League of Legends General - /lolg/

Shurima edition

EU in flames




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Xth for Katarina
best girl


In the case of a 4-way tie, teams are seeded based on total time of victory (shorter is better), seeds matched 1v4 and 2v3, then play a Bo1 sudden death game with the loser out. Then the two winners play a tiebreaker to determine seeding.

>The last champion you used is now your date for tonight

xth for lore discussion

I'll look through everything and ponder updates a bit later

How do I climb to gold? Should I drop mid and focus on jungle/ad?

>my bot lane picks two melee champs
>jungler and top meme pick
>enemy is lcs tier comp

playing draft normals alone is suffering

>play a comfy normal on lee singa because worlds got me a lil hyphy
>gank the lanes 50 times and get everyone fed
>die 9 times because i'm a shitter who can barely ward hop

gosh dang this guy is fun though

>ANX will get Brand banned out
>Kri will pick Vel'Koz support

Are you meme men ready

Sudden death means something interesting like "first team to kill baron", and not just a normal game, right?

Excellent, I love lore for league because almost all of it has to be piecemealed together by discussion since the written stuff is so barebones and implicating

>drop mid


>focus jungle




Mid/Jungle are literally the two positions that control the game the most. If you can carry, main them. If you can't, pick one of the bot positions, play safe and pray you get carried.

Bestiest Waiu!

No, it's a normal game, but the loser is eliminated from the tournament.

jax,ls and fiddle has no lore because the summoners are retconned

Needs the 'Ascended but this time on a mountain' people either in Tier 4 or Tier 3 (Taric, Leona, Diana, NuPantheon)

I can't help but wonder how powerful Ekko would be if he was an adult.

He created a time machine and he's like, what - 15? 16? 17 at most? He's arguably the smartest person living in either Zaun or Piltover at this point. Can't even imagine what kind of shit he'd invent as he gets older.

I would put him in tier 5 - he's incredibly powerful in just a very offbeat way (genius intelligence)

Also everyone seems to forget Ezreal? Also a natural prodigy at magic with the gauntlet that enhanced said natural talent to insane levels. Might deserve tier 5.

>get secondary role of mid
>see I'm laning against ryze
>look up his counters
>vel is main one
>play first time vel
>pic related

Was I playing against bad people or is vel actually pretty good?

Plus a whole lot of lore is in a state of flux since summoners are retconned (i.e. Fiddlesticks and Jax) and Riot hasn't gotten around to deciding their new place in the new lore yet.

you aren't real ImThem

Yes. It's good to focus on just particular champions even.

>post yfw someone goes full meme and picks Morde at worlds

What can ez do without the gauntlet? Why does everyone forget that soraka is a demigod that almost ascended, but decided to curse Warwick instead for making chemical weapons?

>Brazilians will take Morde and dominate games until it's pick or ban if you're playing them.

>a team uses the pentakill skin set

Best couple!

Yorick's disabled remember.

Whats the deal with amumu anyway?

you have a absolute shitter w/l ratio so everyone in that game is bronze at best

I don't think people forget, it's the reason you just listed, she fucked up big time and lost her chance at unlocking her true power.

Tier 5b: Particularly powerful/angry but still mortal (mostly) Warriors

Olaf, Sion, Jhin, Master Yi, Yorick?

Ekko probably is on the bottom but still relevant end of the T5 mages too

Because his rework is too new, or because of a bug?

>decide to check the lore in the client
>it's like 2 paragraphs

god dammit riot

You're right about Soraka, how could anyone forget her?

Then again her lore hasn't updated, but I don't think they'll retcon her deity status that much. She's probably tier-3.

How long until the next free rotation?

even riot doesn't even know what amumu's race is


I'm just waiting for INTZ to pick Morde/Yi/Vayne maximum huebr style

Sion is some serious shit in the lore.

Literally indeterminate. In the last round of official backstory for Shurima they just offered several competing myths as his backstory. Maybe they have a "true" one internally, but they haven't told us. Same deal with Rammus.

Yi isn't actually mortal if you're going by his original lore. He managed to tap into the Speed Force and stopped aging.

that feel when you can't get over about being obsessed with xj9

he doesn't even like me


Yi is a literal highlander he's a tier higher than those chumps

Look at the lolwiki for that kind of thing, the background page includes everything released for that champions, in-game lore, old in-game lore, and all the shit that gets put on their website or the forums.

>EUcucks sole point of hope for worlds is for a repeat of NA going 0-10 again next week
>Neverminding each NA team being objectively stronger than last year's incarnation and no massive meta shift caused by the juggernigger patch.


Zed should be added.

Keep in mind that the shadow magic he inherited is likely corrupting him into some extremely powerful demon.

Sion and Swain are also powerful as fuck. Maybe Shyvana too.

We're also forgetting Fiddlesticks and Nocturne - also extremely powerful demonic entities, but they're debatable on account of their lore being extremely outdated.

