Remember that cars are much faster, healthier and safer than bicycles

Remember that cars are much faster, healthier and safer than bicycles.
well done Veeky Forums and stay away from that gym

What cars does Robbie approve?

So what happens in a massive traffic jam?

The Ford GT, because it is number one.


What was his name?


Fuck off /n/igger

Just when I thought GM may recover.
>they never will

fuck you m8

Heck off

rotflmao, btfo

fuggin gucked again lad

plz no kill

do ho ho


Gabe Newell isn't the love of my life anymore.

Mike "If they're gays, give 'em the taze" Pence

rip mom

fuck off and die

Heck off!

>YFW no mother

>tfw you read this 5 seconds before sunrise.

i dont reply to these posts :^)))))