How are thalassocracies so disproportionately powerful to their size?

How are thalassocracies so disproportionately powerful to their size?

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Naval power allows you to concentrate your forces anywhere along coasts you have access to.

The Dutch as a colonial empire isnt powerful really.

Bits of it were stolen by the Brits and natives were often confident in pushing it around. The Chinese fucked them up twice for example, and one of those efforts was led by a pirate lord.

whats with the trade post up in that arctic island?

Considering that svalberd is heavily populated with polar bears, guessing it was a fur operation

they were sort of a global confederacy at the time with
dutch, spain, dutch, britain

you could think of portugal as to spain as dutch is to britain



People rarely fight trade.

>you could think of portugal as to spain as dutch is to britain
Doubt it.

Where I live in (the Philippines) we have many wars with the Dutch in the 1500s and 1600s because Spain did not like them. Even the tribes that Spain nominally controlled but really are just allied Filipino tribes were given sanction to revive Pre-Colonial Piracy traditions, but only on dutch ships.

Hell, even back then, there was internal unrest borne out of some abusive Spanish official's excesses, but boy do Filipino people shut up and take up arms for Spain whenever a Dutch invasion fleet is underway. Because for them, a Protestant Heretic is worse than a Spanish taskmaster.

>because Spain did not like them.
Well gee Billy, it's not like "we" were fighting for our independence, conscience and our immortal soul... (also shekels) at that time.

I think he's talking more about a 'mini-me' type relation where one resembles the other closely but often takes up arms against eachother. We also nearly had a English King during that time (Robert Dudley), if not for his massive military fuck-up in the Dutch continental theatre - and his pissing off Lizzy I.

Also those """Dutch""" ships/people you were fighting were most likely all VOC ships - with only the higher officers being Dutch and the majority of the men being Dano-Norwegian and North German mercenaries.

Now that I think about it; the Spanish taking over the Portuguese throne is quite similar to the Dutch taking over the English throne.

m8 to you that might be end-of-the-world grade but thats elbow room, not even a blink of the eyes

my point stands

>Dutch and the majority of the men being Dano-Norwegian and North German mercenaries.
aka "true germany"

>aka "true germany"


Teutoburg forest is quite southern compared to the dano-norwegian, dutch, and north german conscripts. I don't understand your point really.

there kingdom was located north and ur some other random retarded autistic person stop responding to me

>there kingdom
Who's Kingdom? That of the Dutch?

Holland wasn't a Kingdom at the time, but more like a Noble Republic counterbalanced by a strong Civil Society


My point is the dutch weren't taken seriously as a power. It's a profitable trade empire, sure, but at the end of the day they ride on the coattails of greater European powers.

>My point is the dutch weren't taken seriously as a power.
Calling bullshit on that. They were an existential threat to the English (later British) and Portuguese Colonial Empires, not to mention far stronger colony/navy wise than whatever the French could muster at that time. The problem with the Dutch was that they were on the same continent as the rest of them, while the English could keep to their island and Portugal was protected by a sole landborder with Spain.

But native powers never took them seriously. Outside of Indonesia that is.

Ultimate symbol of powerlesness right there.

The dutch fleet sailed into the Thames and sank a good chunk of the royal navy.

>But native powers never took them seriously.

>great standing with native americans
>only power to be allowed trade with japan during their isolation
>fucking about with indian states
>slaver buddies with the ashanti
>taking shots at the chinese
>annexing kongsis left right and centre
>piracy/privateering in south america

How is that not being taking seriously?

+ they stole a large portion of it and their flagship :^)

I can already imagine the British officer saying "who cares about the Dutch" as we sailed into their main harbor in the Thames and sunk half their fleet.

If you're talking about humiliation by Natives, Portugal has that in spades.

>My point is the dutch weren't taken seriously as a power.

>winning a war with the most powerful empire in the world

>major participant in most major European conflicts

>not taken seriously

he's kinda true tho
netherlands are kinda forgotten like italy kingdoms and portugal

both Portugal and several Italian states were taken seriously as major powers in their heyday. The fact that people aren't taught about them, or that that retarded flip thinks that one isolated VOC ship getting chimped on by some natives (which isn't even true) somehow means that the Dutch republic wasn't a major power is laughable.

The fact that he thinks his collection of SEA-nigger islands are somehow central to world history is truly pathetic

>The fact that he thinks his collection of SEA-nigger islands are somehow central to world history is truly pathetic

You're the one implying this. I just gave you an example how natives didn't really view Dutch much.

Here's another one. By a dying Ming Dynasty no less
And here's one by that pirate lord Koxinga running away from the Manchus
It's very fucking strange that the Chinese were on friendlier terms with Spain, while were more than fine with shooting the Dutch and their shit. And then come out to me and say "the Dutch is a power of significance."

Outside of tribalnigger possessions in SEA, the Dutch held no real power. If anything, they were great in ingratiating themselves with local rulers as opposed to strongarming them into terms that they want.

>few instances of a nation fighting a company's understaffed fortresses while said company's home nation was busy fighting another world power

wew it's literally nothing

the jutlands kingdom, no it wasnt that far west at the time

>they ride on the coattails of greater European powers.
still their an invaluably important lesson in anarkism