/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

MM Meme Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Wiki: deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.1b)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

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I wish they'd buff EW1 and nerf EW2 and 3. I want to sneak up on people, not chase them down like a Wraith with one-shots.


Get memed on

Nice try loser.

Can't find a game because survivor faggots are playing Mike Myers.

Back to BF1.


Billy mains unite in suffering

Fucking retarded random generating shit dumb ass tree was blocking the only way to get to door with out walking around

When will they nerf MM so I can actually get games as a killer again

I just wanna play billy and t-trapper

I'm kinda bummed that Billy is still the only fun killer to play.

>play Myers
>find survivors on a generator
>start stalking on my approach
>two of them bolt
>one stays and stares at me
>stab her in the face once I hit 3



Lol, surviviors can stuck in pallets aswell.


Christ I only play this game as Killer, and thanks to HALLOWEEN I can't get a match up to save my life.

I have only gotten a match once since the update (played The Shape and dig it, a bit OP though) and it sucks

It's not bad desu,just a lot of people trying Mike out. What I suggest is,put on something like Netflix and keep DbD in a small window until you see 4 survivors join. It only takes around 5-10 min. I have 3 right now while typing this.

Again, what is he thinking?

>omfg why doesnt this killer have a 200 foot proximity heart sensor this is OP NERF

That's what he's thinking.

Does cheating for bloodpoints still work?


Think he's scouting for the killer, but not looking towards the asylum. Maybe some crows in the distance, but those could be from other survivors. Another popular strategy is to just creep around and wait for someone to get hit so you can start looking for a gen. Also the usual : he's new so he has no idea what he's doing.

>Laurie has Meg's voice

How lazy can you get?

It's a "bug"

That's plausible, except for the fact that he should've noticed the moment Myers hit 2.

If he's looking towards the direction where his head is facing, I wouldn't expect/see you coming from the asylum itself either.

This game went very badly.

thats not ME
RUN user

Is it worth getting EW2 early? Played a few games and I felt that sticking to EW1 works much better despite the movement penalty.

I believe that hitting EW2 as soon as possible is best, since it means you can then immediately start charging EW3 and pop it whenever you're behind someone.

But people who have detection perks will less likely to avoid you. Was able to catch up to someone trying to infinite through buildings cause he doesn't know how close I was.

EW1 would be great if not for sprint burst. Being able to sneak up on someone doesn't mean much when you move so slowly. EW1 Myers can be evaded for minutes.

I expect that's precisely what they'll do by next ranked season. EW 2 will probably get nerfed down to something close to default speed and effectiveness (like Trapper minus traps), and EW 3 will have the duration and lunge toned down so that you're forced to use it on single targets at the right moment. This is pretty much what they did to Nurse with the slower speed and pathetic lunge: boxed her up as a twitch-blink skillshotter.

I don't think they'll actually buff EW1, though. Rather, they'll nerf the second two stages to force killers to make the best of the first.

Shame, I really like the idea of spending the first half of the match in EW1 and then going to EW2 and 3 once two guys are dead or something like that.

Right now EW1 seems to just be there to force you to spend a few seconds powering up to become a better, skill-less. Hillbilly

Well, I'm totally speculating. The past nerfs have left me pretty cynical, but I do have one hope for Michael Meyers: the devs seem very proud of having him in the game, and have actually done a great job of making him play like Michael Meyers should. There's a chance they won't nerfhammer him because he's "their baby" and they managed to nab the IP - and also, of course, so that they can sell more DLC by virtue of it having a strong killer.

Charge EW2 99% asap, sometimes it's hard to get. If you like staying at EW1 then wait there for a bit after getting 99%.

When's Jason?

Won't happen, since there's a Friday the 13th game with the same concept coming out next year.

>Be a killer main
>Haven't played in a month
>Want to try the new killer
>HAHA this will be fun!
>No survivors

Oh come on

why not just kill your friends?

It will be back to normal within a week.

