/scg/+/edg/ Star Dangerous Elite Citizen 95

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Rest in peace, sweet prince

2nd for taking on pirates where they live!

>I'm 400 Ly away from dream ship


>implying SC is ever coming out

Shooting sandniggers when?

I got mine A rated this morning.
Sweet Fer-De-Lance-chan

the pc term is sand google

Not so much half-way as the right way. Ships will have as many npc as they have room, the npc are needed for player to teleport in at will.
Only prize ship like the Bengal or that Cruiser won't since they can't be bought
Npc will need to work for us to get a game (SC or SQ42) anyway, so it's only a question of game balance
Make sure NPC death is penalizing and you won't abuse them.

So far, 90% of the people I've seen questioned
a) want to fly Idris/Jav solo to have mindless fun
b) want to keep it away from trolls (there is support for the PvE sliders)

>Since when have dads been FOR player interaction or agency?
The way I heard about them they want immersion (and VISION) even if it mean taking hours to do the stuff.
I can see preventing one man army (cause npc don't count silly) and needing to physically retrieve their crew sound like a wet dream for them.

A large population of dads play in Solo only because to them a player could ruin the "immersion" by doing something that wouldn't "fit".
Its really fucking backwards logic.

When you see PvP lover asking for player to never be safe outside of base, I kind of understand dads thinking
Disconnecting during battle is shitty game design, but never be able to disconnect as well.

Currently have a Freelancer MAX but I have a Prospector upgrade sitting in the hangar gawking at me. Do I do it or wait?

I'd wait until the Freelancer variants are reworked and mining mechanics + the Prospector are in.

Other then the fact they said there wont be an NPC for every slot just enough to hire for a larger ship to function, sure they will give you nav,copilot,radar,engine npcs but dont ecpect a free hand out for every single turret and dropod and seat.

I fly a combat ship but I play in Mobius because I was tired of interdictions, ganks and just outright fire without hail whenever I would try to do a CG or get anything done with friends.

>friend gets the game
>try to teach him how to play, on Eravate
>get attacked by A rated FDL three times (and him and I killed, because I was just flying an Eagle to teach him) until we leave for Mobius

Fuck Open, I'm glad Solo and Private Group exist. All my interactions in open have been overwhelmingly negative.

that is cause all the good people are carebears

Surprise surprise, when you have a system with no punishment for clogging people are pretty fucking aggressive. But in all seriously Eravate is the worst case, theres plenty of player-populated systems that aren't totally rife with shitheads. Eravate has been a shithole since the start.

Eravate was just the most infuriating one, that guy was killing a noob and someone trying to teach him how to play.
Lesson learned, play solo or private group only.

Also I've been attacked and killed when doing CGs on non combat ships plenty of times, including many times when I had no cargo.

People just want to attack players for no reason, fuck that. I just wanna chill in elite. Now that I did that 17 Draconis exploit and am gonna be flying an A rated Corvette and soon have engineers upgrades on it I'm gonna play in Open a bit more to see if people still try to attack me for no reason.

It's very easy to gang up and kill Sidewinders, Eagles and Cobras when you're on a Python/FDL/Fed Gunship.

Is there an ETA for when Elite will become a good game?

Will it ever be a good game?

Havent played in a couple months. This seems new.

Three or four years when all base game features are out and are only 60 dollars extra in total

>when all base game features are out

anyone wanna take a guess as to how the dads are going to gut and strip out all the fun out of this features?

Yes, White Dwarves have those jets now. Neutron Stars now have proper visuals as well now including have jets like that, except a Neutron Star's jets are rotating.
Pulsars are also in which are a type of Neutron Star whose jets are spinning so fast they appear as really vibrant cones.


They finally patched out the "launch then quit to the main menu" exploit? fuck this game.

New to ED.
I have a mission to destroy some Carpuli Company ships, and it says to check conflict zones in system, but all conflict zones are classified as high intensity and only have imperials and system defense forces.
Where should I look?

I cant get my hud to change color for the life of me, i never had an issue before, but im not sure i ever even tried doing it when it was installed from steam, what am i doing wrong?

Also what should i equipt my sidewinder with for draconis 17? i saw one guy say dumbfire missles and something else, but i forgot and cant find the last thread

I have My Retaliator back, all is right with the world. Used my store credit, Buccaneer and 30 bucks.

Anything I could modify during the last day of the sale today? Thinking about melting something for the BMM because noncombat ships are hot shit, but it would probably overlap with the Starfarer to some degree and the Hull D.

