What was the most brutal death/torture method in history?

What was the most brutal death/torture method in history?

Death by boiling (in oil/water) seems like the worst way to go

It destroys your epidermis and dermis, and is so hot it breaks down your subcutaneous fat

Makes the shit you see on liveleak seem PG

Good for cutting though I suppose

Other urls found in this thread:


impalement seems pretty bad

That one where they put you on a boat fill with water and feeds you honey till you swim in your shit, rots and is eaten alive by maggots

That one where they physically tear your body to pieces with red hot irons seems like it wouldn't be fun.

Oh, and there's the obvious ones.

Scaphism, Crucifixion, death by a thousand cuts.



Scaphism senpai

Here's an excerpt from Plutarch

The king decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lay down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired.

this has to be a chinese method

the problem with these is that they kill too quickly.

the worst would be like being put in a small padded cell with no air conditioning and fed just enough to keep you alive until you die of old age or disease decades later.


They were actually quite nice by Middle Eastern people, but they didn't like traitors or oath breakers.

Like, really, really didn't like them.


apparently it's a roman thing according to so civilized

Nah I'd prefer that to having maggots eating through my skin for 3 weeks tbqh

that chink one with a hungry rat in a bottomless cage upon your chest

The Romans abolished kings long before they had any consistent historical writing.

They were always extremely jelly of Athenian democracy, to the point where officially the Roman Republic started one year before the one in Athens, and even the emperors were called "first citizen" instead of king.

that's essentially my life now desu

it's not so bad

Poster of excerpt here

Nah it's definitely Persian

The excerpt is from Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes

Crucifixions were nasty though

The feudal Japanese were pretty brutal in terms of how they dealt with criminals. It is recorded that they frequently used the boiling water technique, as well as Crucifixion, and the most famous one, beheading by katana in order to test its strength. When they were outlawed, they practiced this Crucifixion on Christians.

If you read the fucking article you posted you would know iron maiden is fake.

Various Authors who all just happens to be Greeks during a time of hostility with Persia.

Just because the Romans abolished king in Rome didn't mean that they didn't have kings. The Roman Republic had tons of client-kings under their protection, and if I recall correctly, the king of Pergamum left his kingdom to Rome because he didn't have any heirs.

t. Artaxerxes the Third

I got iron maiden confused for something else.

Being forced to drink mercury. Mongol style

I was thinking of breast ripper and Judas cradle.



egyptians did it too iirc

Anyone else not phased by torture/deaths when it's humans but can't stand anything against dogs?

I saw a video titled "Women raped and killed by muslims; her dog stoned to death" and I was more outraged by the dog part.

Any psychology majors fancy doing something with your degree and explaining this?

Lad, you're literally fucked in the head

Kill yourself dogs deserve nothing more than death I'm glad Koreans and Chinese are eating them, I kick every stray dog I see.


>I kick every stray dog I see.
WTF is wrong with you.


It's seems common though.

Like on /b/.

Post a kid getting split in half by a passing car and everything's fine.

Post a dog getting hit with a spade and everyone loses their minds.

I'll kick you in a minute you cheeky cunt

Mark of the autist. It's very common among people with autism/aspergers to feel more empathy towards certain animals and none towards humans. Dogs can't judge, dogs have not wronged you purposefully, Humans have done both of these things, therefore dogs > humans


That's just nature style shit

I mean more like people pouring boiling oil on a dog

I mean, I would never harm a dog. I am more of a cat person, but I would not ever harm a dog unless in self-defense (e.g., it charges at me for no reason, I am not one to instigate fights).

I like dogs, but I am more of a cat person.


Nah I'm not autistic

Like most people who've browsed Veeky Forums for years I'm probably some kind messed in the head a little

But anyway this isn't about me, let's get back to discussing the psychology of sensitivity/empathy and the history of nasty shit

t. Ling Zhao

that's pretty terrible in the sense that you're damned if you do, damned if you don't, but I'd take hanging over this type of execution

Obviously someone abusing a dog just to get off is repulsive but I don't lose sleep over it or even get mad really, a little sad maybe

Pic related is pretty nasty

Although apparently they were killed before it or given a good amount of opium

Sources contradict

A human understands whats happening to him and why. A dog doesn't. It's an additional layer of cruelty.

