League of legends general /lolg/

cute pillow husbando who didn't get victorious skin edition




Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Rumble

>Victorious skin for Maokai
>Not Rek'Sai

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Xth for you are the only constant.

Jankos is the best Jungler.


What's the deal with GP now?

post high quality strategizing with teammates


>what you problam
I lost it

Why the fuck is it so hard for slobbering retards to speak fucking english

fuck euw

even dotar 2 has better strategizing than us

He really just needs his Q to apply on hit effects while having low base damage to compensate and his W having AD scaling

>giving a skin to rek'sai

this is NA
one of them was vietnamese, I dunno what the other was



He needs none of that shit. The ultimate nerf was retarded and never should have happened.

Although, there was a patch where his Q could apply red buff, that was really fucking sick.

so when do we get the skin
when does season end

challenger cass when?

Yordle squeeze when?

Like before new years eve I hope and the season has already ended like a week ago. I hope you hit gold at least already :^)

xth for Futaraka double penetration

Stop shilling this shit art please

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

that's another year without a skin for cass

>Annie, Morgana and Teemo getting halloween skins
WHY, those 3 already have a fuck ton, and Annie already got a hex tech skin this year

Yeah that dragon is a real catch ;)

Annie doesn't have nearly enough skins

I assumed it was going to be a tris/poppy spoopy skin

Every single time you post something on here you're merely promoting yourself, faggot. At least get original and create some content of your own.

The season's already over, I've got nothing to lose.

10 is not enough?

I think it might be Tristina cause ears. but its been less that 1 year since Dragon trainer

Sometimes no skin is better than shitty skin senpai.

Look at Academy Vlad. Nothing special in terms of looks, but

1)a reference to the worst type of vampire movies aka twilight

2) inspired a new wave of gay porn threesomes with Darius and Ekko

3) and even worse, the ship with Ahri

4) he looks like he hasn't even hit puberty for fucks sake

5) and hence attracted the worst type of fangirls

6) next proper skin when, for fucks sake riot

Anyway sometimes skins are damaging to a champ's image

No, she needs at least 100

>play during turkey hours
>they put fucking numbers in words
>feed and flame at the same time
>raport jng no gang
>i mid i lvl 3 yasuo i pro
>no ban zed i trol

>some spanish guy actually linked his mixtape in champselect
>all comments are from league
check the comments.

In teamfights?
Get GA early if both teams keep wanting to fight early.
Irelia's teamfighting without creeps can be a pain.
you'll end up just flash Eing alot of the time onto ADCs or mages.

>people tell me mid lane is the hardest
>watch a mid laner stream
>shove lane and take raptors over and over
>his opponent is an even better lane shover
>both guys locked in mid until someone gets 3-man ganked

Once you hit 40% cdr just try Q to nearby people then stun your target, you'll have a Q in like another second after stun runs out anyway.
your biggest asset is causing disarray in the other team, because their ADC will run back and likely support and someone else too, which should let you ace if your team follows up correctly.

slowing crawling back up from that horrendous loss streak.
Fuck vlad tho. Idk what they did to him but hes just not what he used to be anymore.

I don't get what you mean. I don't come here to promote myself, i come here for dicussion. If i'm promoting anything, it would be my views about the game or about things related to the game. But those don't have to be original in order to mean something. All i'm asking for is that you don't keep posting art like this, because it's repulsive, and makes the general that much worse. (than it already is)

> lolg
more like LULg amirite LUL

>want to try amumu out
>realize i dont have the proper masteries for amumu
>try to make a page in a rush
>fuck not enough time
>close masteries
>want to save changes? NO FUCK
>try to change it to regular jungle masteries
>loading screen
>no keystone = no masteries
how fucked am I?

>Guy is playing like shit
>Keeps running his mouth at teammates playing more shit
>Tell him to shut his smarmy cunt mouth
>"But mid died more than I did"

fucking thresh players think they're gods gift to the world

Is Frost Queen Janna still the best Janna skin or should I buy Star Guardian Janna?


victorious janna is best janna skin. everyone knows this.

