What is his big problem with sin anyway?

What is his big problem with sin anyway?

All seems pretty arbitrary to me.

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Sin creates scenarios that are equivalent to like...imagine a group of monkeys killing each other for one banana. That frenzy-like behavior.

It's hard to see because it can be brief. But lets say you're poor. You have no conviction. You discover what we know as extortion.

Now you're feeding yourself through extorting others. Another hungry person see's you and also learns how to extort, or maybe you feel bad for another hungry person and you teach him how to extort.

This person, may become even more ambitious to steal by force when you were just doing it for food. So now you have someone who's harming even more people then you were. Someone see's him participating in this, only this 3rd person now wants to unionize it, turn this type of theft into an enterprize.

All this stems from a single guy who was just hungry and unable to be calm and patient (definition of patient is long suffering) in his attempt to support himself.

But you now have a frenzy of offenses being done upon people.

And it doesn't stop here, this applies to sex. Someones simple unbridled appetite for sex could lead to sex slavery in insanely immoral scenarios.

Sin spreads, it's a complete letting go of your internal control and just handing your intent over to consumption thats the appetite of the flesh.

This is beyond a powerful influence in the lives of man, I mean government to this day, with all we know about treating each other fair, with love, all these men in this groups and enterprises...they still insist on murder and theft. You know what they do to union organizers in south america? They kill them. All this is for a mass appetite of money among groups of men that sit together.

Now this is why Christ came. To tell you you're already loved for one, there's no need to feel like you lack anything, no reason to listen to the flesh in this way. Not only that, but God knows how hard it is, so he forgives over and over. Just don't take more than you need. Let him supply.

Sorry, I butchered that second to last paragraph.

**we all know the benefits about treating each other fair and with love, yet all these men these groups and enterprises....they still insist on murder and theft.

But yeah, that's what sin is. It spreads and spreads until everything is operating in a less optimal way.

Sin is the manifestation of evil. It's the cost of living in the polarity of good and evil. Having this knowledge of Good and evil.

I mean it really makes you wonder about the tree of knowledge.

We wanted to know what the gods know, we wanted to see what they see, instead of being taken care off every way possible, we wanted to know more and see more and be like gods, maybe the first sin was pride on our behalf? I don't know....we wanted to be equal with gods, as the story goes anyways...

Meanwhile, we can barely exercise the discipline to sustain life in a uncompromising structure of our own creation. We can't stop sinning against each other for money, women, and vain power.

And man has the nerve to think he's above God? I don't buy half the arrogance and pride people try to force upon me by way of their beliefs and disposition. I don't know, people can beat their chest, be the proudest non believer and most knowledgeable, but you're only king in your own head, I don't recognize you as such.

But yeah, that's why I personally believe in God and Christ. I see a correction attempting to be made in a world that thrives in the incorrect. If it's not some proud and arrogant 20 year old that's only safe because he's behind the safest walls in modern times, America's walls, he's never been hungry, never struggled, just pretends like he's a king in his own mind and ideologies, meanwhile in reality....he's just as vulnerable as the rest.

That's because it is arbitrary, and God doesn't exist.

Not an adherent, but heres my bs take on it.

Sin is the destructive force within humans, selfishness or primal instincts that will lead to destruction/suffering in others/the self.

I just think its good to be aware that all of us have this so you can try to repress it, to be fully without it seems impossble.

Which branch are you from?



smoge veed evridei :D:DDD

Keep using the fedora argument. It makes Christians look worse. Please, keep doing it.

Sin prevents you from seeing the truth and find true happiness.

Sin is best viewed as a metaphor for behavior that is self-destructive or destructive to society in general.

Sin is debt. If you're in the red, no heaven for you. Have some original sin just for starting the game. Good deeds do not pay off your debt. Bad deeds give you more debt. Only Jesus can balance the books because he has infinite credit, so go make friends with Jesus!

simply ebin

> To tell you you're already loved for one, there's no need to feel like you lack anything,
Can I eat love? Can I drink it?
Woo, "love" sure helps me from feeling the pain of starvation.

If God made humans then why do humans need to eat and not be solar powered like plants? Checkmate, Christians.

Simple biology says that even if our outer skin was photosynthetic, we wouldn't gain so much. Eating food is a far better method.

>An omnipotent being couldn't change that


I don't know what you're asking,but I just study.

You're missing the point of why people exploit others, it's done out of fear. People feel like they aren't taken care of so in their panic, they go to extreme measures to satisfy themselves because they have no faith that everything is going to be okay no matter what. That's what faith is...in the face of adversity, you know there's nothing to worry about because you're already loved, you're already considered and valued. You have no need to hurt anyone to make yourself feel better.

The stronger the faith, the easier it is for God to break through that black void that lies to the observer by telling the observer "you see? there's no God here.."

Faith is leaping over that black void. That void that's the prison for the unbeliever.

>If God made humans then why do humans need to eat and not be solar powered like plants? Checkmate, Christians.

Whats the difference between needing a sun that will die eventually, from a vegetable that will die eventually?

How is a sun any more efficient than the food the earth produces. It's all energy just moving in the same direction.

scarcity man

>to me
that's your problem right there limited human

>implying the clergy and the authors of the bible weren't limited humans

let me lay it down for ya.

the difference between god and the devil

you see they both understand humans
they understand you want to fuck, fight, sleep, and eat. They know you really just want to give into your baser desires and instincts.
the instinct of self gratification, and the intrinsic of self satisfaction.

they both understand what you want
the difference is whereas the devil understands you. God does as well, but he just thinks you can do better.

to be in a free and loving society we must first transcend our savage and bestial nature .
sin basically sets civilization back.
sure one person sinning one is a drop in a bucket, but with many drops it turns into a tidal wave.

>knowledge of good and evil
>turns out that it's all subjective anyway

Biggest disappointment ever

Good answers.
