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1st for TGISH

@ Illidan US (Horde)

now 7/7M!

Recruiting a dps with tank off spec, a shadow priest for core slot, a healer and dps for bench.

Whisper Necrocrits. Casual / Heroic raiders welcome.

>tfw no NA horde wowg guild

Somebody should make one. Even if it's just for alts

which class/spec has the highest skill ceiling in legion for raiding? about to make a new character and I want to play something that's difficult

>Joining a /wowg/ guild

You have nobody to blame but yourself.

I'm getting bored with my guardian druid/tanking in general and want to DPS. Havoc or Fury?

>doing the murloc world pvp quest
>sperg dh tries to kill me
>while kiting him, a rogue and a ret kill him
>we all leave our way

are dh autistic or what?

Survival Hunter

Too bad you won't get to raid

that's a /nosg/ guild though?

>be retarded
>"b-b-baited... "

disc priest

why haven't you quit yet?

I like Female Tauren in the World of Warcraft

story time anons

>add user from chans to play with
>who knows maybe i can make a friend
>theyre cool
>talk with their friend or whatever in the party
>theyre cool too
>discuss mogs and weird other boards
>shits chill af, i miss wow being more social
>okay, times up, found enough people for the mythic dungo
>we start and things get rough quick
>trash is hard
>we die a lot
>i suck and die a lot to fire, mythic dont fuck around
>im way more tired than i thought i was
>tank (the user i added) pulls a mob the wrong way or something, i dont really care
>but we die maybe 6 times to this same mistake
>i look at the clock and at this rate its gonna be a while
>fuck im tired, i told myself one more
>a few hours ago i shouldve been in bed
>mob is wrecking group and getting healed or something
>request some target markers
>tank instead kites mobs to entrance/spawn
>decide to apologize to group
>express that i dont have a lot of gold
>(trying to learn how to pay for the game each month with gold and i dont have a lot of $$ irl)
>leave to try to avoid aggro from same pull mistake
>doesnt work, die two more times cause i release too fast and mobs are on spawn/entrance
>whisper them sorry, feel bad for bailing
>this happens

how can i sleep at night now, anons?????

try not giving a fuck

blog the fuck out

>TGISH just cannot stop pwning

jesus /wowg/ how DO they do it?

I already did though

>even a /wowg/ guild full of screamers can doing mythic xavius
What's your excuse user?

>TGISH bulls won again
Fucking hell boys how do we stop them?

>want to play with my bros on horde but they play on shitadin

If only they played on Kil'jaeden.........

I did it when it was relevant content.

>tfw wowg would rather namedrop and circlejerk than discuss which class and spec has the highest skill cap

guess i'll just play n@stalrius then

>no proof

Are you recruiting a fire mage . . ?

kj is shit anyways so lmaoing at ur life

>fire in 7.1.5

Survival hunter is actually suprisingly complex
Shame their damage is horrible atm tho

good job tgish, now you get to do the fun bosses.

please post glowing fragment hit logs after your first night of odyn progress ty

I disagree

spot the shitterdan

odyn is an A+ fight and guarm is great as far as patchwerks go

Helya might be a ball buster stack classing shitshow but the other fights are great

I asked Archimtiros

pls no ..

mfw as a previous destro lock I get to see fire mages get what they deserve

>join TGISH
>speak in /g
>ask for help
>people make raid events
>no invitation
>ask for rp
>recruit for my own events
>ask if anyone wants to pve/pvp
>say hello/goodmorning/goodnight
>ask for help doing blood infusion, already cleared ICC25 up to blood queen
>only person who responds won't help me because we aren't rushing Lich King so they can't get Invincible in 3 mins
>leave TGISH

wow no wonder nobody wants to raid with them

>doing tov
we're skipping that gay raid

>skipping the two best fights of the expac



Orcs are gay LOL

SHUT THUEFKC UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

which spec excels the best when preformed incredibly well then? I just want to play something where I can truly preform and help in raids

Why? not only is it actually insanely good in comparison to M EN, but so many classes BiS trinkets have a chance to drop in addition to the flat out high loot.

