League of Legends general /lolg/

Vlad is pretty kvlt edition


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>Pre-season and assassin's stuff

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Xth for Katarina
best girl

Has anyone on /lolg/ succesfully climbed from bronze to diamond? How long did it take? Currently gold and getting through silver took forever

Wish me luck lolg!

sexualize yordle boys!

Is there a way to mute mastery/team flashing so I don't have to see it?
I just had a bot lane flashing some team sign non-stop last game and it was super annoying

First time reaching level 30.
First time playing ranked.
Got into Silver 4.
Better than I expected.

Too bad ranked players are so toxic, I'll never play it again.

I want Ahri and Sona to become giants and mess with me!

Workin on it, senpai.
I've never been stuck in Bronze but I placed into it one season and had to climb out which took all of 4 hours.
I peaked at plat this season but I'm currently in gold.
My goal is high diamond next season, which I don't think is unreasonable because I somehow managed to get to plat at all this season when my peak in previous seasons was silver 1.

That's a surprisingly good title.

I forgot why I thought you were a gross weirdo but you just reminded me.

>Get feeders and afkers on your team including three MF supports
I cant carry hard enough,how the fuck is gold this kinda clownfest? Even normals look better compared to this

>Destroy cocky ekko in lane mid
>I'm 5/0/0
>This shitty nigger goes down bot lane
>It's warded, they all see him
>They push anyways
>They get destroyed
>He ends up carrying because of our """epic""' mf supp and jayce top comp




That's the division me, resident vladposter got when I first played ranked back in 2014.

You have a bright future ahead of you ma boi.

You're ranked highly with your waifu, right user?

Golds are impressively bad at lategame objective control. We also won a 4v5 for some reason

No it doesn't

I climbed from bronze to plat 2 and lost interest, but if I had kept putting in the time to improve I probably could have hit welfare diamond eventually . My first season I started out in bronze and ended up in Gold V after 200 games of Annie. After gold 4 it gets easier until plat 2

I hope you pressured the fuck out of his lane when he was away.

I hate what they did to Evelynn and can never forgive Riot for it. Makes it painful to play her now.

I cry on the inside a little bit when I play her nowadays.

I was destroying top lane at that time
I was 10/0/1 pretty early in the game.
Alas, unlike the shitty nigger kid of time, space aids nigger isn't as mobile.

Someone who hates pedophiles (you)

>Play WW
>Enemy Yi builds a QSS
>Constantly tries to 1v1 me

You are not nearly autistic enough.

Post em and rate others while at it


What's your ideal match aside from winning?

Also, what are some good counters against long ranged champs in top lane like Quinn, Urgot, and Jayce?

My waifu is in a different role :(

>play ww
>ult adc with qss
>they qss ult
>they die anyway

>Want to main my waifu
>instead I just never play her at all
>its better to not use her and not fail than to play her and potentially embarrass her
its fucking suffering. I wish I could be like anyone else and say "is only a game who cares if I go 0-50 I had fun". I would be genuinely upset and in a lasting bad mood if I played my waifu and had a shitty game.

aww should've been terrible getting raped as a child
did you enjoy it?


Solid taste senpai.

>Also, what are some good counters against long ranged champs in top lane like Quinn, Urgot, and Jayce?

Post the blank copy please.

>Black Cleaver and Trin
Someone is a top lanner.

how do i play wukong jungle

>How do I play X as a jungler
Armor rune page, then do the usual.

>Someone else loves Marauder WW
Literally the best 750 skin in the game, my nigga.

>Ult ADC
>They only QSS when ult is 90% done

3/4 of my fav champs are top laners
also here

Is there genuinely something wrong with adc players? Why are these little shits more likely to start flaming than anyone else on the team? I mean christ I don't even see Yasuos and Rivens tilt over the smallest little shit this hard.

why am i seeing le sin in 90% of my games

You need to realize that ADC's are playing an entirely different game from everyone else. To use a shitty metaphor because I'm hopped up on cold medicine, ADC's are playing Call of Duty while everyone else is playing a strategy game.

currently a low elo support main, I only play support role and fill adc

any advice for other roles? I don't know what is expected from mid and top lane, not talking about which champions to pick or not, but rather how to play the role in general lines in an acceptable way

There we go

My man I think you're mistaking I ain't the yordle boys faggot and if you got a problem with me, maybe it should be better to talk to me about it.

lel that webm

That's bronze levels of map awareness.

I'm impressed.

Both impressed that red team never backed and impressed that blue team didn't suicide themselves as they force a 4v5 teamfight out of pure stupidity.

my man, show me the sauce on my girl janna pic

I think I need to stop playing Jhin

You're missing your calling as a Tryndamere player.

I wish Hextech Janna was actually a good skin

Because they have the hardest role in the game.

Also if they get behind then they get fucked.

I play him a lot on my main, that's just a shyvana only smurf. Splitpushing is fun

What is Yorick's job mid-late game? I feel too scared to try and go in and W people. I do well early game, but mid-late I just don't know what to do.

>Favorite champion WW
I'm so sorry for what CertainlyT is about to do to your main


If this is trundle fag, I have no issue with you our friendship simply died because neither of us really continued conversations.

wtf i love dota now

why don't you like it?

