/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

They call me Mr. Useless

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like Evolve
It's not. Survivors have to teabag the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to suffer trying to catch them. Everyone has their own objective.

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Why is dwight the most satisfying quarry

I imagine he's the most used by twitch streamers with the overpowered trinity because it's ironic to use him since none of his perks are in it?

He has such satisfying cries of pain. Poor Dwight.

>the only rank 20 in a sea of ranked 1s
Trying to get back into this game is suffering

Rank doesn't mean much anyway, almost all survivors who've gotten to rank 1 did it with infinites / pallet trains (even if you die you get loads of points) and Killer is just easy to get 10K points in general

The streets of haddonfield cannot handle 1 pump billy

She have DS user?

I for one welcome the slug meta

Okay, but its more cancerous than infijuking and will kill the game off just as fast, if not faster

When a killer doesn't have IG and has all the hooks removed from the map spare the basement do survivors really expect the killer to play this game of going back and forth because they run as far away from the basement as possible after they struggle free
Its asinine and if the devs want they can "fix" it for the survivors

I don't deny its a problem from that aspect but there are plenty of killers playing now that down someone and run away to down another with no intention but to slug them even with plenty of hooks intact and that's pretty fucking cancerous.

I can see it being a more appealing option considering that there may be consequences after picking up that survivor post chase
Similar to killers simply facecamping there are things survivors can do while someone is on the ground that allow for play against that, but I understand that it simply is unfun

>Play Meyers
>People rage at me in the post lobby because I was playing him like "jason"

Also, what's the fucking deal with people falling off of you the second you pick them up on him?

You're probably getting Decisive Strike'd. It's a perk that allows survivors to stun you for five seconds after you pick them up.

Like Jason? The fuck are they talking about?

Also sounds like they're using Decisive Strike on you. It's a once per match perk that lets them get out of your grasp. When you pick them up, take two or three steps and drop them by pressing R. That ruins their chance of using it. Wiggling cancels DS so if they don't immediately wiggle, drop their ass and enjoy the salt.

Who's you least favorite killer to play against?

Machine gun Trappers have been pretty fucking gay lately.

>all progress is gone.
Bloody great. 263 hours of grind are gone. I will fucking delet this shitty game and won't reinstall until frogs get their shit together.

It was fun, sometimes at least, but for now, goodbye

>not backing up ur profile

I swear he fucking quacks sometimes when I hit him. It's like I'm beating a poorly dressed duck to death.

>tfw watching sloppy bully unumz

I disagree, most funny grunts are Jake's.

Thought I heard someone in a closet ;)

Shrine should always have two survivor perks and two killer.

>When a killer doesn't have IG and has all the hooks removed from the map spare the basement do survivors really expect the killer to play this game of going back and forth because they run as far away from the basement as possible after they struggle free
Yes, they actually do

Shrine should always have four survivor perks and zero killer.

Shrine should give more than fucking 30.000 bloodpoints or shard cap should be higher

its 25k actually, 25.500 would probably suffice though

what do you guys think about the new killer?

I think I don't want to see the new survivor perks.

1 minute game

I just thought of a great one : Ankle Biter. Whenever in downed state, if the killer passes by you and doesn't pick you up, you get to bite his ankle stunning him and getting up automatically from downed state.

This is what survivors need right now. Slugs with teeth.

Meg Thomas

Pretty good. I think another good perk would be a gun that stuns killers for 5 minutes

Just watch the totems stunning the killer if they're all destroyed. The future is here.

I think they're related to new killer only

so free dlc confirmed?

Who knows?

yeah DS was added so now we have to play around it

>add a perk that punishes the killer for picking up survivors
>surprised that people don't do it anymore
fucking morons

How do you do that?

Something about savefiles being just there in the catalog, never hacked bp's so I didn't bother touching them. Suppose I could make a copy and put it somewhere too...

go to steam folder userdata and back up 381210 folder

There any difference in a killer's weapons apart from cosmetic?


Shitters like these will only leave us with an update that lets survivors get themselves back up

yeah and it would literally kill the game more than adding DS has already done

survivors will get buffed no matter what killers do, as long as they still can die

>survivor mains

Now post images of killer mains crying about DS

>survivors are strongr than the killer
>making a strong kilelr is not okay
>making survivors stronger is okay

I actually don't pay enough attention to the Steam forms to notice. I check it once in a blue moon.