>BIS trinkets
>we've DEd two trinkets in 2 weeks

>Any dps spec in 7.1.5

>thats all H Helya is


ripip cant do this? rofl

I sometimes wish I lived in the US so that I could trace where Icy lived and break his fucking nose

Shadow Priest is currently the highest skill for damage trade-off, but it doesn't mean just reaching 3rd VoiT its more about how you make use of your Surrender window and play around things like dragons fear or nyth mc.

Why is the thread dead?

disc priest

Whats up with rogues? Do the devs just hate them or something? I started one and was leveling for a bit, its slower than pretty much anything else i tried with heirlooms. Also gets no decent skills until around 30-40+ doesn't get sprint until lvl 32. I joined a battleground at 19 and i do hardly any damage to people at all. I went for the priest and he pretty much just ignored me while he was healing other people, he got like 4 casts off before i even broke his bubble then turned around and destroyed me with penance and i didnt take him below 90%. Literally nothing i can do in battlegrounds except wait for the enemy to be busy attacking someone else so i can apply my warlock dot tier damage.
At least in vanilla wow the lower levels were somewhat balanced and had fun abilities given to you at the lower levels. This is just awful.

guild autism

Shadow priest, best damage, hard as fuck to play properly

They're getting nerfed pretty soon though

>hard as fuck to play properly

lol no one, players or devs alike give a shit about sub 100 stuff.

Who are these GAMER GODS?

shit, I played spriest at the start and quit because it was so god awful and gimmicky

any other suggestions?

if not I might just go with survival hunter

You are only allowed to post in this thread if you've killed Mythic Xavius AND Heroic Helya.

fuck off

I was literally just slamming my desk over not being able to have 10 demons out in order to Consumption because of either making sure I'm away from Fangs, in my breath or keeping away from avoidable damage. Nythendra and Ursoc are more Patchwerk than Guarm.

>when bear calls you a gamer god
heh heh

>just cleared 7/7
>haven't even cleared 2/3 ToV yet

later shitters

>doing meme raids

>making sure I'm away from Fangs
That should be faced away from your raid so its never an issue

Who? Literally? I've never not said Hello or turned down an ICC run.

So this is the power of ..........

>this new

you would think they would. no one wants to pick up an mmo, pick a class and spend a few hours on before realizing it is complete garbage compared to other classes "until max level". And if blizz really doesnt care then why do i have to wait until 56 to use adrenaline rush?

Wait Lynris is in TGISH now? How do I join?

I don't know about you but our tanks tank it facing side so range can come in close and then move it down middle for breath that way there's less running because you're at the top of the cone and no chance of flashing fangs damage. What are you guys doing?

>cherrypicking heal logs
shouldnt you be busy wiping to helya again, ripip?

Good job bear

>Never gets in discord
>surprised he got ignored

>clear 3 months late
>not a single m tov kill

>TGISH players on top
>Literal Who players on bottom

>We're bad and can't do content when it's relevant because we need to outgear it

So they can sell boosts my naive friend, jesus. But I mean you can level to 100 in less than a day its basically a non-issue.



>Ghost even died and is in the middle.

>caring about meme raids
>thinking our guild was around back then

>15 I Necrocrits

>finally reach the challenging content
>declare the content a meme

cmon now

Literal Who was a thing before expansion and you started raiding mythic only a few weeks late. What is this meme.

me on the left

>spitfire samefagging about doing meme raids again
lol it's like 2013 all over again

>meme raids
aka, you can't outgear the mythic version yet so you won't try

>our guild wasn't around back then
Right so you have the chance to do ToV while it's relevant content at the mythic level but you refuse to do so.

I'm sure you'll do it in 7.3 though for "teh lulz xD" and mention how easy it is.


>A few weeks.
I joined three weeks late and joined Literal Who's raid at least a week or two after being 110 for heroic. C'mon now, son.

pls dont project on me that hard......

>still typing all this shit out when you know we aren't going to do meme overtuned raid

Its harder than the every single fight in Mythic EN, EN is the meme and even then you just completed it.

>want to join a wowg guild
>worried that they might be full of alt-right sexists and racists

It's hard being a black trans lady these days.

My blood DK tank in this M+ group has the frost runeforge should I be worried?

>this happy you cleared outdated content

um okay grats I guess.

>no argument except "meme raid"

Scream on, screamer.

>ToV drops gear 5ilvls higher.

I was exaggerating to make it seems appealing

Feral is apparently pretty complex aswell
They will buff survival eventually