Go to Florida State

>Go to Florida State
>Literally $746 a month, 75K in debt

Why is college such a fucking scam and why is our system so broken that it leaves children in debt?

gov student loans distort prices and subsidize poor business decisions by colleges.

colleges don't grow and compete like businesses - this reduces supply and innovation, and productivity, and efficiency. Al this keeps tuition prices high and going higher.

Colleges are, for all intents and purposes businesses. As the Dean said in The Big Bang Theory: “The goal of this institution is to make money!” How do you make money? You sell your customer as much as possible (“upcharging.”) For universities the housing arrangement is the ultimate upcharge option. Captive audience for dining, overpriced accommodations, etc. To get people to buy into this universities have concocted the idea of the college experience.

Inelastic good, unfortunately :/. simple economics

I don't think this is entirely the picture. I think ease of access to student loans, government subsidization of the student loan industry, and this relatively recent(past 30 years or so) cultural emphasis that everybody needs to go to college have all had an impact. Everyone knows that once you can provide people with easy financing the world is your oyster as to what you can sell them.

Murica!!! Best country Freedom lol.
GTFO in Europe school is free.
Go eat a hamburger!

because you didnt vote for bernie


assuming your school year is 4 months long(sep-dec) and (feb-may)

$746 x 8 x 4= 23,872.

Which is about how much I paid for my state school education.

I was pretty shocked when I decided to go back to school and (since I was paying for myself this time) started looking at the prices of tuition and room+board

what a fucking ripoff, thankfully I'm in a position to commute from home. The costs of getting an apartment and feeding yourself are nowhere near this high

put ur federal loans on income based repayment and bite the tax bomb at the end

fuck it dude, keep more money in your pocket and save your money and put them in investments. A mortgage? get that when you're like 45 when the tax bomb is over.

Excellent answer.

If you know it's a scam, then why do you give them you're money?
Knowledge is free. Starting a business doesn't require a degree. Getting licensed in almost any industry is cheap.
Unless you have a specific high paying job or rich family that will pay for your school, it's a major scam that isn't even close to being fair.
The best things in life are free and value is created through hard work, dedication & determination.
A piece of paper usually (not always) creates an entitlement feeling. School is great and essential for some people. it's a major $cam for 80% or more of students.

There's more to higher education than just preparing you for a job, learning about things that interest you is an end in itself.


This kind of thinking is how people end up with tons of debt and no promising career options.

>school is free.

>learning about things that interest you is an end in itself
Why should this cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. You're making my point, learning is free. The piece of paper that "higher learning" gets you is quite expensive and doesn't meet the basic cost/needs analysis that is most students should be looking at when deciding to go to college

You can go to community college for that.

Well, first of all you're not forced into the debt by anyone. It's completely your choice to go to College/University and go or stay out of debt.

Second, it's an investment in yourself. You're there to learn and if you don't, it's your fault for not paying attention in class.

Third, why the fuck are you whining about your debt to people who don't care. Grow a pair of balls and go out there and take care of it. Do it or die trying. There's no excuses.

Fourth, don't blame the school but blame your effort. If you tried hard enough, you would have gotten accepted to an Ivy League school like Harvard and would have been smart.

I'd keep going but I think you get my point.

Its expensive in order to prevent people from pursuing jobs that arent needed in the current economy. Just imagine how many (more) people would study with their only incentive being personal interest (art students etc.).Only what society needs at a given time is paid enough to allow for a students education.
No society wants a generation of unemployable people. Tuition fees are an efficient filter.
>pic unrelated

What are the top things you learned from those 2 books?

No its not, the taxpayer pays for it. And who starts paying taxes the earliest? The unskilled working class that will never get higher education working from teenage years onwards.

Didnt read either of them, did you?

no lmao.
Why did you post them if you haven't read them haha

Its a meme... They OBVIOUSLY do not englobe all human knowlege...

College is a scam because dumb goys allowed it to be.

If people were more informed and didn't let banks lead us around the nose, average colleges wouldnt literally cost an arm and a leg in expenses.

...not really

I majored in a real degree for employability and got a degree in philosophy on the side for funsies. Not mutually exclusive. Kind of pathetic to pay 100,000 plus for an education so you can be an office drone with lots of facts and minimal critical thinking skills/values.

never said they do. all i asked was what were the top things you learned from the books.

It was supposed to be funny, nothing more (。•́︿•̀。)



is community college a scam?

yes it is unless you're happy being and living below average

1. The cost of a good or service will expand to fit the amount of money people are willing to spend on it.
2. People are willing to spend infinite amounts of other people's money.
3. Young people are generally less capable of understanding that loans are not free money.

Young people think loans are free money or vastly overestimate their ability to pay them back. Student loans are the most ridiculous and stupid type of loan because unlike every single for-profit lender in the world they make no analysis about the debtor's ability to repay. They are given because politics has dictated that they be available to all and their repayment schemes are set by politics rather than the market.

Because of the above, students go to college with an effectively infinite supply of money (as the students perceive it anyway, they are almost totally cost-blind). As such the price of education balloons to require every single one of those dollars. It will all be "justified" with fancy new dorms or athletic centers or personal health coaches or whatever but the fact is that what is provided expands to fill the budget of the buyer.

Because of the above, education becomes so expensive that more loans are "needed" to afford it, and are made available with even less oversight or repayment ability. Since college is perceived as a "right" or "necessity" to live in the modern world it's politically expedient to pour ever more money into making it "affordable" for all (and in doing so actually cause it to be more expensive). This is the same thing that's happening with healthcare.

In Venezuela and North Korea they do it with food too. Presto, chango, that too becomes ludicrously expensive. It's almost like there's something going on here.