League of Legends General - /lolg/

Light & Darkness Edition

Old: >All-Star music video: youtube.com/watch?v=CHhCEfdettQ


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but thats wrong though.
he's just a drama kid who didnt break his phantom of the opera mask yet.


S Tier:
Camille, Kindred, Karma, Poppy, Azir

A Tier:
Illaoi, Tristana, Shyvana, Syndra, Ashe, Sejuani, Taric

B Tier:
Zyra, Leona, Miss Fortune, Ahri, Akali

C Tier:

third for shitty matchmaking


Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

Stop bullying me.

nidalee's hairy armpits

xth for shitty runeterra map retcon.

I want my dick to get jinx'd

How do i do taric? and do you guys think he'll get picked in the LCS this year?

nth for learn to spell "tear"

Bully the healslut to death.

I will
Because I know you enjoyed being bullied you slut

me too user

Will sluts actually exchange nudes for being boosted or is this just a lolg meme?

I just got the picture off of google.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

xth for this isn't the game I feel in love with and I'm not sure why I'm still playing it

switch your w onto whoever is going in.
learn to land your e
time your ult to land when you're going in / about to get all in'd
thats all

crocheted /L/U/L/U/

Its a meme
All the girls who play this game are ugly slags anyway



Support mains will go further than that if you're challenger.

F Tier:

and I wish artists would get it through their heads and stop giving her juicy athlete tier legs

Best pillow!

Zed is pretty nice......

She needs to be bully for dressing like a hooker.

Who are some junglers that can easily clear raptors and krugs or at least not get too low when clearing raptors and krugs?

I knit it.
Crocheting is for /F/A/G/G/O/T/S/

>bronze V team.png

You are clearly biased for poppy, and trist, their thighs are not only stumpy and short but they're not good looking at all. There's no point for thighs if they arent followed by a long sexy leg.

Frankly, yordles shouldnt even be on the list. There's plenty of better thighs/legs/asses there.

I'd say switch her out and add the greatest frostbutt.


The perfect match!

Goats don't even normally wear clothes!

Jinx might actually be the most pure.

A heart the lives only to destroy.

What can be more purer than that?

>forgetting best thighs

Author here:

Irelia has an S-tier booty. However I stuck primarily to thighs.

More like /lolg/.jpg

>S tier booty
>Followed by S tier thighs which he's blind to
>Has yordles instead


>not constricting oneself to societal norms
>letting loose in the best way she knows how

Hmm... you might have a point.

im suprised your not getting more yous from this.

all the shyvfags must be triggered by seeing this.

>Goats are naked
Then Soraka is a furry bimbo in the nude.

who builds this now


bronze players


She's not nude unless her adc is challenger

Why ship a dragon girl with J4 anyway?
Quinn is much more suitable for Jarvan as a partner!

people who need a speed boost when they're in a tight spot.

why are people hating on soraka all of a sudden?

and if i play as challenger ? even if my rank is plat4


Stay away, she's mine, nerd

Bet Soraka acts like a slut when she's with her ADC.

fuck lee sin players

>lee q r q any squishy for instant kill

outplayed ;)

Literaly the Vayne's, Yasuo's and Thresh's of the jungle.

I've never played the champ, but why do retards seem to gravitate towards him. Is it because of the high skillcap?


No she's mine

I'm sure you can wow a silver Soraka or maybe a gold one if your bf sword is long enough.

I know I do.

This, muh insec lcs big plays xd

Would Lamb do anal?

I need silly and stupid songs while I learn and play as Talon. Shit like this
and maybe Parappa the Rappa songs. Just silly shit to play to.

>Dat ass
Now I want me some of that Jinx.

>go vs kled as illaoi
>we both shit on each other every now and then
>kled has the potential to shit on me because of soraka R
>she keeps ulting kled every time even when i use ult and Kled's epic passive turns him invulnerable for a bunch and his R gives him that fucking unnecessary shield
>lose 2/5/1 in lane
>xin and kled immediately go on me and have soraka ult on them
>still shit on them real fucking good for going all-in me
>they immediately complain in all chat about illaoi
I fucking love Illaoi. I don't care if she's slow or has too many weaknesses, she's just so fucking good to fuck cunts up.


certified HOOD CLASSIC

I haven't played her much but she feels to me like a champ that thrives on how dumb your opponents are.

>got a mecha sion shard
>don't like playing sion at all

It's official, Soraka is a healslut that ADCs bully.
Can a Syndra get gangbanged by 20 men? Can Sona attract ever players?

>why do retards seem to gravitate towards him. Is it because of the high skillcap?

it's weird with Lee, because he has a relatively high skill floor and yet shitters do well with him. That's mostly due to them being cheesers and people not being able to respond. I've had tens of games mid where the lee would just sit on my raptors and wait until i entered lane to instakill me whenever i tried to kill a single creep.

To compare, Yasuo has a sorta-high skillcap and the weeb shitters get fucked as Yasuo and go 0/10 all the time.
Riven has an embarassingly low skill floor and a good LV2 and LV6 cheese, so shitters can do well with her. Then they spend the rest of the game trying to make 1v5 lcsbigplays and lose the game for their team every time

They actually put effort into it and are trying to build a cohesive world out of something that was before just jumbles of random bullshit cobbled together as needed.

Who else here is high elo and hates playing with qt or dyrus? I mean I love playing with them but ffs stop playing shit picks. Makes the game so much harder then it should

No, Syndra obviously doesn't do that, what are you on about?

go nuts

>ghostblade was too good
>instead of nerfing the AS or nerfing the AR pen they decide to just dumpster the item by nerfing both

Wait, what is this about Lulufag killing himself?

is adc actually the hardest role to climb with or is that just a meme

are you valkrin?

xth for Cute Ashe

hello there

>doesn't like playing Sion
what are you, a fucking coward

>don't like playing sion at all

no role is hard enough to be considered particularly hard to climb with

>tfw I was right about Camille's release

Have another cute

He's gonna along with his main account

there a phony around posting the same pics than him in the thred tho

>listening to meem music

>>don't like playing sion at all

when is jhin going to die down in popularity

getting tired of seeing this homo every other match

every role is reliant on you getting good mechanically, its just that adc is taxed by the support sharing their experience, but so is the opposing laner.
it's roughly as hard as carrying from support.

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!
Ashe a shit

Then recommend some silly songs, bro.

She is. She literally tells opponents to just fucking dodge her shit. Her ult is a huge source of damage if people fight you. IF they fight you. The biggest thing she has (And it is big and bullshit) is that her things are highly dmaging and impactful because they're so telegraphed.... but she can fucking cancel the animations and have the effects still happen. So she gets extremely impactful abilities cast without warning or the ability to react until you already have tentacles jammed up your ass. It's more obnoxious than riven because each spell is that much more potent.

Post t h i g h s

Nope just a dirty master player

>Ashe getting force fed by Sona
fed cum

If he didn't look so metal you wouldn't play him either, tool.

>don't like playing sion at all

There I fixed it.


Candy King Sion when?

Yasuo, riven, zed, vayne, and lee sin all fall into the "high skill cap high outplay potential" category. Assassination potential or bursty or outplay potential or hard carry potential or weaboo all make shitters gravitate to them.
It's not even a league exclusive game.
Spy/Sniper in tf2.
Genji/Hanzo in OW
AWP to some extent in CS

If you add something that's difficult but rewarding to master, you get shitters who play them.

based user, hope your other predictions are right.

please be around to make more when Warwick/Galio reworks get released and they announce more reworks