Since it seems most people can't bother to show initiative to get up to speed, and find a safe location to merge...

Since it seems most people can't bother to show initiative to get up to speed, and find a safe location to merge, what's your method for dealing with these scenarios?

what's your method of dealing with this?
slow down for them?
maintain speed?
speed up?
change lanes (not always convenient due to traffic and your exit coming up)

I don't mind easing off the gas to slow ~5mph, but if I'm going to have to slow more than that, I'll change lanes if feasible, or maintain my speed/speed up/take initiative.

I don't trust the mergers. Speed up or slow down, because they want to get on the highway, and they want to go into your lane.

I don't always slow down, but when I do it usually an idiot driver that I won't even give the pleasure of a rear ending crash possibility

I speed up and merge early, cutting them off. If they have time to accelerate slowly they have time to wait for me after I cut them off.

If you want to pull infront of a semi doing 30 under the limit and get crushed, go ahead, but you're not bringing me with you.

If I'm behind a slow driver on an on-ramp, I try to leave some distance between us so that I can then have the necessary space rocket around him.

Here are some things I do

1. If a slower driver is failing to speed up on an On ramp, I give them space. Tailgating will only lead me to a greater chance of rear ending them when I mirror check or shoulder check.

I've seen this a few times where slower mergers actually brake or slow in hesitation done before merging into the highway.

2. If on the highway and I see a car trying to merge, I'll change lanes and give them room. I've seen guys fight the merger only to at the end be either cut off or pissed off risking a crash. Not worth the mental strain to me since switching lanes is much easier.

Only one time I had to pass a guy going retarded slow, I'm talking about 20 mph to a 70 mph highway, because of the risk of me getting rear ended or not being able to safely merge. Merge lane was wide enough to do this and my car easily passed him, even when he attempted to floor it.

>2. If on the highway and I see a car trying to merge, I'll change lanes and give them room.

I have no problem doing this if I'm with other traffic and giving some space will provide more/safer options, but if I have nobody in front of or behind me for 100+ yds and mr. merge wants to come down the ramp and run door-handle to door-handle with me because they can't figure out how to put their car into any other space than the one I am currently occupying, I have no issues forcing them onto the shoulder if they don't want to lead or follow. I'm not getting out of the way.

>"I have to down shift TWICE the moment this highway hits a hill so there's NO WAY YOU CAN'T ACCELERATE FASTER THAN ME"

The only excuse is when it's one of those sharp turn circle ramps.

Usually maintain speed and look to see if they're doing close to my speed then maybe slow down if they are near me

It drives me nuts how everybody always bunches up on on-ramps. That makes it impossible to merge smoothly.

That's what I tried to tell my insurance company.

>idiot stopping at the end of the on ramp like it has a fucking yield sign

>20 mph to a 70 mph highway
Jesus christ this is the kind of shit that keeps me off the freeway

I can never handle merging, it seems like 90% of the time I'm behind literally knuckle dragging retards that think its ok to merge at 45 mph

OMG I came up to a merge today and this happened to me

I was on the main road (one way both directions) and another road merges into mine.

>I got to the merging portion just behind some hoe.
>So I decided to be nice and slowed down a bit to let her in instead of speeding up to get in front of her
She was basically going the same speed as me, no need to slow down or speed up, just merge
>I am now fully behind her and she has plenty of room to merge in front of me
>She then looks over her shoulder and starts to brake slowing way the fuck down to get behind me
This bitch had so much room to merge in front of me without any issues
>I was so disappointed in her, so I honked and then she got on the gas and merged in front of me.

She was driving a green Kia Soul. The high end trim because it had the LED tail lights.

I just never sit in the slow lane if there's more than two lanes. If there are two lanes, I either accelerate or I leave cruise control on and let them figure out out. If it's crowded, I won't have cruise control on so I can lift to make space if necessary.

>Driving 1.6L Miata
>Get onto onramp
>Immediately come up behind some douchebag in an E46 M3
>He crawls out to the end of the onramp at 20 miles an hour
>Then makes the jump to lightspeed and merges
>I'm going 25 with about two car lengths of onramp in front of me

>Drive semi
>In right lane
>Crossover coming up the on ramp
>They're matching my speed
>Slow down a bit to give them room in front of me
>Theres about 2 car spaces between me and then and plenty of room to merge over
>They hit their brakes at the last moment
>They go behind me, speed up on my left, and give me the finger
>It's a whale of a wife pissed off for no reason

Why do they fucking do this, why.

If the other lane is basically empty I'll switch lanes, otherwise I feel like a lazy ass choosing to disrupt the flow of the other lane to avoid merging.

Most of the time I just slow down or speed up. I have no problem hitting the brakes unlike seemingly most people who post in these types of threads. And I also don't blame people for not getting up to speed. In my daily commute a lot of the on ramps are only a matter of feet and most engines you would really have to floor it to get up to speed fast enough. If you can get to 10mph below the traffic then I have no problem slowing down to match. Anything less and you better be driving a big truck.

where I live, some lady died because she tried merging onto the highway at 40km/h, got rear ended by a semi. the government blamed the trucker and said we need more training for them.

fuck apologist shithole.