>doing fine for a few round as Meyers
>new game full of prestige tool box team
>still no iron grasp
>all hooks destroyed
>only manage to hook one guy
>body block shenanigans
>everyone escapes

Feels like Wraith v2 man.

>hooked a survivor
>other survivors nearby waiting to unhook him
>stab the survivor waiting to unhook
>second waiting survivor goes around the other side and I see them do it
>head them off and stab them in the door

>get accused at the end of the round of "camping" when I'm literally stabbing two fucking survivors as if I should just walk away and ignore them

Fucking survivors man holy shit. The entitlement.

Watching a streamer cry about you during and after a game is the best feeling in the world.

Prove me wrong.

Weird how the """""matchmaking issues""""" suddenly flip to not favoring killers when a fun killer got released.

I don't think it's a case of all the survivor mains ditching survivor because it's finally challenging. I think it's just that everyone is interested in the new killer and wants to play as him. Myers will be the most popular killer for some time, but I expect most of the people playing him to go back to survivor soon.

IG is so mandatory at this point that the devs just need to nerf survivor escape times - playing without it is playing a gimped killer. Without IG you're basically just giving them free heals.

It's why I downranked to 20 the night before Myers was released and keep quitting matches every once and a while to stay in the 17-20 range. I'm not rising until I get Iron Grasp 3 or at least Agitation 3. Very few sabotage memers at low ranks.

Or literally just stop survivors from being able to break hooks.

I'll prove you right.


this is so untrue it's not even funny
equip agitation, deerstalker
dont be shit

>equip agitation, deerstalker
Deerstalker is not viable for that anymore. It takes 30 seconds for someone to be ready to heal with a simple tap, you are not downing 4 people like that.

As for Agitation, well, if they don't have Iron Grasp who is to say they have Agitation? Or Deerstalker for that matter? My Myers is level 24. I have Agitation 1, which is worthless, and haven't seen Iron Grasp or Deerstalker. Needing any perk to function is garbage design.

So either one perk is needed, or two? Nothing the killer can do will stop hook deforestation, nor the extremely fast unhooking times.

At the very least, Nurse needs IG. Trapper can trap his shit and Billy can just chainsaw people down again... but Nurse will suffer constant setback without it.

Is the Michael Moore DLC a good reason to get back into this game? Haven't played since it came out due to hackers and whatnot.

>wanting a knockoff of Myers
>when Trapper is basically already Jason - a big burly motherfucker with brutal weaponry


Its pretty spooky atm, not boring either. For now it's alright, might change in some days so try it.

The only issue is that it now takes 15 minutes to get a game as a killer because everyone is playing as Shrek.

Oh, and the new killer is overpowered, but that's better than the survivors being overpowered.

Send help.

Neat thanks

Do you need to buy the DLC in order to play as a survivor?

>Do you need to buy the DLC in order to play as a survivor?
What do you mean? To play as the new survivor? Yes. To play as the old survivors in a game featuring Michael Myers on the Haddonfield map? No, that's free.

>To play as the old survivors in a game featuring Michael Myers on the Haddonfield map?
Ok neat thanks, that's what I was wondering

Yeah, all the DLC does is let you play as Michael and Laurie. You can even eventually get their teachable perks on other killers through the new Shrine of Secrets store without buying the DLC. Would take a while though, as only 4 perks are available each week.

This image makes me laugh

Mikey's not such a bad guy.

>it seems we've both got altruism haven't we?

>well, that's good to know

That guy's a loser

I laughed very hard at this.

How do you guys deal with this game?

I get inconsistency in my games because of all the lag. I'm skipping frames and I can't cut corners to escape the killer because of this. I'm so frustrated because I like this game, but it runs like shit. If Friday the 13th game gets dedicated serves instead of this player to player bullshit connection, I'm dropping Dead by Daylight's infant ass on the ground like an egg on the sidewalk.

I really like how the Michael Myers musical cues work. I don't know if you need to be looking at him to trigger it, but I was working on a generator in a barely-walled area on Ironworks and heard some heavy breathing, so I turned my camera and saw Michael staring at me from the window, a few metres away. Then suddenly the "being watched" music from the movie starts. I wish the other killers had cool stuff like that.

