League of Legends General - /lolg/

Soraka is cute. And Pure. And low elo shitters do not know how to play with her in team. Support edition.

Old thread: >All-Star music video:

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1st for Jax

2nd for shitty threat desu

Most viable and cutest support

Sorako is for degenderates

Soraka is for pure vanilla wholesome cunnilingus


i sure fucking hope people wont start banning ali soon

literally free elo

xth for nyx a cute!


Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

Who the heck is Sorako?

I know Nyx is cute, so is Valkyr, but this isnt /wfg/. Cute swimsuit and nice hips, however.

R8 me lolbabs:


Fuck support

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>be silver
>enemy picks Darius
>my toplaner starts freaking out "who do I pick against Darius? Olaf counters him right?"
>gets jungle support early game
>still feeds Darius enough that he can 1v5

whew lad

Soraka is shit!

annnnd time to fap


Nice bait m8

***with Lulu, you fucking retard.


What do you guys think rito will do with Azir? Don't get me wrong, I hated that cunt when he was meta, but he is so trash now.


why is her arm blue ? i thought people got paid for this

Nami is better.

Me too

name a champion lolg

Why not like both?

No. All female champs are bimbos and sluts.

reminder to attach a (((LEAGUE RELATED))) picture to every single post so we can have the same thread 500 posts earlier than we should!!1

You got it, senpai!

But I don't want to use up my folder full of Ahri Hate.

Because if you only have to choose one...

>ban Janna
>pick Kennen
>press protobelt then R

You can easily get to diamond if you can follow these 3 simple steps.

Mordekaiser fucking sucks.

FUCK mordekaiser!

Xj9 still banned?

Watch your goddamn language.

mordekaiser is stupid!

Is Ezreal mid still a thing?

Hecarim should kill her again.

It's as much of a thing as it ever was.


Do you understand what permanent means?

How do i bear man?

it used to be broken on release and quite broken when jungle lich bane came out.

KYS soraka main

Considering he was unbanned at one point...

You're just mad because you don't have a mouth full of unicorn pussy

I've been able to put up with hundreds of bad decisions Riot has made but autofill has literally made EUW normals unplayable and broke the camel's back, at least half of all my games contain somebody autofilled into a role they've got zero experience at and feeding horrible, troll picking and inting.

>Every support main now hates janna

i can only get so turned on

You'd get more turned on if your waifu was blue

Soraka mains are delusional and should seek help for being a degenerate.

Does Poppy counter Riven?

Sex with Soraka, Kindred, and Ahri is heresy for being furries.

No kidding, here's my last game
>Zyra Jungle
>Bard mid
>Ekko Support
>Katarina Jungle
>Yasuo ADC

Everybody above Gold 2, highest person in the game was Diamond 2.

You need to find a blue unicorn and get laid

she's just like soraka, except she's a slut.


Stop being crabs guys. Also stop waifu fagging.

>it's another Kennen presses 1 + R and casters freak out episode

Seriously the most braindead champion in the game. Do whatever the fuck you want in lane, press R in teamfights and win.

>Shyvana will never renounce her destiny as a dragon to settle with you, her mate, and keep you warm during cold nights by snuggling against you and say cute things in your ear as you drift off in bed together



She'll never be real. Give up, user.


>first pick Sion
>enemy team proceeds to lock in 3 assassins
>become unkillable

>I was just a dirty shyvanafag
>I loved shyvana so much, I owned all her skins and merchandise
>I pray to shyvana every night, thanking her for just existing
>"shyvana is love", I say, "shyvana is life"
>my mid leblanc overhears me and calls me a faggot
>she is obviously jealous of my devotion to shyvana
>I respond "I'm a faggot?"
>She says "Yes you're a faggot"
>I say "But I'm not gay"
>She says "I meant it as a generic insult, not to call you gay"
>I respond "It's still homophobic"
>She steals all the creeps from my lane and tells me she muted me
>I'm crying now, because I was not finished talking
> I go to my lane, it's very lonely up top
>I feel a warmness coming from river
>It's shyvana
>I'm so happy
>She whispers in my ear "Want to go gank bot?"
>"To gank bot?"
>"You came to my lane just to tell me you want to gank bot?"
>"Why else would I come top?"
>"I thought you were gonna have your way with me"
>"You're a dirty shyvanafag, anyone who would think that is a twisted freak"
>"A twisted freak?"
>She pings me 10 times and tells me to follow
>I'm ready
>I follow her into river
>She wastes several minutes farming jungle, spamming laugh and her rank 7 emote
>It hurts so much to follow her but I do it for shyvana
>I can feel my brain tearing and my eyes start to water
>I want to please shyvana
>She laughs a mighty laugh as leb gets dove on for the 5th time
> leblanc rages in chat
>shyvana looks leblanc deep in the eyes and says "It's over now"
>"Why the fuck have you not ganked my lane? I'm reporting you for being bad"
>"...you were supposed to say "It's over now"
>"Fuck you, what are you doing with top lane?
>"You're no fun"
>shyvana steals all the creeps from my lane and R's away just as I get dove
shyvana is love, shyvana is life

>first pick Sion

It's fun?

Let's be real lolg, not counting yordles or Annie, which waifu in this game has the tightest pussy?

pic related

You made me a tad uneasy so you deserve this.

None. Every man already screwed them.

>It's a Vayne Braum loses to the most non-meta botlane ever episode.

Literally Orianna,

I'm guessing Akali.

how to edit custom loadouts with new client? i can't find it anywhere.

Will I get reported if I solo-lane with Shaco?

Skinny, anorexic bitches don't have tight vags. Someone who is healthy and works out, like Riven or Shyvana is probably pretty tight. Nida too.

>First pick Sion is bad
No one plays Sion, so they think picking Gnar,Jayce, Teemo will counter him since it works versus other tanks.

>anyone would try to dick jinx when she was blowing up stuff
>she had had the time to get dicked as she was busy blowing up stuff

Kalista is tighter than a vice grip.

>play against riven
>get camped hard as shit
>jungler doesn't make plays in ANY other lane, try to get drag, or countergank
>Courage of the Colossus fucking cancer lets her escape everything
>forced to sit there and do nothing while watching mid and bot lose

Why does this happen ever time I go toplane

No, Pink ward does it all the time with AP shaco top and he is in masters/Diamond



>Enemy picks top Zed for some fucking reason
>His shadow dash has twice the cd of my e/q combo
>He doesn't even have his first item or t2 boots done by 25 minutes
>Build pure resistance items outside of sv, still have over 3k health at 30 minutes
>Start forcing fights every time my ult is up since it's basically a 4v5
>Enemy surrenders after Zed couldn't kill our half health Nami with his full rotation

Sion is pretty dope

Is Morg...?

Why not 21/0/9 instead of 21/9/0 on ADCs?

ribbed for her pleasure(tm)

Loose!? She could break off one of her spears in that spooky snatch!


How do I into Heimer top

>our jungler is Shaco
>with flash

help me lord

She's probably not even material enough so you'd just be dry-humping the air.

I don't want to dry hump air!

Well you can still get a bj.

i dont think so

Someone edit Kalista's face in there im too lazy to do it myself though I definitely want to see it.

>Unable to fuck Kalista due to her ghost form.
Kalistafags on suicide watch.