I have extreme fear of accelerating on ramp

how do i fix this?

Accelerate anyway

not being a pussy?

Unless it's busy I ignore them and honk if they cut me off.

there is no 'slow lane'. You're dumb and the main cause of congestion.

Change lanes around them, leaning on the horn and high beams as I do so.

However, this is britain. People know how to FUCKING DRIVE.

>Kia Soul
>high end trim


> Drive shitbox
> Can't go past 40mph on the on ramp because no fucking power
> life is suffering.

>He crawls out to the end of the onramp at 20 miles an hour
>Then makes the jump to lightspeed and merges

I do this. But only if there's nobody else merging behind me

They're merging into my lane. I'm going to maintain a reasonable speed and they can work around me.

i always let the shitbag driving slow get to speed on the shoulder because LOL NPE IM NOT GOING TO SLOW DOWN AND CAUSE A JAM BECAUSE YOU ARE SLOW OR DECIDED TO TAKE YOUR SHITBOX ON THE FREEWAY.

those niggers need to learn the hard way.

>too many people
>stop at end of lane
>start crying
>job calls up, super fired
>wait until night
>coast is clear
>rip off leg and wave it around outside hoping that it gets bacteria to form a new organism that I can talk to
>hi frank how are you I'm just trying to merge
>clutch slip for hours before hopping to McDonalds
What car do I drive

For me depends on situation and how I feel, usually if I can see them merging soon enough I'll change lanes, or I'll speed up cause I don't drive a slow ass piece of shit. But I really love is how I'll be in right lane one whole exit early so I don't have to cut people off to get to my exit and be a douche, but I'll be driving and asshats speed up down center lane and cut people off literally infornt of the off ramp, hope those people die in a fire. I know it's not safe to be tailgating people, but that's what I'm gonna have to do to keep these.fuck wads from trying to cut me off.

I stay in the left lanes and go 75-85 so I don't have to worry about those kinds of things. I only move to the right most lane when I'm exiting the freeway at the next ramp.

Toyota sedan or a lifted truck.

I jjatFLYYY into the merge and if a bitch ass ain't ready for me I just pound em into the ground like BAM ur mine now bitch!

what if i told you that as long as no one is in front of me i can typically hit around 120-130 mph at the end of most on ramps so in anything but the heaviest of traffic it's easy to merge in somewhere.

Maybe their cars are just slow. FUCK YOU OP.

>onna bike
>getting on the highway behind someone
>they merge at 80
>guy he merged in front of brakes
>I pin the throttle and get the fuck out of there in front of him
It's especially dangerous for me. Because I don't get fucking second chances. And some asshole not coming up to speed is simply not acceptable.

Unfortunately, I don't have much I can do. I can try to wiggle past on the shoulder or quarter of a lane. But that's even more dangerous. I shouldn't throw ninja rocks at his windows, because that could cause an accident. And get innocent people hurt. I can't smash his mirrors, for the same reason. I can't use my vehicle to pressure him to go faster. All I can do is wave my left arm in a vague motion to go faster. And even then, there's no guarantee the guy's not texting or some shit.

The situation is completely out of my hands, other than pinning it over the solid dividers, or pinning it after they merge and passing them on the right.

You have an extreme fear of g-forces?

So you're kind of a douche then. Someone coming down the on-ramp either has to speed way up to get in front or slam on the brakes and get in behind because you're too selfish and entitled to change lanes for a minute so someone can merge.

This. I'm of the opinion that people in the merge lane should work together with those merging to make it a smooth process. Neither party should just ignore the other.

Oh god this. My Subaru is literally the slowest fucking car I've ever driven, about the only cars I could out-drag are Prius's and Honda Fit's.
>mfw x-box-huge trucks and SUV's outgun me like it's nothing

Pretty much my attitude, I always look at on-ramps well in advance to see If I should/can get over and make room for mergers. Stopped cars at the ends of on-ramps is 50% because of people that suck at driving and 50% because of people that think they'll "get there" faster if they block mergers.

>Tfw drove a 115hp car for ten years but now have one with 300+

I always hit the on ramp in 3rd gear. People around me wait till the last second to accelerate so you need to be ready to jump on the throttle and merge

>Why do they fucking do this, why.

Because they are NOT adapting to the road conditions. It's not that they aren't paying attention. They simply have the attitude that other people's problems are other people's problems. That kind of mindset makes it difficult for some of those people to do things even if others have the right.

For example, yesterday, I saw the sheriff with flashing lights and sirens. The whole road was blocked in his path so he went into head-on traffic slowly. Some cars kept on going close to the sheriff instead of moving to the right. Now, there is zero chance they didn't see the sheriff since he had all lights flashing and strobing and siren on. Finally they moved over to the rightmost lane so the sheriff could go by.

When I was in university, some acquaintances who came from Chicago said lots of people don't yield to ambulances because why the fuck should they lose their spot in traffic to make a turn?