Cmon don't drag Juggernaut into this, leave him be.
He doesn't give a shit, why should you.
Dota voicelines a best though.


I wish Yorick had actually good skins

>SKT has won half the seasons this game has been out
Why does riot cut NA's noses off their faces to breed "healthy competition" but lets the gooks decimate everything?

I wish I could motorboat hextech Janna's tits

i was bronze for 2 ssns and i just bought a plat acc and went from plat 4 to diamond 5 in no time

my team was legit holding me back, you jst cant carry bronze.

Which champion I like is a big factor in which role I want to play.

I feel you. Whenever I lock in Sona, I'm really happy that I get to play Sona, but there is always the fear of doing bad too. There's always a chance you might die, you might lose, etc. It's scary, but the joy of spending time with Sona outweighs that.

Things worth doing aren't always easy or without risks.

It's my second most used on her, why would you think it's bad.

yi has 3 whole swords, 2 on his boots for kick slashin and aerodynamics
check mate

I'm trying to remain positive. I hope that his Q takes the brunt of CertainlyBalanced's wrath, that ability is boring as fuck. If they touch his ult or his E I might shoot up Riot headquarters.


White people being good at video games is racist

One of my biggest pet peeves with League is actually that every fucking weapon is huge.
I get that they're made larger than normal so that they're more iconic of the champion and so that you can actually notice them as a part of the champ while you're in game but jesus christ.

>Which champion I like is a big factor in which role I want to play
Unfortunately I do play the role with the champions I most enjoy playing. Also my waifu is Riven

dance and waifu are the good parts/10

breddy gud overall except dance/10

can appreciate someone who's this focused/10

great apart from semi-questionable waifu/10

Why does the NCAA let Alabama win the national championship all the time? Why does the Spanish Primera Division let Madrid and Barcelona win all the time? Why do sports have dynasties?

looking for plat vi mains to duo
we just bumrush the adc in teamfights and make sure he/she doesn't have fun

it works, trust me

Need pages views.....


White people doing anything is racist these days.

yeah i know, i'm pretty fucking shit at talking to people in private even though i've been trying a bit more. i'm just super shy i guess?

The model is shit, especially her hair. Janna need a small VU. Also it's a 975rp skin and it doesn't have any new particle or recall. I wish riot would rework their old skins. Buying this skin for 975rp is litterally wasting riot points.

Would vi fuck irelia's cunt with her giant cock?

Only if you stop being a degenerate faggot ;)

but it has one of her best fanarts tho

fuck _me_


Do the governing bodies of these examples go out of their way to squash any chance of the other teams have to upset the dynasties like Riot does with NA and EU?
I didn't think so.

no, and riot also doesn't do that. SKT simply is the best team right now with the best players, and they won't lose their throne until another team is better.





the rest is shit

The best team should win. If people intervened and made it so the best team didn't win, that goes against the nature of competition and integrity.

I wish teams that have never experienced winning worlds would win worlds, and that the teams/players who have experienced it already would not keep winning, but at the end of the day, competitive integrity is important to any serious sport/competition.

you know what I mean

So play her jungle/mid. Or learn top. Playing the champion you like the most will make you have more fun.

Riven is a nice girl, spend time with her.

>Uncle Ryze

Blade mistress morg is pretty good

Unfortunately they've really only kept one spell from old kits in previous very big reworks. His ult is probably gonna be it, I can't see Riot keeping it as point and click though. They absolutely cannot stand that shit anymore as sad as that is. Hopefully it doesn't totally ruin him for people who like playing him.

so is bard a good champ or no? all i know about him is memes
also fuck enemies being able to go through magical journey what the fuck?

That GP skin is great. Sion skin is so cheap at that discount you might as well get it. That's also one of LB's best skins.

Ryze or you hate freedom

It's POSSIBLE to rework his ult correctly, it's just that I don't trust Riot to do so. On one hand this is the company that reworked Sion, on the other hand this is the company that reworked Shen.

fuck off Trump

That's how you bait them with premeditated CC

>Shen rework

Don't remind me. Literally what were they thinking? A fucking ghost sword?


This will tell you all you need to know

>enemies follow you in a perfectly straight path
>bard's Q stuns by hitting two enemies
They even go slower through the tunnel than you and your allies so it's super easy to set up .

Shen rework was fine, the problem is that they then completely gutted him for no reason.

why are all my games stomps? is this normal in the invis elo you start out in because of so many new accounts? its really boring 30-0ing or getting 30-0'd every game


>so is bard a good champ or no?
He can be but it's mostly that he can harass hard as fuck in lane while offering large amounts of sustain off shrines/mana regen off chimes. Once you hit mid you become singed tier slippery and making picks with your ult is game ending.

>also fuck enemies being able to go through magical journey what the fuck?

An enemy going through a portal is basically locked into being Q'd stunned and you get a speed boost going portals too.

Riot is tsundere for Shen, they can't decide if they want him to be viable or not. They'll give him just enough buffs to make him playable then "b- BAKA!" and gut him into uselessness again.