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5 posts early you shit


Is Katarina ducking Talon or Garen?

Could you go back to your shitty fanservice game and stop posting the girl with worst tits?

Biggest and Breastest waifu!

im not posting blanc
and i talk aboot LoL of legends all the time
riven rework when

how do we fix syndra lads

So I intentionally fed because I felt like it, what are the chances I get punished?

I dislike playing support versus Janna. When is she gonna get a meaningful nerf.

Little to none if you didn't flame

can't do it boys

If you didn't Flame: 5%.

If you flamed: 70%

Fuck, I did spam "gg" whenever someone died

Post yfw autofill enabled

>Flaming is more punishable than intentional feeding

you can't prove someone intentionally fed

flaming is pretty obvious though

>win a few games
>instantly start getting literal uncarriable mouth breathers
this fucking me ooga team booga meme is real

Well I sound kinda sad and I mumble a little, and I played really bad, so it might be a little embarrassing, but I still would like to see what they say I guess

why is lolg so slow tonight?

dead thread

>faggot stray cats keep spraying outside my house
>makes downstairs smell
>roommate keeps blaming my dog
>dog literally only pees in backyard, hasn't peed in house in months, since she was a puppy being trained
>stays in my room when I'm not home and isn't out without my supervision
>fucker has never even owned a cat yet is adamant cats don't smell like that despite it literally smelling like cat piss on our front porch without even opening the door

Why are Elementalist Lux's abilities so fucking hard to see?

Getting real sick of this skin advantage bullshit rito

>he didn't both cover his tracks and enhance the feed
top lmao kid
if you keep some farm up you feed more gold (plus feeding them wards under their tower) and it looks like your are just having a bad game to boot. throw in some "This damn ISP" or some "Sorry my I think my CPU is dying ;-;" and you're scot fucking free.

As long as you joke about your bad plays it should be okay.
Like you miss every shot with a Xerath ult and say like "Like in this instance I developed Parkinson."

Now that the duste has settled, what's the consensus about shaco?

What's with the Parkinson lately? Is it a new normie joke?

still painful, less "xd level 2 cheese games over" for sure though
they REALLY are trying to push for some hybrid itemisation like gunblade or building runic enchantment


Shaclone got banned
Shaco is literally the same champ except his early levels are fair compared to laners

The only thing most people know about Parkinson is that it makes you shake. So you use what is known and boom instant joke.

>apparently shyvana is now turbocancer
>When the only noticeable changes are her nerfed passive and CC inmmune R during cast

what happened? why is everyone bitching suddenly

>the only thing that determines a champions strengths are their personal balance changes
back the fuck off???

I don't really joke a lot. The more I listen to it the sadder it sounds.

why is Twitch so lewd?

should I buy rod of ages or protobelt as my first item on annie?

I hope you get hit by a truck

because you are mentally sick and there is nothing lewd in twitch's canon personality

>you toplaner doesn't clear out illaoi tentacles
>they even fight near them
nigga they have one hp she leaves just punch for FREE gold

Her R was what was holding her back literally and figuratively. The fact that her ult could be countered made her joke since malphite ult is nearly the same except couldn't be countered.

She has always been cancer.
It's the resurgence of them.

musk is lewd user

>This is your bf (female) for tonight

im okay with this but no puncherino pls



doesn't sound as funny as gf/succubus (male)

>dodged yasuo/jinx bot duo
>wait 5 mins and requeue
>dog manages to get paw inbetween tiny space from desk and wall
>flips powerswitch computer is plugged into

god dammit I hate my dog

>5 gold

litrally who cares

>4 gemstones
>Havent seen one in over 4 months.

I.. I think Im not gonna get those hextech skins lads.

if you aren't buying the crates or getting them from rerolls it will take a year to get them.

Why do redditor a treat in game toxicity like it's the worst thing that a human could ever do?

They are literally cheering over the idea of Caps getting kicked off of Fnatic before he even played a game

>FREE gold
>has to replace them

Anons I think I dig Jhin's style. How's he, good, bad, shit? The reload mechanics kind of put me off since I fucking hate Graves now

there's a difference between insulting people and acting like a spoiled brat and seriously implying you can get people out of professional play just because they get in his "I don't like you" list

>go to forum dedicated to a game
>guys complaining about people ruining the game
im surprised?

>I think I dig Jhin's style
>The reload mechanics kind of put me off

>getting them from rerolls

You cant get gems off of rerolls can you?