I killed my dog when I was 12 because he barked too much.

No you didn't

you could argue that the emperor sytem in itself was a reincarnation of kings, but indeed it wasn't a carbon copy

Being nagged to suicide by women

Like what they did to Gendry in Game of Thrones?

The one where they tie you down over a new bamboo shoot and let it grow up through your torso is pretty nasty.

t. Muhammad ibn Zhao

that one where asian monks sew up your asshole then feed you a bunch of shit until your bowels literally explode is pretty brutal

Boiling sounds worse.

That one where they put you inside a bronze bull and heat it until it's white hot sounds pretty terrible too.

How about being flayed alive?

>feudal Japan
Torture and brutal execution of criminals continued until late into the Meiji era. Every village and town had a small camp on the outskirts specifically for the killing of criminals.

An entire sub-cast of Japanese people existed basically for this purpose.

Modern Japanese prisons are still really hardcore. They chain your hands and feet to a steel bar behind your back and carry you around by the bar. When it's time to eat they set you face down in a bowel of rice and they hang you on a hook on the wall to hose you down. You only get unchained when in your cell. Their prisons are so harsh that the UN classified them as a human rights violation until the 80's when they toned them down somewhat.

The Japanese really, really do not like criminals.

The fate of Junko Furuta.


yeaaaa people are shit.
There is a greater harmony behind things, and many beautiful miraculous things in the universe.. but the ugly truth is there also lies a very evil underworld out to deprive others of their free-will and inflict pain.
It is what it is I guess.
I like to think the good outweighs the negative.


Given that I can't stand just burning my finger on a stove or something, the idea of having your whole body being cooked by heated metal as you desperately try to escape seems like the purest form of hell to me.

Head crusher slowly crushes your head. Your jaw crushed on the table than your skull.

>when you start to peel and you just stop moving because the newly exposed flesh hurts even worse than your BBQ'd skin
what a way to go, now i know how the wax people feel.

same here, but for animals in general

you need to go

related video (with cute kittens)

Some Viking Chiefs were known to cut out people's lungs while they were still alive.

Mongols poured molten silver in the ears of non-compliant states. :/

Yes but the person usually died instead of being sentenced to row a boat for eternity.

I'm sort of the opposite, I don't feel jack shit when dogs get tortured but people and cats get the same emotional reaction out of me.

>that dick shelf

At least the gave him that.

On a small island with very limited resources which has been fought over since time immemorial.

>no food
>steal food
>others realize you stole food which is already sparse
>fuck you up over it

Humans are assholes and are your biggest rival for resources. Dogs, and animals on the other hand will, and have nver wronged you. Dogs will always be loyal, your friends will betray you.

Also animals can help you trive, humans outside your clan will make you fall.

>The creator of this was thrown in as its first victim to test it.

Imagine being ordered to come up with the most horrible torture you can think of only to have it used on you.

Being sentenced to a D&D written plotline is the purest form of suffering

I mean, he did invent that unholy thing so he kind of deserved it.

Damn you're delirious. Leave your house some day senpai

I'm having breathing problems just why looking at these pictures, jesus christ that's so horrible

>Athenian """"democracy""""

Roman legalism and concepts of citizenry were superior to any notion of Athenian demos.

The Chinese are terribly uncreative in their death sentences.
>Death by a Thousand Cuts

Largely because they're some of the first people that codified it. So no "SO FOR HIS CRIMES, WE GONNA CUT HIS NADS OFF FOR ADULTERY, BREAK HIM ON A WHEEL FOR TREASON, AND BOIL HIM IN PITCH FOR REGICIDE" or some other arbitrary shit. They just picked your biggest crimes and that was your punishment.

They did Clan Extermination though, which was fucked up.
Japanese crucifixion is babby tier. You didn't linger to the point of excruciating death, they just prop you up on a cross, tell people you're bad, and then kill you with a single stab.

It is the truth. Going outside my house is what made me hate humanity. I see people trying to jew other people, slander their own friends, cheat on their partners and lie to their children, even to turn them against their own parent(s). Yet my animals have never done these things, and never will. Grantet, one of my cows or oxen might kill me one day, but not guided by hate, revange and jealousy, like a human would.

