League of Legends General -/lolg/

Best ADC edition.

>Memes, contests and other good stuff:

>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:

I want to RAPE Riven, then convince her that it was her fault!

How are your placements going user??

so fuck it, yordles are now essentially leprechauns now that live hidden in plain sight from people now, no matter the context, FUCK THAT.

I wanna MATING PRESS yordle girls.

Death to all Riven mains, user.

Just came back to the game.

Alright I guess.

I have noticed that Riven with CotC deals more damage and takes less damage (duh) than a Riven that goes Thunderlords.

What kind of sorcery is that?


look up buddy.


>something to be investigated fully...
>like the yordles are gonna use it for their own gain

nigger this shit is retarded.

I think Riot is just trying to get all yordlefags to kill themselves.

If I'm playing an skillshot based champion I start missing everything, if I'm on an engate champion I force bad engages then back out when my team commits, I make shit baron and drake calls, stop warding, etc. None of that run down mid shit.

>Bot fucks up, Cait flames after the Leona bitches.
>"leave lane"
>She actually goes top
>we lose because their jinx gets fed as fuck and our leona's sole excuse is "She flamed first, flaming is wrong"

The fact that i share the same atmosphere with these self-rightious pricks makes me gag.

>He's not playing jungle Garen where you can shred the armor of the buffs + deal extra damage because they are single camps now, kill the chickens at level 2 without dying, and regen on your way to gank
>He's not building Knight's Vow on Garen and oathing to protect your ally Jarvan/Lux/Katarina and no one else because your heart and sword always for Demacia
>He's not focusing the enemy Darius because he's ALWAYS the villain
What's your problem, m8?

>tfw the last half dozen games have been losses and you're the only one with a positive score

I'm pretty sure jungle garen is retarded but I just wanted to point out
>garen has all these nasty taunts for darius
>darius against garen is a 100-0 matchup. Garen can not win ever.
Rito pls.

>Trying this hard to summon Marine

I wanna MATING PRESS a cute boy!

Its like they're trying to soft retcon the little fuckers out of the story now,
"we can't have silly gremlins prancing around here, we're SERIOUS writers here and we can't have them stinking up the place like butt-crack, get 'em out!"

>Be support.
>My ult and summs are up and I know theirs is down.
>Ping to go in.
>ADC farms.
>Ping again.
>ADC farms.
>Ping again and this time initiate a trade.
>Exhaust, ult, get them both low.
>ADC clears wave and runs away, leaving behind two easy kills.

Yeah, nah, I'm going to side with the support 100% of the time considering how many times I get shit ADCs with a CS addiction.

I used to say CS addiction as a joke. Now I'm not so sure.

wtf is with leona players. every single one I've seen has been fucking retarded.



Akali, Shyvana, Sivir, Soraka, Diana, Irelia, Karma, Riven, Nidalee, Taliyah


Ahri, Tristana, Zyra, Syndra, Kalista, Sona, Cait, Leona, LeBlanc, Kindred, Evelynn


Ashe, Lissandra, Cass, Sejuani, Kata, Kayle, Elise, Nami, Fiora, Morgana, Janna, Miss Fortune, Poppy, Quinn, VI

>What are you doing?-Tier:

Anivia, Vayne, Lux, Orianna, Jinx, Annie, Illaoi

garen's armor shred only affects champions

Atleast you didn't do something retarded.

The leona literally threw a match because someone said something mean.

>Atleast you didn't do something retarded.
Yeah? But the number of times I have to hard carry an ADC that won't stop farming minions and pick up kills or objectives is definitely a growing problem.

>Marrying an insect

I would rather die.

decent list. Diana and taliyah aren't marriage tier though

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Every game I do it, I shit on the enemy team. Cinderhulk is amazing and gets you so tanky so fast
>But no cc
Well yeah but kha doesn't have any CC either.
I must be retarded then. Still works either way.
Why the fuck would anyone care what you think of their waifu?

good list

And yet these are the same guys who made fucking Ivern.

Its soloq/duo even playeable? I think all the fucking retards of this game just stop caring about ranked and just troll on every single game they can.

Played a few flex and it was way better, probably because playing with friends make retards try a bit to dont let them down

He can't duel early. He's out scaled late. He offers nothing for ganks. He can't do early dragons.

I don't see jungle garen having anything going for him over lane garen other than that there's generally no one killing garen if he's jungling.

Post games and rank?

The minish did it better desu

>100% virgin angel
>not marriage tier
>marriage tier

now I dont want to call you a cuck, but you would probably be fine with raising another mans child

>Marrying the healslut, traitor, and a cougar
Shit taste.
>Kindred, Ahri, Sona, and Kalista
>Top tier
What kind of bullshit is this?!

