What are some good arguments against conservative libertarianism/classical liberalism?

What are some good arguments against conservative libertarianism/classical liberalism?

It just seems to produce the most sound and logical solutions to economic and social problems.

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lmgtfy.com/?q=private highways

Indeed there are none.

The most extreme interpretations tend to view human relations in a profoundly atomistic way, leading to absurd conclusions.

>conservative libertarianism


The invisible hand doesn't work instantly. It may take decades to find a good equilibrium. That's decades of unemployment and misery for working class people.
See 1837, 1929, 1973, 2008

Adam Smith please go and stay go

>general equilibrium
>even coherent


Smug anime faces tend to be immune to rebuttal, OP

The evidence for things just working out when people are left to their own devices is incredibly scant.

But user, the government is composed of people, people "left to their own devices"--within a tradition and institutional framework that structures and informs their actions and possible reactions to said framework, as everybody else, ever.

If you begin with a presupposition of how things "should look" then, no, things rarely do "work out" the way you'd like. But things do work.

I said a good equilibrium, I never implied there was a perfect or total equilibrium.
I'll admit I never really read about economics outside of Smith and a 1st year economics textbook.

You can't have infinite growth with finite resources.

Monopolies are the inevitable end state of a total free market, which causes massive amounts of power to amass in a small group of people, with none of the checks and balances of an organized government.

>but user, words can mean whatever they're defined as, so anime is real already!

If you're already convinced beyond a doubt that your ideology is the answer, I don't think any argument is going to change your mind.



>Thinking libertarianism is liberalism

Depends upon what exactly we're talking about, but in general I find libertarians rather idealistic in their solutions, thinking that "free market will solve it all", which might not prove to be actually correct in every case.

Also they seem to be fans of the "trickle down" economy, which seems to be rather flawed and unrealistic for me and leads to systems that, while being more productive/rich is total, are worse for most amounts of people than one in which the markets are partially regulated by the state.

But I kind of like libertarians in general, since they actually believe in personal freedoms.

Wealth tends to concentrate if left its own devices

People say this all the time, but I have yet to hear of a true monopoly arising from the free market. Some competition always remained for every company I've heard cited as such. For example, Standard Oil only controlled about 90% of the nation's oil supply at its height.

Not being a fucking classcuck.

>believing that trickle down economics is an Austrian school of economics concept

Stopped reading right there

It's idealistic. It has never been tried on a societal level. There's too much emphasis on what freedom, autonomy and sovereignty are, versus how they should be applied appropriately (where libertarians vary the most). Political libertarians don't represent the majority of libertarian beliefs, which is also interesting. Relentless obsession with laissez-faire capitalism. I could go on.

Yeah, because Burgerstan policies sure have done a great job not keeping the general population at the lowest standard of living admissible for a first world country.

holy shit why do americans invent their own expressions and assume they're correct?

liberalism is a libertarian ideology, like how fascism is an authoritarian ideology

Neither authoritarianism nor libertarianism are separate ideologies, it's like saying "right wing" or "left wing" are ideologies

>if ur not a selfish grabby gibsmedat you're a cuckold.

I swear to god one day is gonna say some shit to me like this in real life and I'm just gonna fucking shoot them


Is anybody even a libertarian anymore these days? I thought all the libertarians realized that it doesn't work until you get rid of all the nigs.

>stop being so truncated, communism is a very elegant ideology and just because it requires a massive bureaucracy that redistributes wealth doesn't mean it's a welfare state'
>stop giving niggers welfare
>half of them die
>25% of them riot
>rioters get killed
>remaining 25% aren't actually niggers and get jobs

>holy shit why do americans invent their own expressions and assume they're correct?
We are literally the only people with a diverse political system.
Everyone else is just varying degrees of liberalism.
Our definitions are the only ones that matter.

I envy libertarians. All other social systems have been attempted, displaying their inherent flaws. Libertarianism is so insane that no idiot would ever try it and thus its defendants will always have their ivory tower.

Who would pay for roads?

Obviously people who need roads to transport product or personnel

Just in case you're wondering there are wonderfully maintained private roads all over america right now.

Communists theory stipulates there is no state.


What about highways?

Libertarianism is based on a view of human nature which has been utterly disproven by 6,000 years of human civilization.

Also, there is nothing conservative about libertarianism. Conservatism is collectivist.

lmgtfy.com/?q=private highways

Stopped misreading, you mean, no Austria in that post

Do you have any idea how much it costs to maintenance and build roads? I can assure you that the charity of auto manufacturers will not even come close to the bare necessities of keeping the most barbaric of road systems intact, let alone built

>fuck it, let's just wing it
>the most sound and logical solutions to economic and social problems

Communism is a totalitarian mega-state

A good argument against libertarianism is that it only works with a high IQ population. Low IQ peoples are incapable of thriving without firm guidance.

Define "conservative libertarianism"

>only people with a diverse political system
>country in which no single party has contested the major two in over a century
>country in which both parties are extremely liberal with separate approaches to said liberalism
>claims other countries are excessively liberal
i bet you don't even believe america is the reason the modern world is so liberal

>communism is not what marx says, but what i say

Libertarian is refered to economy and liberal to society, also I am not american

That's absolutely false
Libertarian and authoritarian are about freedom not economy

Pinochet's regime was authoritarian but economically liberal

>being selfish is bad

There are none

"Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.[1][2]"

I can say, by personal experience, that this is EXACTLY the percieved, known and pursued ideology of the Radical Democratic Party of Switzerland, known in the italian speaking part where I come from as "Partito LIBERALE radicale"
I've always associated liberalism with economic freedom until I came to know American liberalism

People are too stupid for a libertarian society. I mean really it would never work because it relies on a large majority of actors behaving in their own interest and being self-sufficient enough.

>I wanna do whatever I want but I also don't want people doing whatever they want
>I'll call it ''conservative libertarianism''
>m-muh propartah
Extremist ideologies don't work, how many failures do you need to understand that? Fuck, nothing works, everything will collapse and die in the end.

Please refer to this

Just because they don't use the state as their preferred pronoun doesn't mean a group of people getting together and forcibly allocating wealth and resources isn't a state

>spectrum of shit for retarded autists



>have philosophy that promotes self-interest as virtue
>blacks do what's in their self interest
>a bloo bloo they're bad

why are conservacucks such betas?

It's just for reference because most discussions of libertarianism turn into shit fests very quickly because everyone has a different picture in their head of what libertarianism means.