League of Legends General - /lolg/


>Patch Notes:

>Useful Sites:

>Assassin rework and Pre-Season details


What about her shitty waveclear

if someone has the pic of the rengar i know that feel bro i would appreciate it tanks

xth for Rumble

Bard or Thresh

Who should I learn?

I made this image a while ago, is it still accurate with the assassin reworks?

I can't fucking stand trick though. Is there anyone else I can go to? Must I submit myself to giga faggotry?

Alistar you fucking retard how many times do I need to say it

Xth for Katarina
best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best
of girls

I want to IMPREGNATE a yordle!

xth for sticking your dick in crazy

Also, quick, how do I Ryze?

Will i get diamond b4 the reset, tell me /lolg/

Holy fuck Poppy feels fucking awful to play. her auto attacks are the most offensive thing I've ever felt.

ahri isn't an assassin
shes a kite mage

Poor little Ionian guy.

Do you guys ever add people who also main your champion?

building QSS is bad against most assassins

xth for love and happiness .

Rumble mains do not exist


I don't like him.

Just had to dodge two fucking champ selects in a row. One was a fucking mid Thresh that just admitted to feeding and the second was a Teemo top and just said, "Wow this team comp is ass someone should dodge, you guys suck."

I honestly fucking hate this faggot ass game and everyone that trolls even once in ranked should be instantly banned from ranked for the rest of the season. Fuck these people holy fuck.

i tend to hate anyone that even touches my champion(s) so no.

Don't give a shit what you like nigger

>build full tank with a triforce
>shit out damage and no one can ever escape me
jesus christ i forgot how op this guy was. how hard are they gutting him in the assassin rework?

you forgot Zhonya's you idiot

Xth for hand holding
Good night, have pleasant dreams and sleep well. Have a good tomorrow and follow your passions, you owe it to yourself

I need someone to boost me to gold

And by boost I mean someone in like gold 5 to win a few games with to raise my MMR for quick LP gain

and no maokai?
iirc gold doesn't decay so i believe a lot of people simply park on gold 5 then

she has a pretty decent waveclear with e

You're not supposed to be autoing on her save for when her passive is up or when you're weaving in AA between abilities. Try to focus on kiting people with your W and lining up wall slams for your E.

>just fed my ass off to Ahri top
What does it mean when you have a sub 50% winrate and have a negative KDA most games, but you're still getting 32 LP for a win, skipped a division and OP.gg says you have above average MMR?

I have never played with an additional person queuing with me.

Whats in it for me

That's p cute.

not really
assassins are still pretty much "i'm gonna kill ya, get ready" but after the rework there will be more thought put into it instead of how fast you can mash your combo before they react

new katarina is the perfect example of this, planning daggers positions and when/where to shumpo looks cool as fuck and it's actually fair/interactive

Now this is what I want to see in my ranked games.

>You're not supposed to be autoing

Would not even try to pull out 2bh.


Who were you playing?

Ahri top can bully most melee cucks fairly hard up there.

Are you me?

Feels like I'm constantly playing against smurfs but still get huge LP gains and MMR is higher than it should be. Absolutely zero fun.

No user, I mean even for CSing. she has the fucking worst animation in the world that feels awful and it has a stupidly huge wind up on it compared to other animations so I can't CS with her but I can with everyone else.


We're having our Halloween mini contest on the 30th. That's FOUR DAYS from now. If you have any questions about how this is gonna go down, let me know

removing his nigger slow on his nigger passive but making it so you can trigger his nigger shield when you use your nigger ult

In short, he's still a slippery nigger but you'll have to go back to IBG to be inescapable

Thresh is the support everyone likes, but nobody knows how to use.

Bard is better.

Even if Rumble was female I don't think I'd fuck 'em

However I'll gladly let Poppy smash my balls into fine paste with her hammer

bring AS runes/masteries or adjust your timing. It only takes a game or two to adapt.

>>just fed my ass off to Ahri top
isn't she a strong top against some champs

I stand behind what I said there - Poppy's more of a caster, not an AA champion. In addition to that, here's nothing in her kit that supports focusing on majorly improving your AD, given that A) her ratios for her Q are insignificant compared to the %health shred you get on it, and B) you're rarely going to be using your ult as an execution.

that's nice and all but i wouldn't want to be filled with degenerate cum

Try playing karthus dude. You can literally leave, make yourself a sandwich, take a nap, come back and you'll still only be halfway through the animation.

