass case labeled "Break in case of shitters."

I eargerly await the day when youmu's gets it's armor pen reduces by 10%

you'll get them probably. i just really understand why you put royal below splyce and samsung below tsm

How to fix Lucian
>Relentless Pursuit no longer interacts with Lightslinger
>Mana cost increased to 70/50/30/10/0
WOW that was easy.

>C9's first match is against SKT

unlucky tb h

I'd change it a little so you can stay sober a little more, I guess. Listing changes.

drink for:
weird picks
2v1 gank at top lane ala Darius
casters mixing up players

shots on:
elder dragon/baron steal
upsets like yesterday's huehue


Tits on a Jinx is hella blasphemous. You're a heretic.

She's not that oppressive in lane if she didn't choose janna to counter your support or team comp

Irelia/GP/Yi diamond pony here

Her Q is just as much a defensive and utility spell as it is an offensive one. You should be trying to reset it as often as you can, but there are situations when you should just use it wherever. To generalize, Q back to anything you can if you need to disengage. In lane, "times when you need to disengage" is pretty broad so you make the judgment. A tip though is that if their jungler approaches from behind and it's a bad fight for you, you can Q immediately TO them and E or even flash out to usually save yourself.

1v1, you can prime a creep close to you and get it low so you can do a quick trade and escape back, or even get a faraway creep without danger. Also, you can just Q directly on your enemy if you're really ahead or it's a good opening for you, and they have no choice but to let you get your cooldown back afterwards. Maybe you'll even blow their summoners.

One more thing, you can fire your ultimate AS you Q in toward a creep and quickly make it resettable when it wasn't before. Seems like a basic tip right, but I only started seeing other people do it from mid platinum.

Well it's all about knowing when to go in (which most players already know) and Q/W mechanics so there's nothing to explain. If you're interested in playing Yi then you probably already know about Cowsep so no comment.

There's too much shit to explain with his barrels and I don't think anyone cares. All I can say is he gets countered in lane too easily, so don't be like Tobias and pick him every match.

Tryndamere in Ascension is fucking free victories. Just rush the fuck out of Xerath every single time he's up and stand in the circle with your ult if they try to contest it.

>[NA Intensifies]

Big tits are amazing, though.