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hollow: >1.08 patch notes

>Ashes of Ariandel DLC Stuff

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Is this sarcasm or a compliment?

Biggest cunt in the whole DLC right fucking there.

No, not asking for advice, already finished the thing.

How do I deal with havel warpick monster duel meta?


use a greatsword or bigger

what the fuck is with the framerate in the DLC

Im on PC and when I load the game it's chugging. without fail, after taking forever to load, it tells me my framerate is insufficient for online play.


By not walking straight into his tiny-ass range like an idiot?

time your attacks, they don't have infinite HA

Quick question, but really important:

Is your arena rank tied to your .sl2 file?

What happens if you revert to a backup save?

Cant poise through huge swords/maces

>It's a straight line with some stubby little dead ends. Adding one more won't change anything.

Sure it will. Plus DS3 areas are pretty big and not-linear. Corvian settlement, the forest, snowfield, the area under the bridge are all bigger than Anor Londo but they're not on world map images, people just want to shit on DS3. It's not linear at all


How to millwood axe pvp ? I always get the charge on them, but i can't follow up with an r1

Of course it is

You can if you really try

pyro flame can combo 1-2 Black Flames into WA and then R2 into WA if you have fists/pyro flame equipped
no range after the BFs though
does at least 1.2k but I can't be sure how much and I'm pretty sure the R2 only combos from an instability hit

Can I make Greatlance good?


Tell me my OC is dank.

*slowed down shield strike noise*
*riposte sound.mp3*
*point down intensifies*

>tiny-ass range
So you haven't touched a hammer in the last two weeks?

>hosts who somehow believe that using a Seed of a Giant Tree will miraculously break their aggro and/or that pulled mobs will only focus on the invader

Every single time.

what am I looking at?

I've been almost exclusively using the Mace since the patch, actually.

>tfw majority of dlc weapons WA are so good i've started using four blue flasks so i can have two during invasions to spam more millwood greeatbow aoes, axe charges, spear throws and other shit

Why is it i never have any team mates in the arena? Sometimes they even hurt me while i cannot target them. 2v2 and 3v3 that is. Anyone?

>Gravekeeper set would go perfectly with Valorheart for Pyrrha cosplay
>It isn't in DaS3

no one likes you user

You you have "pure" character do the same test.
We need to find out truth about ratings. Don't forget to post results here

A DaS1 SL1 twink, trying to knock down people with a Greatbow.

You have to play DaS1 to really appreciate the greatness of this captured moment.

He's also infected with an egg, just to make things fun.

How do I do a perfect weeb honobaru build? I never used a katana before. I intend to use the eastern set or fallen knight , I guess the best katana early game is the Uchigatana and then I switch to the Washing Pole?
Do I build this as a dex or a quality build?

Katanas is nothing but running R1 spam. It's build for bots

>So, if it doesn't look like this, it probably isn't her.
they are both robed and hooded, but i don't see how that would indicate them being the same person
>Painting Guardian Hood wouldn't be related to Velka's stuff any more than a radioactive waste disposal technician is themselves radioactive waste
the guardians protect the painting, i don't really see your point
>Just because Velka's Rapier has an occult modifier doesn't mean she has any relation to the occult tribe
yeah, it's a coincidence. and it's a coincidence that gods feared velka, it had nothing to do with occult dealing more damage to them. the occult is basically dark, the damage type just didn't exist mechanically then. consider how divine beings are weak to dark in ds3.
new londor and londor are all about the dark
>I don't see the resemblance
come on, man. they have the same characteristic beak-like V shape.

ever since the DLC patch hit I'm experiencing huge lag, what gives?
My internet is fine and never had this issue before. It's especially bad in arena

one-hand it
ethereal oak shield is a skill shield for a reason

How the fuck do you dodge black serpent? I feel like I've tried every combination of roll directions and it just always manages to hit me.

They are still small, you can outspace them with GS, ultras and spears, which is what matters.

Can anybody drop me a follower sabre please ? Psn ?

in the other thread someone talked about accumulative wins/losses affects the medals. maybe I'm talking to the same user

I've 3 pure char. that I'll post the wins and losses.
it's 2 types of medals per char. right?

hahahahahahhaa how is getting hit by black serpent real
just walk to the side of the serpent nigga

Roll left or right when it gets close to you.

you can outspace them =! their range is small

You have to roll at least twice, three times if you're close. Don't bother trying to avoid it visually.

because of the you you I read this in Dyna & Tillo's voice

I haven't done any of the arena yet so I can test it out

>pyromancer in arena duels
>someone hardswaps to katana to try and WD spam me
>fire surge and roll before they hit me every time
>kill them just from doing this and fire surge their corpse with the rest of my FP
you wanna do gay shit we can do gay shit

Fine, they're outranged by about half of the weapons in the game who can beat them in that game

Works absolutely perfectly on my PC, just like all of the main game.
What is your rig?