Majority of people are aggressive, disrespectful and selfish. There are many good people. But the majority of people have no virtue! You can only get respect from them if you threaten them. If it does not work, you put the threat into action. But the respect you get are only given out of fear.
But for some fear is not enough, when you give them any sign of respect or acknowledgement, they will see it as weakness! Thus, after you installed fear, you need to threat them like shit like the monsters they are.

What about psychological torture? Wasn't the NKVD really good at that?

I'm not sure if you're in the majority because I only have a handful of friends in real life but they all feel the same way you do and the consensus on the Internet from this board, Reddit and Facebook comment sections is that you are in the vast majority of animal empathisers.

Am I the only person who will unconditionally always feel more sorry for human victims than animal victims in any situaiton

I wonder who is behind this post...

There's a sense of innocence around animals that isn't there with humans. Animals can kill and do shitty things, but it's largely attributed to instinct and environment.

The presence of rationality in humans gives rise to the idea of agency in action, which makes the shitty things people do somewhat inexcusable if you value camaraderie and the sanctity of life.

So basically you're projecting the reprehensible nature of man onto any human victim you see and therefore see it as justified simply because they're human. Likewise you project the idea of innocence onto all animal victims because their pain always seems undeserved. The fact that a majority of either situation are perpetuated by the hands of humans themselves feeds directly into the reinforcement of both ideas.

t. dogfucker.

Starve your dog for several days then see how nice he is

Sensory deprivation/immurement just destroys your ability to think, after a certain point you'd be functionally retarded.

As far as purely physical pain goes, cooking (brazen bull/boiling), suffocating (crucifixion) and putrefaction (scaphism) lead by far. The thing with cooking is that it has to be at a constant

succint toast

lol "not notice until its too late"

how does anyone know then?

Deliberately starving your pet and subjecting it to adverse conditions and them blaming its actions on its inherent nature and not on the consequences of its environment seems a bit dishonest, to be quite honest mi familia.

How can you seriously support the idea animals are inherently cruel like humans while simultaneously illustrating one as a victim of a cruel human act in your very example?

Your example refutes itself.

did anyone mention the persian boat-honey-maggot death yet?

That fucking ass. Is it weird the four arms make her cuter to me?

>ctrl+F junko
thanks for posting it for me

>blaming its actions on its inherent nature and not on the consequences of its environment seems a bit dishonest, to be quite honest mi familia.
That is L I T E R A L L Y what you're doing
>waah humans are all evil and bad by nature
>no way their environment shaped them that way

Very true, but doesn't the presence of rationality and the ability to understand the consequences of one's actions add an element of agency to human action that animal's don't possess? The animal doesn't understand why things happen to it or why it does the things it does; it follows its instincts and nothing more. Can the same be said for humans?

Legitimately asking you. As I feel that one's ideas of determinism and the elevation of the human mind above naturalist principles is directly correlated to their ideas on the cruelty of human nature, precisely for the reason you described.



I can't stand either. Torture is so pointless, unless it's to extract information, and even then it's useful only in some cases.
Just kill someone who committed crime. It doesn't really deter shit, it's just some lowly ''satisfaction''.
I also can't understand why would someone torture animal needlessly. I would unironically shoot every person who tortures animals without any remorse. They are too dangerous to be kept alive, and they will surely repeat that on humans if ever given chance. It's like a litmus test for a sadistic psychopath.
Just like you put down a rabid dog, people who do that should be put down too.

Many people believe themselves to be good and don't understand why it's happening them: stuff like the book of job is replete throughout history, even today.

Similarly, I believe that the world is too complex for most of humanity, so they rationalize their reactions to it in their own way, to cope with it; hence the assholeishness and such

But it does deter shit; it's why draconism works; if you punish them publicly it makes others consider their course of action

break or cut an arm off, find the nerves and pull from them a bit without breaking, then peel some muscle, leaving a good length of nerve exposed and use it as a guitar string

you can do it with all limbs, taking different lengths in each one and play a song if you were really careful not to spill too much blood