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me unga sombra bunga
First for tracer is a slag
Cutest and best pairing
I'm getting a bit tired of roadhog mains who can't kill winston
holy fuck dude you're better at it than Reaper, what's your fucking problem
how are you going to have 60 hours playing roadhog and have 47% hook accuracy
am I the only one that thinks pharah + mercy combo is too strong now?
McMei is best ship.
just wait till you spot the one dude with over 500hrs on roadhog and sub30% hit rate
Support hero idea:
Name: Kaldr
Health: 200
LMB: Hurls ice shards at enemy. Sort of like Mei's RMB but instant cast and less damage
RMB: Chilled feet: Places a frozen hex on an enemy hero that deals damage over time, but can be dispelled by moving away from the initial cast point. If the enemy hero doesn't move out of the given range, it will be stunned and frozen in place after 4 seconds.
E: Snow vortex: Creates a vortex of icy energy that slows movement speed and increases ability damage done in its range. Lasts 4 seconds.
Shift: Freezing touch: A frigid gust enchants teammates, granting them bonus damage for a number of any projectile or hitscan LMB, while slowing their attack speed slightly. Kaldr always receives the buff. Lasts 6 seconds.
Q: Glacier blast: Launches a tracer (not the hero) in any direction, which must be triggered again to mark the area to be blasted by a damaging explosion of hail. The further the tracer travels, the larger the explosion will be. Enemies caught in the explosion, or who touched the icy ball of hail as it travels, are frostbitten, taking damage and prevented from regenerating or healing. If a frostbitten hero's health drops below a certain percentage, they will instantly shatter. Shatter = damage is based on the current % of their health, does more damage if they have less health.
No most of the playerbase can't get out of plat.
i cant to cum in mei's butt
>Playing 3v3
>Kick ass
>Enemy teams call us tryhards
But Anons, whats wrong with Roadhog, Mcree and Zenyatta?
This is a French spider
>fill me up with your nanoboost
How do I play Hanzo? I keep getting him in 1 v 1.
>Zarya buffed
>Ana still god tier
>Genji lowkey buffed
>D'va buffed to omega obnoxious levels
>Widow buffed
>Mercy buffed so mercy-shitters flock back to her
This is the worst patch they've ever released.
Do you just press hook every time it's off CD regardless of if anyone is around?
I would consider myself a mediocre roadhog but I can keep 55~% hook accuracy
>kill torb
>kill his turret
>ult on their team, break Rein's shield
>no one goes in
>we lose
>"gg shit sombra"
Same old, same old
>climb to high rank
>think people will actually be good
>it is actually low diamond in disguise
Friendly reminder to switch to the superior Japanese voice actors for a more enjoyable gaming experience.
>playing 3v3
>nobody goes roadhog
>start winning
>enemy picks roadhog
>shit on them with reaper
>t-bag the fuck out of them
how's there still so many sombras running around you only need to play her like 15 minutes to come to the conclusion that her gun is incredibly unsatisfying and weak and her abilities lack any oomph that makes you feel like you're doing cool shit
i literally haven't even played her once on live client because i already discovered quickly on PTR that she's boring af
Who made Ana a mommy?
ana amari
>Get 5 gold medals with Hog
>Get no card
>Our Torb with 13 turret kills gets one
What the hell did they do to the card system?
dva has a cute small butt not a hideous booty like that
What his abilities will be?
I want to squish that spider, wipe its gooey remains with toilet paper and toss it into the trash
>play with godspeed
>take his lucio
He's a cyborg sumo wrestler. Basically a Genji/Roadhog hybrid
fuck you, i know its some tumblr artist shit, what's the name, I THIRST
Why not MeiCree?
Jesus christ she's SO unsatisfying. How do you make a weapon that's basically the same as Tracer's but worse?
Not to mention anything kind of cool she does gets cucked by taking any damage.
On top of being kind of shitty and boring she's also annoying to play against.
All I wanted is for her to counter Ana but she can't even do that.
Fuck Sombra, that mexican piece of shit is going on the list.
Hello everyone!
>pick Genji
>enemy team is composed of mei, roadhog, and winston
honestly dunno m8y. check rule34 you'll probably find it if you narrow your search for ana
Do you guys think Sombra's weapon sound should be changed a bit?
I immediately think theres a Bastion when she starts firing.
Is this a pro hoverhand?
well yeah her smg is fucking boring and uninspired it's just a kind of a weird mismatch of tracer's and bastion's
like when you start designing a new hero making their primary fire different from the rest should be blatantly obvious..
