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1st for femhuman sluts

i love you ralph


How do people play the game with people like this.
if this is what it means to be a mythic raider, il be a shitter for life.


best autist world

Enjoying the 7.1.5 patch notes, user?

Old Gods did nothing wrong.


stay shit, shitter

>nerfing sub boots because ________

Shit like this makes me want to play on Moonguard for giggles

>game will never have time and phase based boss music

I will enjoy getting chewed out by your autistic RL.

post big butts

Post your comfy wow space

When will like bearfart admit she is a tranny and get over her genderqueer phase?


>every single time I hit a loading screen I have to alt+f4 and delete my cache+wtf folder

Its Argent dawn actually.

Hot post more.
Pretty sure thats Argent dawn on EU broski... don't ask me how i know this.

which panda posters setup is this?

Reposting cuz this is serious.

How do I induce homosexual lewd Taran Zhu dreams? I tried drinking sake but it didn't work D:

I guess not everyone in Asia drinks sake, what monkish thing should I do to get Taran Zhu to fug me on my sleep :o ?

Same shit in Moonguard

I sniped a Sky Golem off the AH for 85g and feel pretty bad about it. The guy was still a lvl 100 questing in Tanaan when i checked.

Should i just sell it?

report ralph posts
he's literally permabanned for ban evasion

What conditions need to be met for the Karazhan breadcrumb quest to spawn? Is there a min ilvl or something?

Since Fire is DED

Arcane or Frost?

Arcane seems fun

>only started artifact knowledge progression because literally no quest or piece of text informed me of it or explained it
>found it only by deciding to explore all of my class hall now

good game design. at least it was just a few days missed

500 world quests completed

tfw you get memed into transferring to moon guard

Ralph here, I am the homosexual sub bottom panda.

I ve triggered hundreds of people here, /pol/ and int so you might have heard me, also as the Greek furfag but mostly in pol


Yes 100% the same shit with different people.
its fun to read some of the profiles and face palm... then remember that I am probably as bad as they are.


check out this nigga

Give it back to him. Did the same and that guy got me into a mythic progress guild.

>guild isn't deathlord

He had one job

i seriously wish you would just hand yourself

t. Triggered autist

>WoW tokens are not 55k on NA realms

What the fuck!? My account just went down and I went to reactivated with gold and that's what the game is telling me. How long do I have to wait for it to go back down to 33k?

>Experience True Betrayal

>guild isn't

>Using title and a name the same as the title.

just wait until players come back


But 7.1 only just came out and the price of tokens has been increasing steadily for like 6 weeks. When are players going to come back before the next expansion?

>when you're hungry as fuck and go down and steal the breaded chicken, egg coated potatoes, and garlic cucumber salad before the raid starts real quick

What's the best mage xmog set?

Hand myself?:o
As in finger myself? Sorry not that lewd, plus I much rather prefer a penis in there.

And a chubby hairy cute cuddly guy attached to it preferably like Taran Zhu

Can't wait to get a monk to 100 to fug with Taran Zhu in the class hall

Oh is that why the general feels so dead?

queue right after the reset

last hope is that 7.1.5 class changes arent complete shit, if they are wait for next content patch

yeah legion obliterated subnumbers
we are under 2mil players

oh, I didnt know that was your setup ralph, looks comfy AF

we "talked" in a thread the other day on /v/
I came back to the general today after weeks/months away, nice to see youre back too :^)

Umm hello why do we have to pay for the anniversary items we got for free last time?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA the samefag's guild got disbanded and rushed to bearshit for help to get into xer guild.

Just as planned I guess, so much for bearshit's "I am so mad at her behavior"

Really shows how xe has no standards and will ignore everything you do as long as you stay cucked as +1 """""friend"""""


>til most of 7.1.5 unsubers just went to play heavensword and TESO gold

>Mass rogue unsub soon followed by DKs if 7.1.5 changes are definitive

not as good as Brewmaster Brewmaster, rank Brewmaster of the guild . (Spec: Brewmaster)

europe servers just FUCKING DIED

I like how you're so insecure, so stark-raging mad about all the bans you've received by now, it's incredibly evident in your posting. You're so pathetic, you bitter, degenerate fat faggot.

I saw you whining like a little bitch on /v/ a week or so ago. Now you come in here basking in people pretending they give a single shit about you. Out of all the infamous people we've had in this general, you take the cake for the biggest, whiniest bleeding pussy.

Literal who............

But sub numbers aren't being released, how did you get hat number?

And yeah, makes sense, world quests get kinda boring, and even heroic raid feels like shit since the gear is barely an upgrade and it ain't easy

Oh just having some fun temporarily, actually waiting the hot pockets man to do his job so I can go to sleep.

Fun posting here is addictive.