Are axes faster 1h ?

>someone hardswaps katana
>equip offhand great machete
Will katanafags ever learn?

Serpent is such an assholish lag abuser spell

this doesnt awnser my question
Don't worry I wont be cancer as I don't intend to pvp much with this character

He wasn't laggy at all though, the visual effect just doesn't bother syncing or something. I'm sure it ran right through me on his screen.

You literally can't.
The poise hardcap is too low for maces to resist 2H greatswords.

Over and over again until you like it.

Just test in duels.

>You have to play DaS1 to really appreciate the greatness of this captured moment.

what a presumptuous shit you are and you can't really tell it's SL1 since you have the HUD hidden which is why I asked since it just looked like a standard burg invasion with egghead.

Just put on 4kat, legion set, the fedora and call it a day.

Don't roll forward at close range.
There's something buggy about its hit detection that fucks up dodges early in its projectile lifespan

Otherwise an extremely delayed forward roll (think lowADP DaS2 roll timings) or sprinting to one side and rolling to the other side as it curves

You can also dodge it entirely by sprinting because ti doesn't turn sharply enough to follow you at tight angles, but beware bad connections will ruin this. It's better to rely on iframes since the average connection you encounter won't be good.

>use painting guardian combo in DaS1
>1000+ damage
>use monastery scimitar combo in DaS2
>1000+ damage
>use painting guardian combo in DaS3
>300 damage

I've tanked GSs with full Havel and Wolf+2. Probably not R2s, but R1 is doable at 100% health at least.

>use painting guardian offhand in DS2
>backstep parry before they patch it

Truly, pyromancers are the worst undead.

Anyone know where I can find a working CE table for 3?

Item spawn doesn't work anymore in the "updated" one from the forums, and i can't find one that will let me spawn items anywhere.

I just want to spawn Frozen Weapon for my new frost character.

>backstep in DkS3
>take damage

>backstep in DS3
>stand still like a retard because half the time the button just does nothing

What the fuck is even up with that?

so we can all agree that ariandel is the best invasion location in the entire ds3?

Please no bully, I don't use serpent

Are your honor badges really tied to your losses as well? I was testing it out since I'm just starting arena and I got the first badge with 3 losses and 5 wins.

Can you go back to no badges?

Do losses only matter at every badge past the first one (can't go from iron to nothing, but can go from bronze to iron where iron is set as the new 0)?

Gonna load my backup and see if it eliminates my iron badge now to test. Also havels + swordspear is OP, I'm gonna get gold with this shit. Even better when people back off from the firebombs and long af spear giving me room to heal, it's great.

>they are both robed and hooded, but i don't see how that would indicate them being the same person
That's what I said. The statues in New Londo aren't Velka if they don't look like Velka's Statue in DaS3.

>the guardians protect the painting, i don't really see your point
My point was that just because the guardians are guarding the painting doesn't mean they're Velka's. A jailer guards a prison, but this doesn't make them one of the prisoners. The painted world is full of god-killing weapons like Priscilla and her lifehunt skill, the Dark Ember, etc., the painting is inside a building in Anor Londo with nothing else there, guarded by a special order of knights specifically for the purpose of keeping intruders away from the painting. It's a fucking containment zone, is what it is.

>yeah, it's a coincidence. and it's a coincidence that gods feared velka, it had nothing to do with occult dealing more damage to them. the occult is basically dark, the damage type just didn't exist mechanically then. consider how divine beings are weak to dark in ds3.

Nowhere is it said the gods feared Velka. It's said they feared Priscilla, but that's it. And again, remember that both Caitha's Chime and the Darkmoon Talisman are extra-strong with dark, but this doesn't connect them to Londor. Caitha is one of the major Goddesses of Carim, and Gwyndolin is as opposed to the dark and Londor's shenanigans as it's possible to be. Velka's Rapier being dark wouldn't tie her to Londor any more than Caitha's/Darkmoon being dark ties them to Londor.

>come on, man. they have the same characteristic beak-like V shape.
When was the last time you looked at a human face? Or any triangular shape, for that matter? Your face has at least three different Vs unless you're some kind of deformed mutant, and something being a V doesn't make it beak-like. Unless you want to call your nose a beak, but in that case you'll call any wedge a beak and there's no point trying to reason with you.

