I found something that looked like this blocking the air intake on my car

i found something that looked like this blocking the air intake on my car.

how much of a power increase will i get if i remove it?

that's the alternator dumbass

nice weight reduction op, get one of these instead. same results

It's some stupid turbine car companies add on so they can call your car fast. Just shove a flathead it while the car is running, ltl shut the useless turbine down and let your car breathe naturally like it's supposed to

thats the AC unit
youll gain about 20hp if you remove it but you wont have AC obviously

This. Removing the AC turbine actually increases the power of your heater though, so it's a great mod to do if you live somewhere cold

You'll actually lose power if you remove it as thats the eurobeat-powered performance enhancer.

That's not a ac unit. I think your cars is sick. Could be a tumor, cancer.

Don't do it, you may overtax the car's graphics engine

Looks almost like a seashell or a machanical snail's shell. Try calling an exterminator to make sure there aren't any more mechanical snails hiding somewhere in the car.

>i found something that looked like this blocking the air intake on my car.

that's a food processor,
hold a glass at the tube end
push in vegetables where the blades are

hey dipshit if you remove your alternator your battery won't be able to receive a charge anymore.

>keeping the turbulator

the battery will still be able to receive a charge

This, if you constantly charge your battery from the cigarette lighter you can keep your engine running without an alternator

does anyone have the screencap of a company selling a turbo delete on facebook?

that's just the blow off valve compressor, if you take it off you'll go faster because of the weight reduction, but your blow off valves won't make that cool PSSSHHH noise anymore

Thats the wish wish shoo shoo. Its there for noise. Removing it will result in maaaad gains

seeing that its not installed, yes you should probably just pick it up and throw it back under your bed.

Where's that tattoo bro?

XD thats a turbo. It makes your car faster rotfl