Someone else that still holds hope the retaliator won't be the bastard child it is now

>sh AND sabre
>85x AND dragonfly
>herald AND terrapin

Choose one of each, these are all doubling up.

>sabre AND superhornet

Wait for armor to be added, it'll be a tank

What would be the smartest and cheapest upgrade/purchase for an aurora LN owner? I don't have more than $35 to spend on this.

Sabre is part of my game pack and the Hornet is upgraded from a referral reward Gladius and can't be melted, so I can't really do anything about either of them. Plus I have the F7A kit, which is confirmed to be the Mk. II skin. 85x is just an LTI token I'll probably melt for store credits at some point just to have it in my rebuy list. Also yeah, there's some overlap between the Herald and Terrapin, but they still have somewhat different roles and I really like them both.

Whether their Imperial/Federal/System Defense depends on the superpower the faction they belong to is owned by. Your Faction is in there its just either the Imperial or System ships.
Although if you're new I'd stick to Low intensity.

If nothing else Terry the Turtle will make a great hangar queen

Don't put the F7A kit on a non-LTI hornet. That kit is selling for $110+ currently on the trading subreddit

While playing games, I like to watch movies/series that fit the genre on my second monitor; Waterloo while playing Europa Universalis, Rome when playing Total War etc.

Are there any /scg///edg/ approved moving pictures?

Yep, I lasted all of 5 seconds.

Cowboy Bebop

the Expanse

My hope is that the armor, the new higher speed and stripping out a couple of the least useful turrets, and popping in cargo bays will make it a rocket of a blockade runner/hostile space transport.

Also Im thinking that the Dropship module and a cargo bay will make it a good transport and resupply ship for an infantry raiding party.

Mass Effect 3


That's certainly tempting. If I found a buyer I could take the profit from that and craft the 85x and Cutlass into a BMM. Not sure if it's a good idea to primarily run high-end ships though. Having something medium and supposedly cheap like the Cutlass might be nice. Plus the rework is looking good and I'm not sure if I want to sell the F7A kit, considering we don't know how hard it is to get ingame. The Mk II Hornet looking great doesn't particularly make me want to sell it either.

Star Wars: The Next Generation

What was that "exploit"?

Depends what you want to do. LN seems like an ok combat-leaning starter.

>playable piano
holy shit I forgot this thing even existed

Either stick with the LN or go for the Avenger Titan.

you would think at this point it might actually be cheaper to just make a real grand piano

Are you sure it's not just because E:D is extremely punishing ?

For some guys here seeing too many Idris and Jav would break their immersion, and if making them ridiculously costly don't work because SC have too many korean grinder, they'll want arbitrary rule so only Org can do anything with them.
You do have whales who buy ships for their Org as a sort social status.
Stupid logic as well but as long as the game isn't out we are all riding expectations. I fear the wave will crash hard

The plan is to have as many people on board as there is room for them, it's needed to have as many player agentsmith in.
It don't mean 1 person per turret but other than server capacity there's absolutely no reasons not to have as many npc as the ships' beds fit.
You don't expect a player to solo/soloboard an Idris any more than you expect npc to fight equal against players.

If it turn out players suck against AI CiG will just dumb them down, problem solved.


At what time do the sales change every day? I wanna buy my ships and get some sleep.

in 2 hours and 30 mins

I don't think you fully understand how much real grand pianos and digital organs cost, especially for the actually good ones that do what that one's supposed to. It gets fucking nuts.

i was joking because people say the same thing about star citizen itself

Thank you.

Oh. Yes. I suppose I should've realized.

I want to fly around the universe in my cozy ship doing odd jobs here and there. I want to be able to walk around and chillax on my ship even like I'm flying the ebon hawk or millennium falcon. That's my dream tbqhwy

>You can jump away without having a target in SC
How are space battles even going to be a thing? No one would ever stay in an engagement they wouldn't win

SC is an actual alpha not all the features are in yet.

>How are space battles going to be a thing?

You can do the same in ED, so how are they a thing? The answer is that it may be reworked because still in development, escaping will be easy like ED, or that tractor beam, interdiction will be used to prevent people from escaping.


Millennium Falcon-like you're looking at upgrading to something larger, which is going to cost money, like a Cutlass, or Constellation.They also come with turrets, and are multi-crew ships.

The Avenger interior is pretty small, but it has more of an interior than the Aurora or the average single-seater fighter. Consider the Mustang Beta too, it's like a camper van. Might be the cozy you're looking for. You shouldn't need to decide today, all those ships are on sale/CCU-able normally.

300 series is due a rework as well, it might get more comfy. There are the Reliants too.

You can rent most of these and try them out.

