Reminder that Free Market Capitalism with a Democratic Government is the best system in all of History in allowing...

reminder that Free Market Capitalism with a Democratic Government is the best system in all of History in allowing economic and personal freedoms to the citizens of the country

Leftism or any other kind of colectivism are just falacies to justify another form of Political and Economical tyranny, might as well go back to Absolute Monarchies

Other urls found in this thread:

>Best system

I agree for the most part, but you can cut out the government. Make everything purely voluntary.


>National Socialism
Am I reading this wrong, or is the author of this image claiming the Nazis did not care for their own people?


Pick one

>might as well go back to Absolute Monarchies

Kek, lelbretarians always take it to extremes

I'm all in favour of income tax, corporate tax and Sales Tax(by states not government)
everything else is theft


Enjoy living under the thumb of the Jew.

>"""Democratic Government"""

Reminder that history is not just /pol/ with dates, and this post doesn't even have dates.

Fuck off, I bet you never had to work in the shitshow that is the non-regulated, non-unionized service industry.
I'll take my government regulations thank you very much.

Free markets are a great idea bit capitalism can die in a fire. We can freely trade with each other and not be wage spaces to private property owners.

Free market is fine so far as labor is correctly measured by the value it produces, rather than the cost of the commodities that sustain it.

Reminder that collectivism is the very essence of society so more collectivism = more advanced, efficient form of society

Bonus reminder that people who advance personal freedom at expense of collectivism are metareactionaries who aim to undo human society itself

>so more collectivism = more advanced

say that to the millions that died of hunger in the USSR because of centralized agriculture

Free market capitalism is the best, freedom for all.

>I don't understand economics

Okay we get it.

all these leftist shills disregard the fact that small to medium businesses are also private capital and the most affected by collectivist measures
especially since the fiscal burden reduces their chance to compete and flourish and ability to employ more people

In a way, everyone who dies, deserves it.

>a farmer that gets robbed from state violence deserves to die

What did he mean by this?

property is theft
all land belongs to the proletariat


You'd be the first to get sent to a gulag.


Oh look it's the Pinochet collaborator.
Let's establish the new version of feudalism because muh individual freedoms.

>Let's establish the new version of feudalism

guess what, leftists were the ones that actually did that

Reminder that Friedman was an academic at times when he wasn't bureaucrat. Good goy, listen to him.

Reminder that Marx was litterally sustained by a capitalist and the only "job" he ever had was making opinion pieces which doesn't qualify as journalism.


>this thread

Here OP, specially made for you

Yeah yeah man say this to yourself at night when Soros sponsored cheap workforce replacement called Muhammad will rape your daughter at night.

Lol, documentary already starts on the assumption that the great depression was a cause of capitalism and not government action

sorry, but Democratic Free Market Capitalism isn't incompatible with Nationalism

good one m8

Then why is Denmark, a social democracy with a comprehensive welfare state, rated highest by international standards in HDI & quality of life?

because danes are all lying fucks who just want to score higher than swedes

Not everyone is able to defend themselves and their rights entirely on their own, they need to team up with others, then they will have a government.

comedic that you think anything else is possible.

> peasant serf
> able to leave his lord's land for any reason barring holy days

>le rates xDDD

Look at the damage social """democracy""" does, take Sweden as an example.

Sweden is collapsing at an alarming rate.

I'm always baffled how the lefty masses (not talking of the lefty elite obviously) don't see this.
Even after decades of "big business" supporting every kind of bizarro legislation and regulation, they still don't even have a gut feeling that something is not right with their rhetoric if so many of the grand big bad capitalists are so obviously in favor of regulating everything left and right.

Regulations are either decided by lobbyists to specifically favor an established enterprise. Or they are overall detrimental to an area of business but much more so for newcomers and small timers than for big business. Hence the big guys still promote it to keep their market share.

Denmark is a very easy country for doing business and setting up shops. Their compilation of regulations are ten times less constraining than you probably think.
The heritage foundation ranks Denmark at place 12. Virtually tied with the US. In spite of the welfare state. So you get how free production is compared to the world average.

The welfare state is cancer but very different from constrain on productive activity. Parasitism on the fruits of production is very different from parasitism of production itself.

>might as well go back to Absolute Monarchies.
Well... Let's do it then!

It's cheaper to be a globalist though ;)


Define free market


>best system

>absolute monarchies


When did things get so bad on this board?

Free Market Socialism is better. Rent, profit and interest are not natural outgrowths of the free market process but are instead distortions,

*tips fedora*



i like the political pentagram better

Can someone explain the NAP as if I was a drooling idiot? For some reason I cannot understand it.

Is this politics for manbaby 4channers?

>""""""natural"""""" law

Where is the 'sometimes supports' between communism and conservatism?

Natural law is the term for permitting all things unless they're specifically banned.

This differs from what that chart calls positive law; where everything legal is mandatory, and everything else is banned.

Nice dubs

Law is a social construct, the only laws that matter are socially constructed. No such thing as a 'natural' law; it's a fallacy.