League of Legends General - /lolg/

Piltover Event Soon Edition

Old: >All-Star music video: youtube.com/watch?v=CHhCEfdettQ


>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:



this is a boy.

There is literally zero reason anyone should watch LCS over LCK next season.

>TSM choking hard in worlds and then replacing DL with fucking Wildturtle
>G2 consistently choking hard internationally so no matter how hard they shit on EU domestically they should never be taken seriously
>IMT the most fun team to watch defanged into a shell of it's former self with Huni and RO both gone.
>Only other teams even remotely relevant are fucking C9 ebin butthole memes and Splyce.

Meanwhile we literally have the triumverate of super teams in SKT/KT/Longzhu forming and LCK returning to it's former S4 glory days


Remember to hate and kill these furries, Soraka, Riven, and Kalista in your matches.

I'm gragas top vs jayce
how do I deal with him

He's the best!
Nth for dreamy Mondays?!

>Being in Jayce's lane

fighting smurfs is frustrating. I can tell they've been playing for a long time and know everything like the back of their hand. I want to do ADC but I know I will do extremely badly.

xth for fuck greedy midlaners who do nothing but bully the jungler all game even though I was trying to end the fucking game and WE WON ANYWAY THANKS TO ME.
Three games in a row, three victories in a row, three midlaners bitching at me in a row.

I had what must have been a surfing Riven a while back in a normal game.

Completly destroyed everyone and never pushed objectives.

Got 2 penta kills back to back by waiting in their jungle.

It was strange.

>tfw no adc gf

I play draven, what server are you on


EUW :(

will you let me pound your cute support boipussy?

What is /lolg/'s opinion of new Talon?

What is /lolg/'s opinion on "mini-game" abilities? Like Draven's axe catching, Skarner's crystal spires, or Bard's meeps?

Wrong general.

He has great synergy with Ezreal

Anyone on EUW want to play a normal game?

Unlucky. Good luck in your quest to find someone user, we're all gonna make it eventually.

Yeah, a biologically female adc gf can, if that's what she's into. I would want to make her happy.

I want to try out Dota
Are there any characters similar to Varus?

What are some good Dota chars for us lolbabs?

im biologically female

I just have a penis now and am hairy as fuck

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

What are the odds biofrost/Lustboy comes to EUW to be my personal support?

Windranger is the closest thing to Varus in Dota

>Q is kinda like Bard stun
>W is Varus piercing arrow but you can't move during the cast time
>E lets you go fast
>Ult gives you insane attack speed as long as you're attacking the same single target

He's okay. A bit worse than before I feel.

Then thick about Syndra wearing BDSM gear for the femdom fetish, user.

tfw too impatient to wait for skin sales

They make me change my playstyle against certain champs, so I'm fine with them. Shakes thing up.

press e to windrange

A metric fuckton more interesting both to play and to play around but ultimately still pretty weak.

Honestly probably a good thing. I like the place assassins are in general after the rework. Everyone though they would be supercancer and outside of Rengar they've all been relatively tame balance wise. This is by far the smoothest preseason we've ever had.

They're fine as long as they're not excessively tedious or clunky. Shitters bitching about minigames probably want more champions like Annie

sounds good

Disgusting if you manage to actually reach people and use your empowered Q+Passive, shittier than before otherwise, though that's not entirely a bad thing, old Talon was either
>Be ahead enough that you one-shot your E target and maybe take another person or two with them because of your AoE.
>Be behind and be useless.

Sion support is literally the only way to have fun botlane

>on level 18 account
>queue for any game type
>10 minutes in queue and counting
And I repeat


Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.

No Syndra obviously doesn't do that, try something else.

The only girl I'd want to cuddle at night is Soraka

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

There's also Vel'koz "support".

When Mao support with Spellthief, should I bother rolling with any AP runes or stay full tank?

good night

>be me
>have shitty day at work
>try to come home and improve on Lee Sin because jungle is my off role and I've played Lee since S4.
>not the worst lee but not decent either
>two games
>singed top tilts out of existence and griefs me by throwing the enemy kat into me at level 5
>can't get any objectives become increasingly frustrated at myself for not playing lee well
>lose to trash talking Lulu
>get flamed
>game 2
>Kled's roommate is torrenting and he dcs
>can't gank
>can't roam
>get killed in jungle by annie top
>fizz is an egelord who types in chat how bad I am

I want to die. I just want to fucking learn Lee and be good at this damn game, nope I can't because my retarded brain can't even get past silver, the fuck do I do /lolg/.


shit meme senpai

Sleep well.

