League of Legends general - /lolg/

old Kled is a foxy grampa edition


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xth for camille

xth for shaco/gangplank revert when?

>jhin gets another skin
>its a shitty poopject skin instead of a the superior heavenly Archlight

Lane difficulty easiest to hardest.
Then again I only play Karma and Akali :F

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

5th for sion

>wanting nerfs on Shaco

>Year of the rooster
>Lunar revel goes to my favorite champion

I'm relatively happy. Though I was thinking Anivia would get it honestly. Riot surprised me.

>those windows of skin on her thighs

New skins for Garen, Vi, Azir, and Gangplank.


>Tfw I had a skin concept for Jade Fist Vi but now it's too late.



>SS (Absolute NO counterplay, strong at every point of the game)

>S (Insanely fucking strong, pick or ban tier, basically)

>A (Overall strong picks, might be picked or banned)

>B (Everything else)
Everything else

>Arclight Jhin
>Not Golden Sun Jhin to contrast with the Blood Moon line
>Not Arctic Ops Jhin
>Not Tuxedo Mask Jhin

And why do you post that again?

Darius is S, not Naut
Ekko definitely isn't SS anymore.

We now know whats under the mask

>Lunar Garen's E has a green dragon spin with him

>new shaco is better than old shaco
literally the only improvement was the stealth change


So when is lee getting nerfed or can we atleast get 10 bans already

>tank ekko is strong again
Wait, did I miss something?

buff nidalee to make me a happy girl/boy! :3

>thinking this is what actual sharimians looked like
You're dumb.

>Forgetting about the trap drop on ult

I am glad gangplank got another skin. He was truly lacking in cosmetic variety.

>they still think that Ekko is built tank in the top lane

But don't you love getting oneshit by the blind man of many kicks?

So when is sub 50 win rate(at all elo) getting nerfed? Hahahahaaaa

I hope the new plank skin has a treasure planet reference in there somewhere.

>thinking this is what actual sharimians looked like
I'm pretty sure he meant that it might be what Azir's post-Ascended bird face looks like without the helmet on.

>Two champions with the best thighs in the game get skins in the same launch.

All hail our booty overlords

I mean that's just more retarded because he's clearly a different species of bird in that skin then in the classic.

That would be great.

Aren't you glad they gave him another skin? :^)

>Almost triple the playrate of the #2 most played jungler

>Only .3% away from 50% winrate.

You'd have to be a gold shitter to not think Lee Sin is in need of a love tap right now.

fiora should be one rank higher

>they still think that he can compete with Poppy
She deserves SSS tier then.

>Tuxedo Mask Jhin
goddamnit, now i want this as a 975 skin
why, riot

Full Ap Ekko is neat. Seen one 3 hit a adc.


>tfw no tuxedo mask jhin to star with the star guardian skins

What are the strongest ADCs right now?

Bruh this is canon no-helmet azir.

I post it here all of the fucking time.

>le illuminati meme xd
i didn't forget about it. i guess it could be called an improvement but they're useless 9/10 times.
whoever was in charge of shaco clearly hasn't played him very much.

This is a funny thing. Poppy is probably the best tank right now, but Ekko is by far the best assassin in the game right now.

teitch the plaque mouse

>Golden Sun Jhin to contrast with the Blood Moon line
I could actually see this happening: Jhin completely decked out in golden armor, wearing a gold version of the masks that Blood Moon Yasuo and Kennen have, etc. Could be neat.

Poppy completely the lane, so Ekko won't get the chance
If you don't like seeing him in your games ban him. He's absolutely garbage at my elo and takes a real special person to do well, even though he'll get fisted by vi or Shyvana.

I ban Poppy whenever I can because she ruins top for me.

>completely different color of feathers
>canon unmasked design that doesn't even follow the canon color pallet
Okay, Susan.

I mean I just had a game where AP shaco made Riven useless for the whole game so maybe you're just playing him wrong?

>Blood Moon Zed, Blood Moon Talon and Blood Moon Ekko already confirmed and leaked


Wouldn't golden sun basically be arclight anyway?

>more edgy skins for more edgy champs
No thanks.

E lich and w passive takes out half a adcs health, problem is ekko struggles to get close to back line, so you have to hide in jungle to flank them and risk getting caught or try and get past the fronline.

His feathers are white and have been since forever

Eh, true.


those and slut skins are what sells

isnt blood moon zed like the most redundant skin possible, and why another ekko so soon

Uh, user. These are not feathers.

>still no Cass skin
What the fuck is riot doing?

why's zed getting all these great skins? all his skins look pretty good, he even has chromas.


Ekko is not edgy. He is just a talkative delinquent.


What if renekton ultimate gave him 30/60/120AD and 15/30/60% attack speed?

>more skins for champions that only 13 year olds play
It's like riot hates my money.

This doesn't look like white at all Also check the ingame, his tush is grey 100%

What if Karthus ult reset on kill

I was a Mao support so Ekko had not trouble getting on the adc.


>Feathers clearly seen towards his elbows
>Feathers on his legs are downed
>"Those are not feathers"


>Garen's armor shred actually went through

>oceanic servers just went down

>playing or caring about cass
What are you doing?

What if Kled got his health restored to full whenever he got his Q to pop.

>ignoring the clearly grey as fuck leg feathers
Alright, susan.

And what elo is that?

>When we shifted Twin Disciplines from an always-on effect to one compressed into two procs,...
>when we completely destroyed akali,...
i miss her fuck

>Azir getting a skin and possible buffs
Good day

The only thing that Azir needs is to be deleted from the game.

oy vey, probably a coincidence

Azir's not getting buffs they said

At least its not too hard, I don't mind extra ammo in teamfights now.

Passive - Shurima's Legacy
ATTACK DAMAGE SCALING 3 per minute ⇒ 4 per minute
W - Arise!
CHARGE COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds

Okay wise ass. Here's his in-game.

Thats lighting as to why they're grey. Its the "what color is the dress" shit again.

>Someone takes my image and adds a santa hat


Spend money

>Deleting champions
>Deleting champions they just made skins for

Kek, how new

Wait, is season 7 starting already? Why so early?


>no new cass skin
>no new yorick skin
>no new viktor skin
>no new jhin skin
>no new illaoi skin

>that style and outplay bundle

fucking lol
they are gonna make money from this one

>played 2 game earlier todays
>noticed on the second game im playing placements

The only people on the the list who deserve a skin are Jihn and Viktor.

>small nidalee buffs
it's starting! :3 can't wait for more!

I doubt i'm playing him badly. AP is good yeah but i enjoy ad more and that got nerfed pretty hard. IE is really awkward now too.
He certainly isn't bad right now, i just miss being able to duel/gank early and cheesing people with a box stack.

>unironically using the word kek
>calls me new
nigger faggot

BETTER CRIT’ING If the attack that procs Backstab would critically strike normally, it now deals normal crit damage rather than Backstab’s reduced crit damage

But why not just fucking make it deal an actual critical hit with bonus damage, though? That'd be way more intuitive and work better to synergize with items and runes.

Is that invoker?

Finally getting all the skins I want



>only the champs i play deserve a skin

ok nigger


>the "Style and Outplay" bundle contains literally every single component champion of Bronzodia
i'm fucking dying, here

Is it best to do placements right away or wait a few weeks until match making sorts itself out?

put league back online i want to get diamond

Will chests reset when new season begins?
(the days i need to receive new chests, i mean)

>I doubt i'm playing him badly
> enjoy ad more and that got nerfed pretty hard
If you build a champion with sub par items you are playing them badly.

It's the the human Karthus skin.

I play neither of those champions. I actually mained cass for a season also.