>Support acting like an LCS coach
>Telling everyone what to do
>In a normal
>Tell him to drop the snyde act

nigga im just trying to have fun here can you like fuck off back to ranked

oh wait you can't climb because you're shit so you spam normals all day lmao kys

>Top willingly picks Kha into Tryndamere
>Wonders why he's useless all game

you can lose your virginity only if you quit league
would u do it lolg?

Is Galio even good.
Got 4800 in the bank

I don't even play league

When will they release a new Karma skin?

this is bait it hasnt ended

Yeah. There's more games out there you know.

Galio got gutted like 3 seasons ago and forgotten.
Flash+ult can still win teamfights tho.

>tfw want my virginity back

No. Losing all of my progress and ranks just for 2 minutes of bliss is not worth it.

>got 4800 in the bank
That's cute, if you want him then buy it you're going to end up buying them all regardless

>being this stupid

it literally takes 5 seconds to set up a mastery page

Who would win, /lolg/?

How badly will Jhin be nerfed when the time comes?

Any anons willing to take bets?

Kindred tier gutting.


Tryndamere kills Yi in like 3 hits.

in 1 v 1 battle? are u stupid? trynd beats everyone.


Lol wtf is yi going to do once trynd hits R?
Stupid nigger.

Kindred deserved it. What a fucking piece of shit. And they are still not bad enough.
Literally designed to be cancer and make everyone's life hell.

once riot creates the new homosexual attack helicopter adc that also has an ammo system

She'd be fine if her ult didn't make her unassassinatable

>Tryn beats everyone

Wew lad

Trynd activates Yi's GA, then spins over wall to escape. Once his ult is off cd he goes back for him and pops him like a balloon with the GA.

Whose going to beat a full build trynd 1 v 1?

well doesnt he? i mean on 6 u just ghost e right click and ult when low oh yea ignite too if needed.
i laned vs him 2 days ago and got destroyed. too fucking op. next time im dodging if they got a trynd

*without the GA

I think Jax can, and maybe Malphite?

Holy fucking bronze.


im diamond 5 my nigger
if hes a trynda main ur fucked unless 2 v 1 all lane

Frozen mallet gnar :^)

Yi would win.

>go in
>omnislash double slice auto botrk active
>marc pops his insibilility
>either hover through it or speed away since he can't poultry shout you
>go in again and fuck him up


Kayle, for Example



ghost trynd :^)

i haven't been paying much attention to worlds since it started

> open twitter
>rip c9
> jensen so bad
>"fucking bench him"

this one maybe

I think that we can all agree that S6 is the worst season.
seriously what the fuck was this shit.

Orianna is a meme.

She is doing poor in worlds. She is useless. Brazil lost because mid took this bitch. Also our bot with that stupid ezreal.

The biggest surprise is lee sin.

Yes but this is Worlds. She has to get picked.

Only if you get to use the range advantage to get in the first hits and get him to either pop his ult or use his spin at the start. Otherwise he gon fuck you up.

Why do people in low elo even pick ezreal? it's like they don't want to win

Biggest surprise is Rumble honestly

We all knew he was alright and pro play worthy but only when they pick Poppy or Shen or some shit, we've seen teams first and blind picking him recently.

if they pick something else and win more its not like theyll get good with him automatically when thery get higher
they gotta practice

any corki in worlds?

If you get Rylais, kiting him is incredibly easy.

>be veigar vs ori
>eat a combo whenever i want to cs
>takes half my health despite 70 mr
>lv6 she just ults and autos me to death

Nigger has been in evey worlds since his release because just like all the cancer tanks he can go 0/3/0 and still fuck up the entire enemy team.

If he gets BotRK, chasing you is incredibly easy.

Shen got nerfed and why bother picking poppy when assassin time nigger of multiple escapes exists


>victorious Mao
For season 3?