I unironically enjoy Nami/Karma support just because they're huge lane bullies and can poke the adc out of lane

play top

ignore lower lanes

get inhib

win all games

Glad you're back WITH us lulufag

kind of miss your Sona loe pasta, did you just drope her as waifu ?

How do I get good with Cancer Monk of LCS Big Plays?

I usually go 6/7-0 on him early on but I can never transition my early game snowball into a win. I tilt off the face of the earth when teams start grouping.

>falling off: the champion
>how do I stop falling off

Build tanky
Look for multi hit kicks
Look to kick their back line into your Frontline

If it were that easy, I'd tell you. All I can say is just practice his mechanics, learn more about his abilities and jungle pathing. And quickcast on him his godsend, use it..

its not him you advance mongoloid

Shit taste. You should have pick Vi.
Fucking a fox is heresy.

>play 2 games and get unlucky teams
>give up and cry on a taiwanese frog sweater knitting board
>refuse to recognize that you'll only get better through persistence and not from giving up after literally two [2] games
How about you stop being a fucking faggot? Keep playing and git gud

No, my heart still belongs to Sona, I just shitpost different things from time to time.

tfw nogf got more contentious responses so it was more fun recently.

>enemy first picks Nasus

P-please buff Katarina....

youre my waifu


Sleep well, Ahriposter.

But user I have school in the morning, I need to go to bed soon. I'll have time on Wednesday.

I also wouldn't say I'm trying to be a faggot, but you're right I came off a bit whiny. I have a problem where if I lose I become frustrated and embarrassed because I feel like a burden to the team.

Full tanky. Spell dragger is more for laning and getting easy gold you can get some good dmg out of it laning but you have shit HP.

cursed revenant nocturne

>mao support

you can just cut out the middleman and not bother.

>tfw no ADC gf to abuse my blitzcrank skills

why live

>Roll Lissandra in ARAM
>Decide to try the ole Protobelt build
>Literally every teamfight is just me teleporting across half the map to instakill their Caitlyn before my ult duration even wore off

That was fun.

close enough

>Yasuo players
Friendly reminder to ALWAYS ban Yasuo when he's on your team.

not him but i got that skin once... rerolled to cutthroat graves -_-

Which female league champion to cuddle at night? Too many choices, too little time.

who are the meta top lane champs?

what was he about to say


Stop posting

> Alwas bnning Yasuo
No, no, you let yasuo through if your mid and top are last picks.


>I have school in the morning
Well its good to see you have your priorities straight
That being said if you wanna get good but have a limited amount of time I suggest watching coaching vods like the ones on ls9's channel. Watch the minimap every 5 seconds and whenever you get a cs as a general rule of thumb
Don't fall for the reddit meme and watch le high elo streamers
And you'll get over feeling like a burden to your team. As far as you're concerned you 5 are only there for 30-60 minutes for the sole purpose of your 21 lp and you'll likely never see them again. Focus on the game and most importantly recognize and ACCEPT that some games are full of retards and unwinnable, you'll be a lot less stressed and won't feel as bad after losses like you've described.
And don't play meme Champs like Lee sin if you're trying to climb. If you wanna have fun go ahead but keep it simple and play retard brain dead Champs so you can focus on playing the actual game rather than the champ

hey man he got counterpicked into ryze, it was a really match up for him dont be that hard on him

Think of a champ you like to play.

Got it?

If they have mana, they are now resourceless. If they are resourceless, they now have mana. How fucked are you?

D-do continue, the nights are cold here

How does one survive laning versus swain as a melee?
Fuck this champion and fuck quas for making him more popular

wanna be warm? Leona.
Wanna be cold? Lissandra
Like being tucked in tight? Elise

> Ryze
> No mana


Don't give up user. We're all gonna make it.
>tfw no mcree/widow/etc main gf to benefit from my mercy/zen/lucio skills

>No mana
>one item nashors perma e, perma slows, perma heal

What have you done

I have a friend new to league who wants to main aatrox. How do I convince him to not main this joke before he goes too far?

>Mah boi Xin

I will unironically build 45% CDR every game.

>No mana costs Jax
This is like a good dream come true.

[ F ] damage scalings?

Ms. Hentai of Tentacles.

here you go katafriend :^)

I find any champ that doesn't build tanky or have easy to land hard CC uselss. Am I right?

What if I want two of those?

Would prefer to not have a shattered pelvis.

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

fuck you faggot, kooba is MINE!

>kat nerfs

Dude I used to main old Ryze when I started and I feed every game, but he taught me the basics of this shitty game.
Let him have fun

I mean, your passive would become useless but a full ap Ryze 45 cdr no mana would be scary

>buffing a resourceless toon that has resets on all of it's abilities
>ever a good idea
kat can never be good based solely upon how her kit works