League of Legends General /lolg/

TEITCH Edition
Also next contest when? Edition


>Patch Notes:
>retarded Pre-season and Assassin's stuff:

Old and Busted:

Kindred seems fun

Is she worth learning instead of other junglers like Olaf? Also is she viable top?

I love Lissandra!

oh baby, this is awesome


1st for I want syndra to shove her feet in my mouth

are we ever going to get any shen buffs besides the new sheild? or is based man of sheilds and ultis going to be bad.

Holy shit Taliyah is so much fun, and she's not THAT bad if you manage to get her shit right

No and no. You should still play her. She is fun and cute.


Who voted Dream Team here?

>That feel when you pick fiora and parry someone's ignite

Hm. I can't speak for Graves, Irelia, Ashe, or Soraka, but I certainly can for Poppy. I'd suggest trying her out top lane - I usually take flat AD marks with 1 crit mark, scaling Armor seals, armor quints, and scaling MR glyphs. You're spot-on Mastery wise. Dunno what else to say. You ever thought of trying out Sion? You might enjoy him if you enjoy Poppy.


Xth for Katarina
best girl

but feet are dirty? be careful man you might a disease!

Can anyone tell me how to fix lolking guides on google chrome?


>tfw those ridiculous nerfs coming next week

Still grinding for mastery 7 tokens, just need one one more for the based rat now... can I do it?

>want to impregnate Vayne
>no penis, testicles or sperm

im so sad

Post your this


lego legends

I like this new OP without the bunch of links a lot more

The only people that need those are people that started playing this week, anyway

So, out of 60 years, the average user would get 841 518 minutes of sex with Janna for $124.4 billion dollars if you paid her for $2.95 a minute for every minute of your life.

Time to start gathering your money, anons.

fuck _me_

>updated eyoson resources
God bless, now we don't have to deal with a bunch of random links

Uninstall chrome because it's a botnet and data miner. I'm partial to Opera myself.

reminder that Jarvan was never meta defining and only played when he could hard counter something or hard combo with something.

I want to ravage Evelynn's diseased cunt.

xth for best ship! :3

>people unironically believe this
It's ok, it's not like he even has both a Victorious and a team skin, or was relevant for 5 years despite only getting nerfs

>having data worth mining

t. someone that didn't play in season 1 to 4

besides lee sin he has been the most consistent constant meta jungler in the entire game, you cant seriously be retarded

>he didn't play J4/Vi/K6 jungle meta


>not having a name
sucks to be you faggot

Not having your entire hdd filled with dankest memes for at least 5 years to come

you know why he is relevant trought all these years
because he is a combo and ult bot, he doesn't need to be strong himself as long as someone is strong to follow his combo

Pictured here is someone too new to remember toplane Philo+Hog into Triforce J4 or any of the iterations where jungle J4 was extremely meta

Do I kill myself next patch

>my extensive collections of Japanese pornography aren't worth mining

Google will make bank off of those targeted J-list ads.

I like jhin and his character, but playing against him is just painful. I hate his W and ult so much.

Yes, a champion played for around 5 years straight was never strong on his own

Do you review your posts in your head before clicking "submit"?

why haven't they made and boygirl qt champions?

>3 enemies die
>we take 4 towers inhib and nexus in 30 seconds

Literally name a more ludicrous ability than Warwicks W

>J4 was never good

Are we playing some weird bizarro thing like we did yesterday writing lore based on Burch?

I wanna play too

>Nasus was never, ever played competitively
>He was also never jungled, who the fuck would jungle Nasus of all champions?

Would those happen to be the right items to turn Warwick from wolf to legendary killing machine god lawnmower?

Like J4, gold generation items were garbage and no one ever bought them, much less J4, you would never see one with both Heart of Gold and Philosopher's Stone on toplane, then recalling and buying an entire Triforce with their gold

Also annie was always and only a soloq stomper

Actually I like Poppy more because of her design that for her abilities, bad thing is that I just have tier 2 runes, and for Poppy I follow the build at champ gg but doesn't seem to work pretty well, also last hitting with Poppy is nightmare to me ;_;

Yeah its all you need senpai, 100-20 the enemy orianna with a tasty Q to finish her off, then just build tanky and some soft cc with mallet to help the rest of your team.

Jungle Alistar was just a meme. Getting headbutted from behind your tower and dove at lv 3 was just something retards would do on solo queue

Who the fuck would play J4? It's not like you could demolish teams on your own with Atmogs and Triforce, or entire jokes based on J4 being "THE META" and such, that's just a bold faced lie

the only viable way to play evelynn wasnt just standing around invisibly with 6 sunfire capes

Do you use AD or armor pen marks? AD are ideal on Poppy. They also make last hitting easier.

