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mccree is not for gay

First for Reaper gags are the best gags

hana song

will sombra be the next gremlin meme?

I'm wondering


ETA on Sombra shitting up the real client?

>three-man starts in with "u mad bro"s and "it's just a game"s after our roadhog gets butthurt when we throw on hanamura attack because none of our three dps will switch to a second support after it becomes apparent that we desperately lack sustain on point B, and take it (only to lose it once the enemy respawns) several times

what is it about playing with other people that turns you into an absolute cockmunch?

next week prob


no sooner than november 24, when season 2 ends

>someone instalocks Sombra
>never hacks health packs
>never hacks enemies
>never uses her ult
>barely notice her presence at all

I really hope she's not the shitter choice

somrs feet

Rare cards


Cards are pretty irrelevant without any context
Especially when Custom games and vs AI are a thing


They really shouldnt allow people who aren't the same rank to queue

the last thing i fucking need is a handicap

How do you win Zarya 1v1s?

agree to punch each other to the death

100% laser beam accuracy, shield on 1 bomb coming your way

When does this season end?

I don't want my rank to decay or fuck my own shit up, but I also like talking mad shit at my friendlies who have like 200 less then me



Cutest and best pairing

Nanomachines son


2.8 SR is a fucking black hole.

>that blue
>those *dinks*
>that voice
Why is she so perfect?

Is it true Hana has a boyfriend, or is that just the VAs screwing around?

Holy FUCK Lucio's tiny. Genji's already a manlet so godDAMN

because you have shit standards

Hana's VA most likely has a boyfriend.
She is pretty cute.

Its true

I am her boyfriend

>tfw love the smug but never play her

Just 1 more to go! Wish me luck! :)

Why haven't you become a voice actor and enjoy the fun of just being yourself at cons?


Even if they were screwing around. A cute asian girl without a boyfriend? Get real user.

does anyone else here have sennheiser game zeros here? i am seriously disappointed in these headphones, the sound quality is awful and muddy. i only paid 50% for them thank god but man what the shit everyone praises these as the best gaming headphones everywhere

I'm with you!

>1v1 Winston

The tighest shit i have ever tried.


i like how tracer doesnt do shit for him

>1v1 McCree

A rival smug appears.

You'll only decay 12 points after a week and none after that.

>two 3v3s in a row of faggot Hanzos tossing blind scatter arrows into hallways

I dont understand reinhardt's ult range. I'm literally 10feet up in the air and when he does hammer down I instantly fall down and stay stunned.

Looks like you got outplayed

Lets be honest, a Koran pop culture icon her is probably getting pounded by fat old korean business men every night

>1vs1 Genji

I wish it was something like that.

Is this how old people have fun?


Not many ult's make sense, and one's that do, are kinda shitty

Like Widow and Mccree

I don't think she really knew what to do.

>that scene with the Mei voice actress

Earthshatter launches invisible projectiles about the same height as Reinhardt, it's like firing a shotgun with a set pattern. That's why you get stunned on top of the payload (and through it, it goes under as well as over).

It's because he is so tall, and the projectiles are launched at a set height from his point of view.

Unless you have Phara or Winston levels of altitude, the hammer will knock you out of the air.

Don't be in front of Rein when he ults. It's that simple really.

nth for sombra is kinda shit

>Koran pop culture icon

had no idea it was projectiles. I thoght it was him just shaking the ground with his hammer or whatever

This is the kind of people that end up on my team. Epic.

>Sombra has no damage

I love /owg/ memes. You guys are funny.

>Just don't be in front of him
that logic only applies to consoles tho

>Dva 1-1
>Foe approaches with defense matrix
>I maintain fire
>Drops it and starts shooting
>I started with more HP I die first, he still has a hundred HP left


Its not a projectile. Its a unique skill that can ONLY be blocked by another Reinhardt's shield.

>sombra gets countered by 80% of the hero pool

really good shit blizz

this game is full of visual effects that poorly convey how the actual game mechanics behind them work

>but sombra has the same DPS as tracer over a billion seconds

get to fuck m8. Sombra needs buffs and she will probably get some.

whats wrong with torb?

Sombra's anime powers.

Ay man. Can't knock his diamond rank.

It can be blocked by any barrier, and if it isn't projectiles, then why does Zarya using her personal barrier while body blocking Reinhardt prevent Zarya's teammates from being effected by Earthshatter.

>sombra's cyber skin

my fucking dick

No, it's possible to not be in front of Rein on PC too. You just have to use your WASD keys.

Talon has some great taste in agents.

Too early to make judgments it would be better to see how she fares in tournament matches.

>1v1 McCree

Dont shoot shields bait them out.
More pellets hit your critbox :^)
Hes got a turret so people instant hate him and any work you do as torb is invalidated because of its existance.
>diamond with torb
How can you even get mad at that.

Tfw had many moments like these
Never realized how cool it looked outside of playing irl in the moment

Maybe on paper, not so much in practice

No its really not too early. Ster is even streaming right now and can't do anything with sombra. She needs some sort of buff to be viable as an offense character. If they want her to be support they have done a bad job. Instant hack or no "useless for a second" after you decloak would be good. Decreased spread on gun also good.

>How can you even get mad at that.
Because he did fucking nothing on my team. We had a great master rank McCree that carried though.

I think I played with this guy, we steamrolled on attack and they didn't get past first point when we were defending. Our Mccree was pretty good though.

I guess I should start advertising coaching lessons on here.

Why can't Genji reflect it?

Why can't d.Va defense matrix it?

It's NOT a projectile, its something clearly unique.

RIP bug

Thats adorable

IDDQD looked like he was doing pretty good with her but the end of round results were a bit disappointing even when he was getting nanoboosted all the time.

Was it on Dorado right now?

>diamond as torb main

I honestly can't hate.

I've been playing serious by picking Rein and Lucio, and I'm low level plat.

>Every single character in the game can move faster than a mouse can turn

I refuse to believe such audacious retardation exists!

It's an AoE like self destruct and riptire

It was on Dorado, were you there? I was Lucio, solo support on attack.


starting to grey


starting to wrinkle



>1v1 Symmetra

Yes, I was the Rein.

I mean ster is really bad at the game, but regardless, her gun does damage when she is boosted but otherwise you are pretty much useless. Healthpack hacking doesn't do as much as youthink and hacking a player is certain death 50% of the time.

>diamond with torb

better than me

Why Symmetra?

Well I couldn't believe that you don't know how to avoid being in front of Rein when he ults and yet here you are!

Ster sucks, moonmoon was doing great with her

>3v1 an out of place widowmaker
>say hello to dead body
>the salt rolls in
how can someone get assblasted over a wave holy shit