Be Nero

>be Nero
>become emperor of Rome
>leave first wife for better pussy
>kill 2nd wife in a fit of rage
>see effeminate young slave boy that resembles dead wife
>castrate him
>marry him and make him a wife/girl in all aspects of his life
>parade him around as a lover in public
>utterly dominate and humiliate him and make him his bitch to prevent any possibility of him laying claim to the throne or having descendants that could do so
Alpha af if you ask me. Thoughts?


And he killed himself like a bitch

He was going to be the lead role in the rape of Persephone, if you know what I mean. Probably killed himself to preserve what little dignity remained.

Definitely my type of guy

It was way less dignified for any self respecting Roman to be captured than to kill themselves. The Emperor Valerian was defeated and imprisoned by the Persians which was completely unthinkable since he allowed by not killing himself. It was only after the Christian dogs drove Rome to the ground that suicide was strictly looked at negatively.

Shotas, traps, and femboys are, objectively speaking, the pinnacle of sexuality


>believing Suetonoius' lies.

You forgot the part where he raped his own mother and killed her.

He was talking about Nero. But yeah, I don't blame Sporus for becoming an hero. Dude must've had a rough life. I mean, it was bad enough for him to be castrated for the pleasure of another man and then made into a girl in most every aspect of his life save for childbearing. Considering how shameful it was in Roman society to be the receptive partner in anything, it must've been pretty bad. Not to mention every successor that followed Nero took him in as a wife and did god knows what until Vitellius stepped in. I can't imagine things getting any worse for him than getting raped in the middle of a gladiator event or whatever it was.

Do you not feel even the slightest sympathy or compassion for his victims, namely Sporus?

COOL!!! XDD let my try!

>be Hitler
>become chancellor of Germany
>rape my niece and hold her as my prisoner
>have one testicle
>torture and kill animals for pleasure
>murder all of my opponents
>participate in voodoo and occult magick
>be a closet homosexual
>be secretly Jewish
>secretly hate the people of my country
>be a heroin addict
>rape and murder small boys from the Hitler Youth
>begin a rampage set upon nothing less than global domination, finally stopped by the heroic Jewish-Americans (HA ironic)


but hitler loved animals and didn't fuck boys

I think he is hinting at the possibility that the abhorrent things said about Nero might be exaggerations, in the same light as with Hitler.

But Greco-Roman paganism is filled with stories like that, whith the moral of the Greco-Roman myths you don't produce a Jesus but rather a Nero.

is there any time period greater than ancient rome

>But the old testament is filled with abhorrent stories of conquest and intolerance, with the moral of the old testament myths you dont produ-
oh wait.

Im currently reading the natura deorum which is one of the important pieces we have to look into the head of these polytheists.
The different philosophs and highpriests(!) say that centaurs are a myth people believed in more primitive times and that the beastly behaviour of the gods in their storys is more of a playwrights/dramatists fantasy gone rogue concerning the description of their primal attributes which were held more vague..

Such a sad story. That must be where fatman found inspiration for Ramsay and Theon/Reek.

They they stage that scene regularly with real raping going on?

I think the Boltons as a family are more inspired by Vlad III with flaying being the focus rather than impalement

You have a mysoginistic domination fetish. You see men as better than women and want to assert dominance over others. You therefore think it is a greater show of dominance to make a respectable male be act like a woman, who you believe are inherently inferior to you.

You are a degenerate. Just become a regular homosexual like any other decent human being.

I hope you realize that the historians who might have exaggerated Nero's affairs did so to tarnish his reputation. Nero as the sociopath, impulsive madman he's made out to be would not be a well-received figure in Rome. The idea that he would be the ideal pagan figure is laughable.

Greco-Roman morality was much more complicated and conservative than you might believe if you only listen to hollywood depictions and Christian smear stories.

>this is the society some people idolize, and claim Christianity ruined Rome
absolute kek

>You therefore think it is a greater show of dominance to make a respectable male be act like a woman, who you believe are inherently inferior to you.
Well, males are stronger. Plus female behavior is not inherent to them so it takes effort.

It's all lies to ridicule Nero. Nero was basically Trump of his times.

i've read a book saying he castrated and marryed two of his senators one as wife the other as husband. Fucking bullshit invented by the Christians.

What a fucking faggot.