League of Legends General - /lolg/

Its not gay ezreal as the OP edition



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Xth for Katarina
best girl

I was gonna make the OP but I was busy watchin anime

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>tfw you play ranked and try to win some matches
>play a match as malph jungle and your team just argues ALL fucking game
>nobody wants to cooperate
>they keep trying to surrender
>tell them to just try
>end up 1v4'ing the enemy team
>but my enemy team doesn't even try
>we lose, i tried my best
>enemy team adds me because i did so well, we start winning games

feels happy

xth for hoping to see my waifu in my dreams soon~

Any maintenance work necessary, because I'm not deleting the thing.

do u wanna be my bf im silver

buff nidalee so i can be happy again! :3

are you a cute white twink?

yeah use consistently sized portraits and actually line them up correctly faggot

>G5 support main
>Scared to do placement matches

What do? I've been playing normals and flex since the season ended but haven't touched solo/duo.

im mostly white but im 1/4 asian...

xth for Cute Vi

Old one: Hey buddy, how did it went ?

only... two... needed for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums...

it will be fun we promise

xth for flex queue is retarded and literally just got disabled on NA as I was in champ select what gives

Not seeing anything on NA.

is your hair long?

Promise it's there, look again. It's a private room, password is vidya.

hmm kinda about down to my eyes but its rly thick and fluffy and brown

What anime in particular, if I may ask?

Meliorne that's not how you sound the horn, blare the trumpets sound the alarms drop those crumpets and gather your arms, the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums has arrived a warriors paradise greater than fiji water glorious battle catered to your lane like cattle to the slaughter, will you choose to see those conquered before you? Or demonstrate why you are not the victor?

>but the idea that you have to be able to EXECUTE well just to be able to analyze is just silly.
>daniel klein
so that's why the balance team is shit

>demonstrate why you are not the victor?
it's my shitty teams

rap over my sick beats brah

He is like Silver, what do you expect? Fucker doesn't even understand the game he is suppose to balance.

maybe if youre cute~

a really gay anime

is 5'9 135 skinny enough or is that fat for your standards

Teeeeeell me. Trust me, I watch the gayest anime. Is it Yuri on Ice?

>medium/long blonde hair
>friends make fun of me for looking like Ezreal

when do we fuk

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

go away im talking to him :(

>Azir, Taric, Braum and Pantheon
Why these four specifically?

>soraka's thighs aren't even there

pretty good

my ign is King Grey

Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi

right now, let me love you bby~

Illaoi up, Irelia down

I'll add you after my game!

Witness in glory and bloodshed, the rise of champions who fight. Their heads held high, those who live and those who die only the test of might will tell but for you, PLACEM!

camille's head looks too small

would she consent? I don't think she would

I want to suck Greft's dick

Did clean up and added a few changes. I went through every dude one more time to make sure they were "good" and forgot people like Zed's thighs apparently. I'm serious.

>Just bought an account
>It has all the rare skins (black alistar, ufo corki, urf the manatee etc)
>Has 131 Champs
>Has all victorious skins since season 1 up to now
>All Riot and Traditional
>No 5+ champ masteries
>20 rune pages
>Will be able to change the email on said account
>Only paid $400

I can still cancel the order, should I do it or nah? Kind of second guessing it now for what ever reason. I have plenty of expendable income and having another account would be nice to practice/untilt on in addition all the rare skins will be suiper cool

How did I do /lolg/?

I fucking love this champion

League of legends community is full of butt hurt faggits

>Memes vs Tryhards

wew i guess who's gonna...

>Marine on Destruction Man


looks empty without my borders..

If you have lots of spare cash then it seems pretty solid to me

would kill for a clean account like that but I'm not willing to pay









That's right, I keep forgetting to play with you, Grey.

>doesn't post a pic with timestamp

keep it, When the WW rework came out, that skin is gonna be god-tier

>Ezreal and Jinx at Z tier


>new season starts
>ranked queue disabled
well then rito what else is new in this season?


I deleted the post but figure I would keep it. The ward skins, summoner icons and everything else will make it worth it. i've blown more money on worse.


Personally I'd say Zed and Pantheon probably have better thighs than every other male champion.
Zed is crouching in all of his splash arts, he spends tons of time crouching and running around and shit. His thighs are probably fucking ripped.
Pantheon's ult is pretty much all the evidence we need to support the fact that his thighs are probably the strongest muscles in his body.

Also Camille deserves her own tier. I'm 90% certain that her thighs were the first thing they designed, and the rest of the champion just kind of exists to make sure the thighs aren't floating in thin air.

why do so many asians play this game

>Aatrox into Shyv
>Get really excited, kept hearing things about her being OP, want to see it first hand
>She's playing hyper aggressive with invades oh boy this is gonna be an exciting match-
>Completely destroy her every fucking time we 1v1

That was disappointing.