It'd be neat if they could slim down the other killers' terror radii a little bit, depending on the killer. I feel like Trapper or Wraith need a few meters shaved off while Billy and Nurse are fine.

Hello, Dwight? Is your generator running? Well, you getter go catch it!

Anyone else going to main Laurie here? I like her clothes. Meg has been dethroned.

Nea for life

>trapper in haddonfield
>trap single man gens
>trap small passageways with grass
>trap fence vaults
eheheh :D

>people make jokes about survivors getting the ability to stab the killer
>it actually gets implemented

we all know what's next.

Don't forget to climb out windows leading on to part of the roof, and trapping the window there before dropping down.

If getting killed mean I can "respawn" and change killer mid game I'm ok with this.

Anyone tried the scratched mirror addon for Michael yet?

that + boyfriend memo are top tier, you can even set up spoopy scare jumps

Dodged and block

My first rank 3 perk.

>leveling MM
>fill a whole blood tree but the perk part
>play match
>have enough points to get the perk, pull up blood web
>leveled up for some reason, didn't get the perk at all
I mean, okay

Vanity mirror seems a little op.

>devs leave the infinite windows in Ironworks of Memery & that one coldwind map

>expect me to buy their DLC


Just build up EW3 and use play with your food to quick vault the windows.

So the shards cap at 1000 so you cant even save up enough to get all of them next time around wtf

Does CE work for shards and sheet


Have any of you hackers tried stacking Billy's aids chains with Dying light and Thanatophobia?

Not yet memeing as much as i can on MM before they nerf him

Ya, it's not as good as I would of expected, Better off just not using thanophobia and using something better.

Also it's funny at how many survivors don't know about the infinite micheal tier3 addon.

so ive been playing michael, and the stalking mechanic is fucked, i have no idea how to trigger it or how it works, every game ive played trying to even get to level 2 of evil within i just waste all my time staring at people while stalking, and yet still not building any meter and then getting memed on.

so instead, i use the scratched mirror ever game with the boyfriend momento. that scratched mirror addon is the single best addon in the game, it eliminates the need for half the killer perks in the game, its like having the wraith's ultra rare addon that shows aura, but 3x as good, and you can get aura reading in half a second instead of having to cloak and decloak.

since you are in level 1 the entire game you just walk up to niggas and stab them, i run iron grip (of course), unrelenting, save the best for last, and now ive been using NOED too.

unrelenting and save the best for last cuts the CD for missed and successful hits in half, letting you run at full speed twice as fast to catch back up to surviviors. the reason i stated using NOED is because of the obvious effects after gates go up, but also the speed boost really helps when they are going for the gate.

the only time ive lost a single game using this build is where one person was able to hatch camp while the third guy was dying, even then i got a hit on him before he jumped in the "cancer hatch of free wins for no reason."

the only real weakness to michael playing this way is if the survivior say fuck their friends and just gen rush while one or two of their teammates die on hooks.

>sit and stare at someone on a gen
>they're clearly not camera-panning around while fixing because im right there looking at them
>get EW2 while they run around in circles leaving scratches everywhere
>down them, go basement
>two others basement rush and just hang out down there healing like morons while i pop EW3
>down everyone

Survivors still have no clue how to deal with Mike. It's really hilarious.

>the moment when you spot him staring in the distance

try making sure your resolution is set to 100 MM's EW is bugged to were it wont build up at all

yeah, the mechanic is bugged and fucked, im just using the level 1 addons because its more fun to not have a terror radius, and alway know where everyone is.

I should have put him on the front hook.

They fixed that

>not cutting off
>that hook
damn you're bad

Mike completely shakes up how survivors have been playing this game for ages. No wonder people are screaming that he's OP.

Anyone remember when people were calling Wraith horribly OP? Now he can't even keep a survivor down.

I don't know dude this add-on seems kinda fucked. I guess if they know you have it they can just run forever.