As opposed to BLACKED, as Rengar cucked his entire team out of damage and I'm guessing kills

>Play Kassadin for a while
>Switch to Swain
>Literally missing every single CS
Fuck, it's worse than playing Clinkz / Drow in Dota 2
Jesus Christ fuck me, those auto attacks

Oh, no. He was the only one carrying them. The Jhin was just straight-up godawful.

>almost a full row of mastery 6+
5 decides who I get my second token for first:
>this teitch
also post em

You let your gf eat that much? Are you trying to fatten up Kat?

Every night I feel my leg, my arm, even my fingers. The body I've lost, the comrade's I've lost. It won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still here.

You feel it too, don't you?

>being into feederism

He must be bronze

Ahri is unironically a really good top into matchups that can't get close to her.


I'm the Mordekaiser main from the last thread.
I'm silver III, my record is 24W26L. I get fucking rolled most games. But I just skipped SIV entirely after my promos which were a Bo3 and I was given a free win in (literally have to win one game to promote). But I get like 30 LP for a win and only -13-16 for a loss. and OP.gg says my MMR is 1360 when the MMR for Silver III is 1275~, and I usually see a gold border in my load screens.

I don't fucking understand.

>implying you have a choice

>cant even enjoy a tasty meal with my gf without some autistic user trying to imply motives
kys my non man

Garen is so stupid



>Bronze V
>That winrate

I hope you're keeping yourself there on purpose

>my record is 24W26L
Oh nevermind. That's nothing. It'll balance out when you actually get games in. That's a super small sample size. Can take a while before it evens out.

>kog 1st

O.K. support mayne

>Frozen mallet

God bless le zombie man of WARRRRR and free elo.

I'm just saying shit really

Yeah but almost all of those wins are from when I was placed into B2, and all the losses are recent

None of them, they all suck.

>tfw you ult down a lane and oneshot the adc
>this is what passes for war

>Ryze in my game
>He doesn't do anything but feed
>We're smahsing the other team
>He's still 2/8 somehow
>We lose off of a baron fight because he gets caught out
Isn't he supposed to be OP right now?????

You gotta E twice though, it's not like Karthus where you just turn E on and the wave dies or Morgana where you E or Viktor where you... E

what the fuck is it with E and waveclear

I'm already dead on the inside.

morgana's E is the shield. W is the pool

>she has the fucking worst animation in the world

Can I poppy jungle anymore or is that shit now

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

E is usually some AOE ability or movement spell. Q is usually point and click or single target. And w is typically utility like a shield or heal. From what I've noticed.

God bless Hextech Crafting.

Ehhhhh, I just got into playing Poppy myself, really. I only just played my first game of Poppy jungle early today, actually - went well, but I can't really say much about it. Definitely not shit, but not sure how great she is at it.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

4 months left until Debonair Draven!!
0 days left until my birthday...

i said that lux has a decent waveclear with her e and with her passive and she does have it

certainly some mages have it better, but at a certain stage lux kills waves with a single e and possibly a couple of autos too

have you mistaken her for leblanc or something

Uhh you only have that many games and are deciding to quit him? I have a 63% win rate with 185 games played on morde.

happy fag day fag XDDD

shiiiieeett iktf brudda

that's only ranked, I have over 250 games in total

furthermore, lux can farm with her ulti too

Show me your page

Is that a rocket IN your pocket?

Can I farm Lux?

Habby barfday :DDD

I'mma let you guys in on a little secret on how to play le jovial tree man of smiles

Build Ivern full AP. I mean full AP. Rabadons, zhonyas, the whole deal. Just trust me and do NOT get tricked by the "support brusier" ivern because your team will lack both the coordination and the sense to capitalize on anything you do unless you ping all the time. If you do want to play as a bruiser you have to be even more aggressive and make all the plays by yourself.When full ap though Q will do half their health and then just kill them with your E and some bush auto attacks. Also get cup or morellos for infinite mana and max cdr so you can have your gf out almost all the time. Liandry's is nice for a free red for your auto attacks. Use your rock gf to transport your shield directly into the enemy anus as well as use her to zone and/or chase people since they will get the everloving shit knocked out of them by her especially with the knock up. She also applies all onhit effects with her basics. She will proc echos, liandries and rylais.

>Getting pretty good with Yorick
>Getting a lot of kills and objectives
>Still dying way too much for that S-rank

How do I cut down on my deaths?

That random lewd leblanc

Working on my last 3:

Or Vi/Kindred (Mid)/Rumble/Sion

You know what's going in her, don't you?

Don't let your hp reach 0