Please refer to this video if you think you deserve to be high elo.
your problems dont matter.

>grindy as fuck
>requires tons of mechanical skill
>has an esports scene
I'm willing to bet that these have something to do with it.

>warrior shyvana

thank you for putting her in her place

I went through that logic as well, I might notch them up a tier or two but Taric, Braum, and Azir's thighs are really good to. No other male champions really get "good thighs" complements outside of Bara-porn from furries which doesn't count since I went with in-game and splash art for observations.

I might Notch Kindred and Camille into their own tier though thats the thing I'm also considering.

Debating of putting Elise into C-tier but the more I look at her the more "length" i see rather than "Thicc"

cinderhulk shyvana, huh

also i like the name of that ashe

>wanting to be high elo
>wanting to play games at a skill level where things like glass cannon illaoi and full crit garen don't work
I never understood this.

>requires tons of mechanical skill

That's debatable. Most of the champions in this game don't require too much mechanical skill, and particularly in Korea a lot of these champs have OTPs in D1 and above.

I'd argue game knowledge and good decision-making are more important than mechanics.

Well I guess require wasn't the right word.
I should have said it rewards mechanical skill, because even braindead point and click shit like Nasus and Warwick rewards mechanics.


It's weird, he ganked so hard he almost snowballed his bot lane out of control, he had PERFECT Jungle timings to the point I didn't get my second Blue OR Red, but then... He starts building like a retard.

getting carried hard in a vg vs vg rn so Ill add after

>play top
>cs ok
>play adc
>shit cs
wat do

Yeah, I think rewards is a much better term for it.

The champions that require the most mechanical skill to master are also the ones that are the most rewarding when you do master them.

play top

I have the same problem.
I can cs just fine in every role except ADC. No matter what I do I just cannot last hit until I get my BF sword. I don't know, maybe it's just a Graves thing, since his autos don't deal his full AD unless he's standing in the wave.


The difference between someone who can play Draven and someone who can juggle three axes during a teamfight while dodging skill shots as Draven is black and white.

A champion having a higher skill ceiling isn't the problem, but if the ceiling is accessible easily to the point that its practically auto-pilot (Yasuo) then it makes for bullshit.

>playing graves adc

>Get Yasuo in one for all
>Do better than the mastery 7 memelord who picked him in the first place
I swear this happens every time OFA is in rotation.
The same thing happens with Lee Sin all the time too.
I don't know where the meme that Yasuo or Lee take skill came from, but they obviously do not if first time players can get an S+ while building wrong and maxing the wrong skills.

>graves adc

>having trouble csing as graves

hahaha, no wonder, graves is a jungler

The results are in!

I don't really have anyone else to pick
My pool consists of Graves, Miss Fortune, Kog'Maw, Varus, Ezreal, Tristana, Ashe and Sivir

I'm beyond terrible at Trist, Sivir and Ashe, and they're boring and I don't want to learn them.
Kog'maw and Ezreal should never ever be picked as adcs because AP is better than AD in every single possible way for both of them and they're really shitty ADCs in general, especially for solo queue.
Varus sucks.

That leaves me with Graves and Miss Fortune. I know Graves better than MF, so he's my usual pick.

>King Grey won a 4v5
The power of Ezreal's love.

>Not Bloodrazor Shyvana

1 item can change everything.

>tfw I was pretty much dead weight

it was all top dog marine and the vi

Pretty sure blue team was trolling

Or maybe you guys just suck dick LOL

>no cute hispanic girl champion

C'mon guys, we're getting left behind!

MarineRevenge dicked you guys.

Your team basically had no CC (Vi's ultimate notwithstanding), so I'm sure they appreciated your gold cards.

That's what I was thinking, but I solo killed him like 3 times before he finished Warrior so I doubt it would make a difference.

if you feel like dead weight try being a kalista without ult

>the ones that I tossed at plants
>also the two blue cards at a vayne

2 am TF is not a good idea

>MarineRevenge plays vgs
Holy shit I'm glad I've never embarrassed myself by joining one of those. I'd have been 0/20 by the 20 minute mark.

The perfect match!

> They disabled Ranked
Is just my shitty region or something happened?

>Letting Marine have Garen

Oh god I laned against Riddler once. I thought he only knew how to play Shen, then he picked Tryndamere and rammed his sword so far up my ass I could taste it.

A new Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up!
+6 for videogames!
pw: vidya

can you find new art?

least cancer talon x ez and vladfag have variety in their shitposts

Hey blue card does the most damage, so it's not a total loss!

>tfw too poor to commssion