And yeah, it is quite comfy

That is why you keep using degrading words, because you are so unaffected ;^)

>source: innacurate addon
I guess Blizzard were lying on their reports that WoW's sub numbers increased when compared to the same period of previous expansion.

are you tired? we can cuddle for a bit until we fall asleep

Do you level those alts from 1 to 110 without heirlooms or anything?

i got that number from a picture that has been making rounds in the wow community
i may no be completely accurate but it sure feels like everything is dead

Saved thank you

Oh god no I am not that crazy

can you goats STOP being so cute

lvl 90 boost? lvl 100 boost?

>my wow gf broke up with me because i wouldn't tell him how i make 6k per blood of sargeras

I leveled many during wod, they became lvl 100 boosts later in wod

How do you not get bored?

I want to be as autistic as you. Give me some pointers please. I only have 1 main which I play all the time.

>make group for reg mythic
>"only ilvl 870+ no noobs" in description
>no min item level set
>enjoy the rage whispers

Requesting an answer from any based RIPIP player:

You guys raid 9 hours and do Mythic raiding. How many times do you usually pop a Defiled Augment Rune during a typical progression night?


I find it hard to believe that a relatively minor patch will revert WoW token prices to their previous low rate. Also, shouldn't fewer players mean cheaper WoW tokens because there is less demand for them? Obviously there's less supply too, but the supply should be less affected than the demand because the players who are still playing are hardcore and more likely to buy gold?

>Not sharing everything with your bf
Another fake """"bf"""" like bearshit's """"friend""""" memes

Oh I am afraid it is a natural thing for Mel because afte some time I get bored or dislike some aspect of my current main, end up changing and playing another class only to repeat the circle.

For example now I got really bored of mage and how derp Melee are in wpvp so ima level a monk, as a Melee you can't pretty much kill everything or run away, plus dumb immunity cds



most people dont use them because we are all lazy poor fags
other than cenarius that is anyway

>not even a full 7.X patch
>no new content, just class rebalancing like every minor patch since the pre-expansion patch
>coming on the heels of a major content patch

How can I join a raiding guild and hide from them that I am not using Defiled Augment Runes?

It's only a 325 main stat buff, right? Can you hide that from the logs since it doesn't show up as a direct portion of your damage?

the problem is no one is buying wow token with real money
its the reason why tokens are much more expensive on eu because russian are cheap
you need casual buying with real money for cheap tokens

Do you actually raid? I have learned to appreciate your greatness. It's such a shame some people create lot of drama because of you. It has to be because they are jealous.

The "class rebalancing" of 7.1.5 is pretty damn severe though.

Almost all Mages will reroll, SPriests will be less dominant..

Simcraft (by following and askmrrobot shows me different best in slots, which one should I trust?

Gave Kara a try with a bunch of PuG 850s (that includes me, Prot Pala)

We fucking struggled but we downed curator before people had to go to bed (continuing it tomorrow)

Gotta say Kara is very fun, finally something that isn't just face roll

>cute as fuck human girl
>disgusting retarded shitpile that is the "female" orc

Horde is so subhuman

When is that likely to happen again?

People who main a few classes and have been consistently playing this expansion will notice the difference, but I doubt it'll persuade normies who've already dropped the game to come back.

Look. The people who put the tokens in the market are the richfags in real life, most of them are casual AF so they already stopped playing because muh grind muh forced mythics etc.
So token's prices skyrocket until a new patch is announced and said casuals come back to the game.

you will not get past the mana wyrm if you struggled one bit before it

if you guild wants you to use them its safe to say for the first few wipes on a boss you can just skip it till you guys start getting pretty far into the fight
and as for farm i dont think anyone would care if you have it on or not

>tokens are now 100k in europe

what the fuck

So it'll go back down again briefly next Tuesday when the patch is released?

players usually only come back to big new content patches or new addons
you could try to save some money for that time to get more gametime for your gold

I know that fucking feeling

>Friends want me to join their realm
>It's an RP server
>Moon Guard
>Never been on an RP server before
>Looks weird but kind of neat
>Transfer my 110 alt over
>First day there I'm at the AH
>Checking prices on things
>Get this whisper
>Delete character and never on RP servers again

WHAT.THE.FUCK is wrong with people on RP servers?!

>join a +2 because i'm bored af and but can't be arsed to anything hard
>tank starts explaining tacs to me
>it's not even good tacs

Yeah a friend invited me to his guild in bleeding hollow, we did normal and half of heroic but things started going really slow and he thought of joining some "mythic" guild.

Which resulted to be cancer because to spend 2 fucking hours trying to kill nynthendra only to get only 4 fucking items for a 20 man raid is quite disgusting, especially with master loot memes.

I ll try do some heroic pugs with monk once I get to 110 or some main guild guys, but it just get some so slow and Boring and repetitive after you get around 860ilvl, heroic gear just isn't enough of a reward unless you breeze through it

And yeah, they are really triggered bait my existence, they simply cannot co pretend me and common humans always afraid what they can't understand d