Aatrox saw a serious amount of competitive play and was rightfully gutted as a result

>Actually making me remember ali

Pantheon has never ever run AS runes for any reason whatsoever.

Wood sona force you to drink her milk?

AD tier 2 marks, same rune page I use for ADC's

Does anyone remember how useless Nidalee was before her rework? Just building Tear and RoA and doing absolutely no damage with her long range spears. The hitbox on them was also too thin, it was too easy to dodge them so the teams that picked her could never siege towers

>tfw Peanut started streaming
>now like the number 2 Twitch stream channel for League in a matter of days
>isn't meme shit like imaqtpie
>cute and likable personality
>good taste in music, no wubwub dupstep electric trance shit
>tries to talk to his english audience

I've never cared for streamers or e-celebs that much, much less League streamers and esports celebs, but I think this will be an exception.

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

Just like no way that first 3 bans would ever be shaco, yi and eve. Especially not above gold.

I'm glad the meta has always been this way since the start of the game. Imagine if someone tried to play Ashe mid and have a double bruiser botlane? It would be insane

>old Gangplank manages to crit you twice in a row with his early game parley because of that fucking crit mastery
>limping away to your turret while taking free slashes from him because the slow on his passive was brutal
>suddenly from the bush behind your turret came a cow that just cc'd you for 3 seconds and walked away

All you can do is get used to it then. Q is really useful for last hitting but can fuck up your cs, if you aren't careful. E can also be helpful for last hitting.

Xth for n is shits

[Spoiler]Buy morellonomnomakemehan instead.[/Spoiler]

Post jannas please


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>tfw 1 shotting an ad carry by pounicing away

good times

>that champ you never expected to like as much as you do
What's their name?

Few days ago I was told that Exhaust Heal top lane Twisted Fate is a fucking meme and it is not fucking possible that someone above bronze would play it. Especially not to reach rank 1 on soloq ladder

>losing all my games
>"Guess I have to use that"
>Lock in pic related
>3 /ff by 25 minutes because enemy jungler literally can't do anything.

The only way to win is to make everyone want to kill themselves. Maybe I'll hit plat after all.

jhin, jinx, ekko

how the fuck does a janna harass the lane

Imagine if there was a champion capable of revealing the entire map and slowing every enemy champion every 30 seconds lol

>Get home
>Check the news
>Still nothing about about Riot reverting Xerath rework

>winning games you should have probably lost just becuase you made the game THAT unfun for everyone
A powerful new metagame is born


Who the fuck is that character in the picture? I see it pretty often here.

>pre patch nunu running at me at 15 minutes with cinderhulk and a fucking support item and 3k health

fuck this nigger character

>The only way to win is to make everyone want to kill themselves. Maybe I'll hit plat after all.

you're just now getting this? there's a reason that every time a champ becomes S-tier they're labelled 'cancer' by everyone

Elise, I remember I refunded her when she first came out because he AA animation was attrocious. Then I played her in the jungle during a free-week and climbed along the spider web.

Wish I got her victorious skin.

If 3 5 or 7 I intentionally feed every time I see anybody in their first division of their role playing on my team for the remainder of this ranked season.

seriously I have no idea what to do against leona

yth for Ahri is cute

Is there a manlier champion than Garen?
Noxian faggots with axes not welcome.


Ziggs. Didn't understand what all the hype was about when he was first released and I mostly ignored him.
Picked him up later on (not when he was meta) on a whim and found out I fucking loved him.

new ranked borders fucking when???

This champion was such a joke. Even on his release, seeing him toplane was always a fucking free win, I never saw a champion so bad at laning

We even had some memes like "Get out of my lane, Jayce", anyone remembers those comics?

Olaf, Pantheon

League of Jinx

>playing mundo or trynd
>getting fed with an olaf jungle buddy
>tfw diving the fuck out of multiple people

no better feeling. brolaf is love. brolaf is life.

I know, but this is next level. This is some methodical shit. I don't even blink anymore. I just want to see my enemy's jungle in flames. I get off from the [all] chat responses. How my team should report their jungle, without knowing he literally can't do anything.

What is Nunu doing to me? I feel so wrong, even if winning was right.

am I gonna make it?

>I mained Syndra since the day she was added to the game
>People slowly started realizing she's strong
Kill me, My favorite character is getting gutted soon because of leddit shitlords not knowing how to use zhonyas.
I also wanted her to domniate me since the day i first saw her

>Meanwhile you're jungler is fighting to get the only creep he could, a scuttle crab.