>making a strong kilelr is not okay
Meyers is the second worst killer, what are you talking about?

>invincible, slasher-type killer keeps human skulls

It's probably for the best they replace the Wraith entirely.

>two Wraith dailies
>game won't let me cancel them so they can be replaced
This game.

means you don't have any dailies that could replace them... its either that or nothing, no?

Set computer clock forward a day.

Your titity I see hrhee
Martini henrik

Big ass fucking ugly chocolate gorilla lookin ass

Fucking Trejon

Fuck you Trejon


OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What an ungoldy amount of autism

Juji looking ass

I can run GTAV and D44M maxed out @ 1440p at like 80fps but I still can't get 60fps @ 1080p in Dead By Daylight at Ultra. what did these frogs do to unreal engine to make it run so shit

Fuck you nigga


Spaghetti code, F13 runs on the same engine and looks far less like ass

My game is showing Dwight carrying a chainsaw. What the fuck lol


screenshot plz

I have survivor dailies when I never play survivor, thanks game.

Oh hell didn't even think about it. Sorry fellas. Could possibly be recreated. Billy was the killer and I got glitched out playing a Nea when I was impaled by the Entity at the same moment someone was recusing me. I could do anything but run crouch; couldn't even see myself. Billy could though. Didn't see Dwight til after I died though.

>I couldn't do anything but run and crouch
Damn phone.



When you hit level 50, do you have to hit prestige to get more bloodwebs or do you keep getting them without level increases?

What perk is that even a symbol for?

you can keep getting more bloodwebs without prestiging but you're stuck at 50


its no perk/item, it's just hacked shenanigans

For what purpose though?

Is the game sperging out for anyone else? My after game chat was coming out backwards.

I approve of this overwatch trap.

Ironworks of misery indeed

Why doesn't the nurse get a perk per level?


She doesn't?
I leveled her up yesterday and it was between NOED 2 or Spies in the shadows.

Low levels don't give perks every time because the devs are to retarded to actually rework the bloodweb properly

I use hidden task bar in windows and it keeps sliding up whenever my cursor gets close to the bottom of the screen. Never happened before.

I got 1 at level 1 and another at 5.
So my nurse will always be behind my trapper and billy because "reasons"
Love it

Are you retarded? you'll start getting double perks at 25

I actually agree with the post.

I think Myers should lose evil over time and also only get points (obviously more than he does now) only for actually advancing an EW stage.

It is immensely infuriating when shitters feed Myers 99% Evil and then later I get found for the first time in the match and BAM I'm dead (or extremely likely to be)

Why do people play nurse anyway? Do all nurse mains play with constant brain aneurysms?
She's slow, Survivors can hear her charge up the blink and side step it and when you blink your vision gets fucked.

Clearly you haven't played against someone who stuck with Nurse and is actually decent with her

I bet there is only one guy thats decent with her

exaggerating aside there ARE very few. But at this point more often than not when Nurse shows up in my games she's someone who's played her for a while and is at least decent.

I play Pizza Dwight because he's the coolest character

>Only nurse I played against found my in seconds because she had max ranks whispers and after she hit me all was lost because she also had max rank perk that lets you hear injured people.
It was fucking awful


Combining Iron Will and Lightweight works VERY well against her.

They work great against any killer but even moreso against her with her self stun

I would have left so much sooner than you. I'm all for some salt gathering but sometimes it's just too much haha

I always thought that would be their first nerf, just making him stand still for 2 seconds after EW3. Getting surprised by EW3 in a situation where you can't do anything about it might be even worse than noed, since at least then the survivors gamble. There's not much gambling going on when he's right behind you and decides you get instadowned.

I look at this and I realise I haven't gotten a single new comment on my profile or even anything reasembling salt past games I've played while using noed on Billy. I drop every DS user and still end up with GG's at the end. I'm starting to hate london or I'm just playing way too little. It still feels really good to pop their DS or down someone with noed, but where's my cherry on the top?

>killer doe the slub farm, clearly wants to down all before picking them up
>instead of selfhealing they spin around on the ground or crawl towards the killer
>die because picking them up takes forever

>First time playing since patch
>Level up to next bloodweb
>Bloodweb is half the size of my last one


for people that haven't been hanging around at our certified streamers