It's a stupid idea because, unlike the old quickplay where hero stacking would happen sometimes and naturally, people go into no limits fully intending to do dumb shit like 6 bastions or whatever. We will probably never get old quickplay back though.
I'd kiss Genji VA-kun.
>tfw you finally figure out sombra's spray pattern
holy shit i'm unstoppable
will do, thanks
>sombra, healer, tank
>we're doing alright
>sombra fucks up vs something
>I say "you're supposed to use X first"
>"idk how to play her"
>"then why the fuck are you using her"
>"hurr leave me alone, 3v3 are for fun, going afk bye"
simply epic
>happen sometimes and naturally
It would only happen with muh hanzo mains and retarded groups, both can go fuck themselves.
Also the only thing i've seen stacked in no limits is Sombras, which would have happened in the old QP anyway. That new change was amazing and nothing of value was lost.
a 2 hero limit would have been great.
>ywn be a cosplay whore
yes a basic RNG spread is very hard to figure out
now, it would be interesting if blizz introduced a hero to OW which gun actually had a spray pattern
heroes of the storm is so fucking bad
why do they make us play 15 entire games
Leave hana alone, you are making her cry!
How long do you have to get the skin?
Agreed, I thought this would be a good compromise when I first heard about the impending removal of multiple heroes.
>tfw I get to be the only Genji on my team in every game
>tfw no more retards meme picking 6 Genji teams because a fucking idiot picks Genji after me because "if you have 2 Genjis might as well have 6 lol!"
Feels real fuckin good man
>be sure to finish nice and deep, young man
They literally, LITERALLY buffed Zarya, the single best hero in the game.
What the fuck were they thinking????
>enemy team has a sombra and a pharah
>we don't
>We will probably never get old quickplay back though.
if people liked it then people would play it
>Do you like my lipstick user?
january 4
Can someone explain the spray pattern meme to me?
I'm not a long-time FPS babby
>make us
Did kaplan invade your house and put a gun on your head while yelling 'GRIND THE SKIN NOW MOTHERFUCKER'?
What the fuck is the point in elimination
the one who gets the first kill wins 99% of the time
You missed the point of my post, old QP and No Limits are nothing alike.
I don't own this game yet. Are there any modes that don't let you change character mid match? I feel like it would be more fun if people were just stuck as whatever character they chose at the beginning of a match and had to adapt using whatever abilities that hero has.
They're exactly the same ruleset
>Enemy team picks Sombra/Tracer/Genji
>They never engage and just run around
>*stares at the ground in confusion that a woman spoke to me*
Its exactly the same thing, except that you can get more lootboxes by grinding no limits with the arcade system.
I like that I can finally pick D.Va without being bitched at to pick either Rein or Zarya instead. I really hope they don't nerf her.
Mechanical skill training zone.
But they will never play the same because of the different mentality.
that is exactly what happened, yes
im too scared to call the cops because I am pretty sure he's still around somewhere looking through my windows
I like her black lipstick.
hehe you took what i said literally :q :)
You can't learn any spray pattern because it's based upon a random algorithm.
'its ok, please change your haircut though'
how did I do
>Every single game Sombra is instantly locked
How the fuck am I supposed to try her out?
I'm hoping I won't run into that once I hit diamond.
Most of the time old QP was played like of there was a 1 hero limit, but once in a while you ran into 6 Torbjörns. On weekends every 2nd or 3rd match was a stack
no limits
Buy an i7 and an SSD.
I don't know. Let me see it smeared on my dick, puta.
Spray patterns are basically how guns will act when you hold down the trigger. Learn the spray pattern and you can land most of a clip even on a moving target or at great range.
Shitty FPS games have spray patterns be completely random (i.e., Overwatch.) Good FPS games have at least semi-predictable spray patterns.
Sombra, for some reason, has a semi-predictable spray pattern. Furthermore, it's extremely tight even at medium range.
Basically...aim for the chest at medium range and the waist at long range.
are you nerds jelly :P ?
I would love it around my dick
Exactly my point, hero stacking was a thing that could happen but it wasn't shoved in your face every single match.
In roadhog fights, whoever lands a hook first loses.
I love when the models finally get ripped.
wow that skin looks really ugly :|
in counter strike weapons have a spray patters, which means that bullet spread behaves roughly the same every time you hold down the fire button. it always forms a very similar pattern. once you learned that pattern, you could compensate for it by moving your mouse in the exact same way every time, increasing your accuracy, so you wouldn't have to burst fire.
Its at least more entertaining than the other tanks, a good few right-clicks can swing things.
First thing that pops into your mind when thinking about HOTS and Blizzard games is a Japanese demon, they nailed it once again.