Currently, I'm eyeing that Herald. I tried out the reliant and avenger already and I'm really liking the avenger. Was just curious if it's really my most cost-effective option for what I want and/or if there's any neat deals for ships later today.


Any suggestions on a final destiny for my 85x? Leaning towards a Lancer D for solo touring with a dragonfly in the hold. That's a SH btw.

As always, my recommendation is to not upgrade until you've flown the ship you're upgrading from. That said, the Freelancer is a pretty good ship, but I have a soft spot for the multi-role and more combat oriented nature of the Cutlass.

Melt the Carrack and SH and buy two more Merchantmans, sell them ingame and spend the credits on a Polaris

Drake Interplanetary Capital Ship when? Pirates need their Capital.

I've got the Herald.

If you're going with a Herald just keep in mind that those 'odd-jobs' you'll be doing won't include cargo hauling or space combat since it's got 0 cargo room and lackluster hardpoints compared to others. But you will be able to do data moving which might just be a different kind of cargo.

Besides that, if you're set on being alone in there, I'd point you towards a Hull A or Hull B if you plan to stick with hauling over combat, or a Reliant Kore if you still want some combat, or the Reliant Tana if you want more combat than hauling but still want both.

But from what I've heard from Reliant owners is that they're in a pretty bad spot right now, so keep that in mind.

Fuck, it, I'm not normally one to jump on the avenger titan memetrain (pic related) but it's p comf and in your budget. I don't think there will be any deals you can take advantage of today though. Herald is slightly out of your budget at a $50 LN-Herald CCU, and it seems like a more specialised, less generalised ship, and nobody's flown it yet in the general population. More risky.

>Here is the orginal Stuka siren of the StuKa Ju 87
>It's actually just from The Wall

unless you REALLY want the FBI meme-skin version of the CARGO HAULER variant (even though it should be the Stalker) and a couple of hours worth of REC-grinding weapons (absolutely not worth it IMO)

Not soon enough, but until then the Caterpillar with all four cargo holds replaced with dakka will probably make a decent gunboat.

Didn't they give away some ship for $0? That's not gonna come back today? Otherwise, guess I'm looking at the avenger or mustang B. I still want to be able to defend myself but I don't need anything too focused on any given style.

Thanks, the MM is still an 85x + token so i'll get to try it anyways but I bought the 85x's as LTI tokens. If a dragonfly does end up fitting in a cutlass then my decision is going to be much harder.

From your advice I take it the MM is going to be hard to acquire in the PU, or just much more expensive than now? I personally want to stay out of the cap-ship game otherwise I'd be up for that, might still be if it turns out to be super lucrative

The cutlass has holding and deploying a dragonfly as a specific requirement capability in the redesign, that is 100% going to happen.

finally a good commie

You need to get on good graces with the Banu to be able to buy a Merchantman from them, which is basically getting citizenship on one of their worlds. So pretty dificult as well as rare.

Is there any info about Carrack's scout ship ? Anything known at all ? I'm not sure if i`ll need 85x if i'll have it..

when i upgrade my normal 3 monts insurance starter pack to an x85 with LTI will i get LTI?
if yes, will further upgrades have LTI aswell.

normaly you keep the insurance level of the original ship but ive heard somewhere that you get LTI when you upgrade to an LTI ship

The mustang omega? yeah that was a kinda weird deal with AMD where it was given away as promo for a graphics card etc. It's functionally identical to the mustang gamma. Deffo won't be happening again and AMD are kinda pissed about it apparently.

If you have LTI, anything you upgrade to should also have it. If you don't have LTI and upgrade, you will not have LTI.

Fuck all but I'd imagine it would have QD
I wouldn't keep it, LTI on such a small ship as the 85x is probably pointless anyway

Didn't know that, glad to hear it.

Gotta keep a look-out for another sale now, glad I have the one at least.


I thought they banned that faggot?

literally who?

Ben Parry is a graphics programmer at CIG, formerly Frontier, you seem him spamming the Devtracker sometimes
dsmart is just some dude

Ben Parry also does some of the best Q&A in the ask a dev forums for SC.

That's what I meant by saying he's spamming the Devtracker


Is this recent?
Why would Smart still be saying players won't be flying to a planet and leaving and such?
He must realize the maps are divided into systems not planets by now right?
He's even said himself other games have done it first like Space Engineers and Elite.

>using EMP's in vanduul swarm

He's got a dick so far down his throat he can't can't see past the ballsack, of course he's still spouting the same shit

Gotta be tactical against those artificially flimsy targets

But that's the ED forums.