>going by his original lore

Rammus old lore was literally "Rammus was a cool armadillo, then he walked into some magic shit and OH FUCK EARTHQUAKES and now he's in the league of legends, the end."

>He managed to tap into the Speed Force and stopped aging.

I think Kindred is on Sol's level. I heard from a Rioter Sol could still be hunted by them.

He was originally a human child, then they retconned it to a yordle because dead children are 2edgy4me, currently I think he's supposed to be a child again, but it's not confirmed or anything.

what's in it?

Wait, Ekko is pretty strong y'know.
He messes up with time and shit

noxus poopy

champ shard

>from now on every team will abuse aurelion sol and he'll earn perma pick or ban status
Although idk if he goes with Caitlyn in the pack.

Time travel is OP as fuck

He still mentions and talks/jokes about being immortal post-VU, and that was after his lore was updated. That plus the fact that he's in part a Highlander joke probably means he's still immune to aging, but not the blade.

But that was okay because that was Rammus' entire gimmick.

Now he's not even best friends with Blitz anymore.

I always had the impression that their power was limited to Runeterra alone.

Also where's TERROR DADDY?


Sion I'd agree with, he's turbo strong.

Swain not as much, he's a strong mage, but is another one who falls into the trap of "power in intelligence" so isn't raw power strong.

Shyvana I don't think is explicitly strong, she's just a skilled warrior who shapechanges.

Although in the strong mortals category, I think we also need to include Wukong, who explicitly can trump both Yi and Udyr, two of the world's best martial fighters.

Here's it: boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/gameplay-balance/cfEdVAJd-welcome-to-the-aurelion-sol-qa?comment=000b

Who wins between full build Yi and Jax, in game I mean.

His kit is to telegraphed and one-dimensional for pro-play right now.
Also, he has no dashes and is squishy as fuck.

This, New Sion is fucking monstermash.
Both him and Olaf have these really weird almost parable like circumstances that inevitably boil down to 'Cena wins lol' shenanigans

>Master Yi brings the art of the Wuju Style in a way that makes his enemies falter.

>He is capable of fighting with lightning speed, as well as finding purchase behind the defenses of an enemy's armor. He can call on his inner fortitude, regenerating at an accelerated rate.

>Calling upon ancient forces, Master Yi can fold space, appearing behind enemy after enemy. He is even able to reject magic, rendering it useless against him.

>Master Yi himself has studied the arts of Wuju for more than a thousand years. He is the oldest known living human on Valoran, but to gaze upon him, you would guess him no more than thirty years old.

>The art of Wuju lives on in Master Yi, and is plunged through the hearts of his foes.

In the old lore, yi taught wukong the art of wuju. When was it stated that wukong is stronger?



I thought about Wukong. He's underrated, everyone forgets he fights off Yi like it's no big deal.

>When you play the meme man in the meme mode and everything works out

Inori sized balls aren't present at worlds user

Should probably put Kha'Zix in there as highest potential. All he has to do is eat something to gain its strength.

Keep on stacking those power ups and before long he'll be unbeatable.

If the Yi has Cleanse or Mercurial, he'd win, I guess. If not, Jax.

Kindred is rather unique in that regard, but it's still "try to kill this one guy" rather than universe-shattering power.

A microbial parasite can kill a lion; does that mean the parasite is more powerful than the lion?

I'm pretty late on this sorry d00ds I was busy


If Jax has randuins, then he wins.

I think my issue with the chart is that the rankings and wording makes it so that the champions seem to be ranked off of pure magical might. Champions like Ekko have the potential to match that tier, but not through raw power like an Ascended or BS like Kindred or AS.
Maybe it could be reworked/reworded a bit to include things like that better. It doesn't help that a lot of this doesn't have a huge amount of lore backing since we're still at the point of
>League of Legends
for most champions.

What does yi do when jax presses E? Alpha strike doesn't last that long.


hey watsu whats the name of the song played on the br one

>still waiting for the Ao Shin A Sol skin so I can hit people with big lightning bolts or cyclones
How long will I have to wait.

what do you think i'll get?

Fuck you that's a good skin

some xerath skin


Fuck yeah the old good times are back again still


what a glorious first week it has been

iirc (I'm too lazy to double check) I thought the old lore stated that Wu had *mastered* Wuju under Yi's training, and something like in under a year, a feat that had taken Yi himself centuries.

>wasting all 3 good skins
What are you doing nigger

master yi is not that old

Sion was supposed to be as strong as an army when he was alive, literally charging through the entire Demcian army alone just to kill their king with his bare hands. Now he's supposed to be stronger than that.

Kinda scary.

The smeb stream gets to me. The schedule for the alternate stream listed matchup names for each game, like "Impact vs AmazingJ". But for rox-clg, it just says "Top Lane: Smeb".

So is Sonas power basically just mind control through the medium of sound?

>Also where's TERROR DADDY?

Literally never

So is Kennen.

I'm not sure if the first week was the best or the worst so far