How did people not go crazy with boredom in the past? I mean even 1950

How did people not go crazy with boredom in the past? I mean even 1950.

they did

In the past not many had the privilege of free time. Those that did become naturalists, philosophers or inventors and so forth. Hobbyist scientists.

Could you imagine only knowing the people in your village. If you didn't like them you were fucked. Now we can have discussions with intellectuals from all over the world despite our geographic fates. What a time to be alive

u wrong

>Now we can have discussions with intellectuals from all over the world
And yet here we are...

Fishing and fucking.

I am serious our expectations towards free time are so overblown because we have all the shit we have.

And at the same time we only become intimately familiar with a scant number of people. If we go back to antiquity or the middle ages there would not be much else to do besides go to the temple/church/town square or whatever else and just shoot the shit or drink. It's possible for a modern city-dweller to be truly alone in a way a peasant farmer would find hard to understand.

Socialized, drank, played cards, read novels, attend plays, cavort and sing etc

this was like the main reason people signed up to go fight in wars

They were too busy getting laid.

When will the "people are too occupied with their gadgets and the internet meme" ever stop? Isn't it just better in every way that we're not so goddamned bored anymore that we'd go and make 26 babies, get shitfaced and fight and go to wars all the time?

I thought the main reason was getting money.

When will the "people in the past only fucked, drank, and beat their wives to pass the time" meme end.

Go to war and rape some stuff.

They were used to that life style.
How did you not go crazy without smartphone in your youth?

Look I'm not saying if there was a time machine I'd leave modernity but there's something to be said for the simpler, more socially integrated lifestyle people lived before. Even today the happiest populations in the world don't live in hyber-modernized urban environments. They're in like Sardinia and Okinawa and live in villages.

Fucking goths this is horrible

They had raping slaves of all ages and genders for fun.
>Meanwhile in the city of (you)

It really is one of the things that's totally different from the past.

One thing that was eye opening about this for me was Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler. And in his early speaking days, one thing that becomes apparent was how often he was speaking to an apathetic or hostile crowd...who paid to get in.

People used to pay money to look at shitposters IRL.

I got this from At Home: A Short History of Private Life

without the distractions that generate of monitors and tvs...

id imagine they were highly more productive with their time. with no cause for distraction, that's a subtle yet huge reason to pursue personal interests.

the people before us in general, all the way to the ancients, i'll give them that advantage. they had less excuses and reason to waste time.

Their brains weren't wired for constant novelty. Why do you think ADHD has become so widespread. Constantly browsing vine, 5 sec clips, facebook, post after post picture after picture.