>Anyone know where I can find a working CE table for 3?
Talking about CE, do I get softbanned for cheating in all the maiden ashes in NG+?

>duels are all laggy retards in the middle of the day

Why does the Millwood battle axe WA doesn't chain into a r1 for me when i use it in pvp ?

>No Miracles of Allfather Lloyd that recount his undead-hunting days
>Would be especially effective at killing, revealing the location of, and debuffing undead
>Could have a miracle that, if it hit someone, would block estus use for a short time
Miracles need MORE DIVERSITY

Is there some updated weapon tier chart? Last time I've played was like 2 months after release, I guess the balance and meta changed a lot since then.

I'm probably not gonna drop my profaned gs anyway, I'm just curious

How do i counter sabre and carthus curved sword in the arena? They are the bane of my luck build which contains no poise.

You cannot derank past red

I bet you only use Vestiges you dirty ash licker.

You don't get softbanned for spawning in any item except slabs, which I'm beginning to doubt anyway considering i spawned in 99 immediately when i got the game and never got softbanned at all.

It's quicker to just turn on "all items available in shop" though and buy everything

Same reason slow weapons only R1R1 combo sometimes

>getting hit by vestiges

you have no one but yourself to blame


I regret buying this piece of shit DLC.

What gets you banned with CE? How do they detect shit?

If you do get softbanned, what is it tied to? Could you just change your DS3000.sl2 file for a backup where you weren't banned, or is there a way they can permanently fuck you where you'd have to buy a whole new copy of the game or something?

Only impossible things will trigger a softban and even then only certain impossible things trigger a softban.
>impossible stats (99 everything at sl120)
>impossible item amounts (99 slabs in NG)
>impossible items (infused anri's)
You can do pretty much anything else you want and it doesn't matter.

>mfw I almost never get to land a combo when on my heavy guy

I think that's why I've grown disinterested in using ultras for PVP, what the fuck is the point when 90% of the time people roll out before you can land your second hit.

parry, backstab, or stagger them

>You don't get softbanned for spawning in any item except slabs,
Thanks, in that case I may just risk it because I want access to my arrows for the DLC, but all I got are fucking wooden ones right now.

>If you do get softbanned, what is it tied to?
If it's the same as in previous Souls games, it's the cd key.

>psn still down

They're weak to counterhits. As in, attacking them while they're attacking puts them into a ripostable animation. Poise or just outspacing them is the way to win.

Don't regret buying the DLC just yet. Remember that painter girl still needs her paints from the second DLC, and you need the first one to have painter girl in the first place.

there's certain triggers that autosoftban you.

so for example, in 2, if you edited your soul memory, that was an instant softban.

in DaS3, turning poise on is an instaban. dont know what else is, but I know you get warned if your stats dont match your level.

Softban affects your whole account. your steam account in regards to that particular game, is redirected to a dedicated cheater server.

the only way around a softban is to make a new steam account and use family sharing to play the game on that account

>three times bigger complex location
>no fog
>dangerous mobs
Make it happen

I don't even lose arena aside from like 1 or 2 matches but they always just point down when they barely win
should I just assume everyone points down when they win because arena is for cunts

>UGS with medium shield

Because players can roll away unlike mobs.

Bully axe is a meme.

>DLC2 takes place in some enormous gothic castle with myriad of traps and other things
>no fog gates ever, to stop the invader you need to reach the very top and enter a boss fog

PROTIP: Apparently badges are server-side. Going to a backup save doesn't change your medals.

Can't get to gold and then make a backup save to never lose it, damn.

Just started in the arena plz no bully

claw crowknights get stunlocked by literally almost every weapon in the game and are even easier than fucking farron followers to kill if you have something heavier than a faggy SS

rapier ones are horsehit though

Literally only impossible shit like said, but yeah. Any item that exists in the game except MAYBE slabs (again, never been banned for it so idk) can be just picked up, because you can feasibly have someone else drop anything except upgrade items.

Directly giving yourself souls breaks it too. Only spawn grand champion souls, do NOT edit your soul counter. Near instant ban.

>can't see shit because it's too dark
>there are enemies that curse you with projectiles from outside your visible range
>everything is toxic, the floor is toxic, the air is toxic, the enemies are toxic
>enemies with grab attacks that steal your souls and delevel you (but not your weapon memory)
>if you equip a torch so you can see, you'll immediately wish you hadn't

99% of people who play souls PvP are salty faggots, so most likely sarcasm, but we can't know for sure without seeing the fight

>inb4 the title of the 2nd DLC is just "Dark Souls 3: The Deep"

still shit compared to catacombs