League of Legends General - /lolg/

Old:Crabs in a bucket edition
>All-Star music video: youtube.com/watch?v=CHhCEfdettQ

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

Death to Riven and her mains.

>People, that usually range from their teens to their mid twenties, who play multiplayer online video games, most specifically the "MOBA" (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" game named League of Legends, produced by Riot Games, a company owned by Tencent China, in particular the players that frequently decide to play the "Marksman" or "AD Carry" known as Shauna Vayne, the Night Hunter, that can be qualified as "Mains" given their dedication to the champion I mentioned earlier, "Vayne".

You can do it mate. You just got to have faith.

The perfect match!~

xth for comfy Karthus.



>jarman kills her dad
>they're shipped
she's only working for demacia out of fear that he'll do the same to her

>he tries to abuse Ivern now


CDR was a mistake.

I wanna SEX Poppy's butt.

>Fucking a Yordle

Dynamic Shyv is too good for him anyway.
He's alright for a prince, but he's a bit boring. Nice Lu Bu skin tho

Also, does anyone imagine Shyva to be bigger than Jarvan.
As in, up to Garen or Illaoi's height and muscle mass, except curvier a la Camille and Kindred?

Aww, poor little dragon girl has a crush on her prince!
Too bad he only has eyes for Quinn!

Happy December, everyone!

tofuu is based

But if Shyvana doesnt get attention from Jarvan, then she can get it from others!

And a Happy Decemberween to you too, little foxy~

Are you prepared for the coming of our Grey Lady of Progress and The Cutting Edge?

Happy december, Ahriposter!
Please post more cute things!

Thanks for cursing me.
She's old, user. No one wants a GMILF.

>When the support comes from bot to support you instead
Stop all I want to do is farm, let me have my 1v1 farm lane.

Jarvan didn't kill Shyvana's father though. Shyvana's father was killed by another dragon, and it was THAT dragon that Shyvana and J4 killed.

you had a little something on your face


Thanks for the cuteposting.

Speak for yourself, friend.
I myself am getting down for this Count.

Snugly dressed.
I take that as a yes.

my body isn't ready for the robo pussy

Weekly reminder to stay motivated in your life!

Don't do it. They'll nerf the old hag after her release. She could be the cancer that is Tank Fiora.

>our team is losing all lanes
>they have over double or triple the kills we do
>fail surrender every vote
>play a full game of 40-50 minutes
every time

>get the one game where our team is sligthly leading
>kills are roughly equal
>they surrender at 25 minutes


Best girl.
Best smile.
Best eyes.
Best wife!

>40 minute queue
>Got autofilled
>Somebody dodges

I can't wait for a new Lux skin in 3 months!


I saved it off of here you autist

>new Lux skin in 3 months
Lux need to be deleted.

>saving shitty memes from here


>still hasn't uninstalled
>despite the game being literally dead


even worse

Nerf the stripper.


Fair enough. Pretty daunting task, I'd say.

Even if they nerf her, I'll just play her outside of Ranked and Normals.
This is probably THE champ for me to have fun with.
Win or Lose, I'll still have a blast movin around fucking around. This is it, man.

>Nidalee as Quiet
>commissioned by Niels the ZacxRiven cunt
What should I feel here?


>jihn and viktor



cute metal bf on a motorbike

Good luck trying to play as her since people will ban her for 2 weeks.
Delete it.

No wonder she's hated.

>go up a division
>liter 7 game losing streak due to literal retards just run into the enemy team and end the game 1/10
>get normal people


Why can't Riot expand their VA for some champions that they don't plan on doing any visual updates or anything to for a while? It'd be nice if Blitzcrank, Fizz, Xin Zhao, etc. had dialogue for taunting specific enemies or buying certain items.

guess which one's bottom.

there is no need. to be upset, friend

Because why would they?
95% of the playerbase is kids and retards who wouldn't even appreciate something like that.

Also, they'd make no money off of it.

Censored that fox-slut.

Are the voice actors for those champions even still around?

They could if the champion got a complete rework.

If it doesn't concern the game's e-sports image or making any money for them they probably won't do it.

>When someone buys you a pair of headphones as a gift but your old ones are much better by comparison

Its such a horrible feeling. All I needed was some new yearpads. Just getting a gift in general that you dont like but you dont wanna make the other person upset so you endure it.

League of legends.

Even then they sometimes skimp out, see: Shen, Fiora

it's going to be okay user

AP Bruiser Akali top might actually be A tier next patch

Maybe they either play favorites or don't see them in need of it.
The fox is a rapist

>Just getting a gift in general that you dont like but you dont wanna make the other person upset so you endure it is a horrible feeling*

There, that makes a bit more sense.


Well, I was just gonna play her in blind pick and other modes till January but thanks!

It's really crazy how I never cared much for Ahri,
yet I always end up saving pics of her.
She's like the Morrigan or Felicia of LOL, I swear.

Better ban Akali.


i wish she would rape me

lol. that's the first camile pic i've saved. got uncensored link?

Every female champs are quickly becoming sluts.


Delete the pictures you have of my waifu, user.
Everyone of them.

You should be glad she don't exist. Now you have a choice to pick 3d girls or die a virgin.

Tryndamere's ult now removes all CC on cast


>just get Xin to say here's a tip with an sword/axe/blade/shield/mail behind it for any item he purchases

>tfw midlane main
Truly the patrician role.

>no barefoot

mm noo

teambuilder back when
unlike this gay preferred role thing it actually worked and saw plenty of memepicks and teams while it lasted so you can't even use the "hurrr it forces roles" excuse
if people think is too much fun allowed for srs bsns rankeds just leave it for normals

ima trap, my dude. 90% catcher. also not a virgin, kek.

The issue is that he gets CC'd when ulting, not that he can't ult while CC'd.

See? You said something dumb, so now I have to post this picture. Hope you're proud of yourself.

>Here's a tip, with a CENSER behind it.


patricians don't need to tell others theyre patrician you clown

I really like this idea.

can you post your skull ?

>ryze rushes a tear and catalyst
>i have negatron and spectre's
>he still beats me
like what

Your dad wants his son back.

Then be glad Taric or Ezreal don't exist.

>lee and shaco q refresh on kill

i've got more than one daddy who wants me~

which campions can build full tank and still outdamage fed midlaners?

Is there any reasoning behind why a player might go on a hot winstreak but when in promos lose?

I don't mean people who perform under promo pressure I mean how you get matched with much less skilled people than your ranked games on the way to promo?

Is the patch update tommorow?

getting fucked or fucking someone in the ass still makes you a virgin faggot

Don't be a slut like the fox, user.

Remilla a cute! CUTE!