There would be a big difference between those if Caps actually had any power to do something like that, but he doesn't, so it's really just flaming and trying to get under the other guys skin. It makes me want to cheer for fnatic because I know that guy is insanely competitive

>Jhin is kind of a manlet, but that's expected since he's essentially a Nip
>Ivern is shorter than I expected, I feel he should be a few feet taller
>Taliyah is taller than I expected, I pictured her as a petite little thing
>Illaoi seems about right, no qualms here
>Kled seems about right, though a Skaarl comparison would've been nice
>Aurelion Sol can change his size at will, but for a 'human interactivity' sort of size, it feels right

>get a shit botlane
>combined 2/30 k/d
>if I leave the game I get punished, despite being the only one performing on the team

>next game get some nigger who keeps talking to me like he's the commander and trying to micro manage everyone
>tell him to shut up or I feed
>he doesn't so I tell the ap mid Ezreal to buy mejais and start running it down
>after the game I report him, get popup that he gets chat banned and nothing happens to me

Reminder this is the future of League of Legends you chose

no, but the exclusive skins yes

Remember to not be a crab.

He's very good and fun to play once you get the knack of his passive and reloading mechanic.

He was THE top ADC for 5 months straight until the assassin update, but even then he's still S or A-tier


It's not that they're complaining, it's that they are literally taking joy in the idea of taking away someone's job/dream. It's not like banning him would reduce toxicity of other people, and it's not like toxicity is even half as bad as this community makes it out to be. How do you even know that guy he was flaming didn't say something worse to him

>shit item build

I wonder

yet most damage on the team

>build support jhin wrong
>actually be confused you lose

>master yi top in my promo to gold
Wish me luck lads

dont be mean to him he doesnt know better

How is le ebin cardman of no cooldown point and click 2 second stuns balanced?

He's either total shit or a 500k Yi main masters smurf.

I'd like to think Camille is about as tall as Illaoi.

Given how she's supposed to have an imposing figure with the help of her long ass legs, she can very well pull off the Platinum Games heroine build.

Whats the actual build?
I usually rush rylais' but its getting nerfed soon so trying out other stuff

>literally bad taliah

>Trying to render a 20 minute video

Is this what youtubers have to deal with all the time?

Yeah you need a monster PC dude

>Doesn't get ahead pre 6
>Can't 1v1 anyone who has a dmg ultimate
I get where you are coming from though, I hate him too

What are some no skill champs to hard carry myself to gold?

I'm trying to render in 720p and I'm a little worried about my computer, should I just go for 480?

i want to BREED leona

Next time he bitches, rub his face in the spray and your dogs piss.

Tell him if they smell different. If he says they're both the same, kick him out. He's a fuckin idiot.

Cat spray smells so fucking awful.

help me find a rage comic about losing ranked lol every day

pic related

>smurfing for no apparent reason
>literally 9 out of 10 games there is someone with riven in their name and they always talk mad shit no matter if theyre winning or losing


>Have an account I'm planning on getting in to bronze
>Baseline MMR is really wonky
>first two games I'm fighting with and against silvers
>yasuo on both enemy teams carries because nobody can deal with his F R E E crits
>I don't really care because I want to hit bronze
>next game
>get top
>fighting one of the yasuos from the previous game
>he flashes his newly acquired rank 7 mastery
>I'm fiora

let's just say I LONG FOR A WORTHY OPPONENT and he afk'd after the 6th time I killed him.

I couldn't even throw that game. Everyone was so far ahead. I just want to hit bronze.

hes inting every second game friend.

there are not enough tomboys on this game and it bothers me
actually, I don't think any league girl qualifies as a tomboy
fucking fix this, rito

>pick tryn
>enemy instalocks Teemo

What did he mean by this?

not the gems but you can get the skins out of them straight

> Blindpicking Trynd

jhin is above average illaoi is just huge

he probably means it as a good thing since trynd takes a gorilla dump on teemo upon his first back

jesus christ, illaoi's silhouette is so unrecognizable
what a mistake of a character design

>Annie Bot literally crying on stream right now

damn thats a nice picture

why does it have to be so difficult

why am I playing poppy in games I have to carry hard

does he have a reason or just for views

>Fiora is Demacian
>has an accent despite literally nobody else from Demacia doing

Uhhh lolbabs?


I kinda wanna fuck camille