I'm not sure if it's Yolo queue or if it's placement matches but it's especially bad right now.

People giving up at the 3 minute mark is at an all time high.

>try a bit to dont let them down

>not marrying this

>Posting a furry
Get out.

u caught me

>that filename

what the fuck

Cause the stripper is used goods.

xTh for asking if Ahriposter slept well

pure jungle untouched by civilization

Who are some low mechanical requirement high impact mid laners?

I've gotten outside of where I belong mechanically last season and I intend to do it again.

t. Malz/annie/sion/renek main

It weirds me out because a bunch of "serious" lore stuff in other games has no problem having a bunch of tiny elves prancing around but I guess they wanted to be different without understanding what made the original yordles good in the first place

like, it's ok guys you can keep some of the old, extremely superficial lore. if it ain't broken don't fix it just build on top of it.

>ywn colonize Nidalee

If you still pay attention to the "lore" after the first rewrite you're retarded.

There is no lore in league of legend summoner.

The furry probably use her cougar form when in heat and rape male animals.
She is basically bestiality.

this is all hearsay

back the FUCK OFF!?!?!?

>serious evil invader man invades Ionia and does some serious evil stuff and gets cursed
>turns into the 530 weedmaster lmao XD goofus treehugger with a bit of bob ross thrown in
>his lore shows him being cheerful, but still totally serious
>his voice acting is full on memelord mode
It's like they're parodying themselves without even realizing it.

What's the best laner to one trick with? I want to pick a main and get good.

Just drop the furry stripper. Girls like Kayle or Diana would work out better to replace that slut.

The key to one tricking is to find out who works well for YOU. nobody can find your pony except for you


She's PURE
kayle is ok
not diana though

>there are people in this very thread that still havent figured out the sleeper OP Naut is in support role with the new support items
>Knights Vow and Redemption to CC for days
>somehow does good damage
>can literally be picked and fit into any team comp
>practically no weaknesses

If you play Naut top then youre doing it wrong.

Riot has been the long running Champ of bad decission making for years now. They just make shit up without caring at this point.

Hey goldshitters, what are your thoughts on Camille this far?
I haven't seen too much of her lately, she seems to get banned pretty much every game

>It's another, "Soraka enemy support," lane.
I spend 15 minutes just nuking the wave so the ADC can speed clear it. There's no point in fighting at that point and we might as well just bounce the wave off the tower constantly. Most boring lane ever.

>tfw enemy ADC is just useless because he can't farm and he can't fight later because we starved him
Not even a satisfying win, honestly.

Buffs when ?

bruh, have you ever tried him jungle?
it's actually op af
just get cinderhulk and smash kiddos

She is carrying diseases and fleas or ticks from the many animals she raped. She must be purge.
>get banned pretty much every game
My niggas. This is what I was warning about.

>Be Vel'koz support.
>Ult enemy laners.
>My Jhin or Miss Fortune wait until AFTER my ult is finished to ult.
>By that time they moved out of range/vision.
Why? Just ult with me. Shit.

I love doing this, I don't do it as blatantly, in fact I don't even say anything i chat. but if I ever get flamed I make sure that we lose that game, the rage it's fucking delicious, even moreso on ranked. Not only that but as they rage their insults start getting racist, homophobic, etc, so I make sure to report them afterwards with a detailed text about how his hate speech triggered me, made me fell unsafe and ruined my in game experience, I usually get the "a player has been punished thanks to your report" 2 or 3 days after that. It's so fucking good.

>Accidentally play 5 of my placements thinking they were normals


>0.82% play rate
>0.18% ban rate
>reaches a 70% winrate after 125+ games
>never have to worry about nerfs, ever
>don't even have to worry about nerfs to his items or masteries either
>probably won't even live long enough to see his VGU, so when it finally rolls around your grandkids will get to go "Oh wow they finally fixed Mordekaiser! Man I wish grandpa were here to see this. He was a Mordekaiser main wasn't he? Daddy, can you show us some cool replays of grandpa dunking scrubs?"

Why even have copy pasta like this? What's the point? You made this exact post 2 hours ago.

kayle doesn't care about how hygienic you are, she only cares if you're evil

> dont bann yasuo pls
Here we go bois

>one tricking a champion with impossible matchups

Save yourself the heartache and only pick morde AFTER the enemy team picks their laner. You can't one trick champions with 100-0 matchups.

To get those sweet (you)s since the other thread was dying and I barely got any.

Why is her face so repulsive, body is a 10/10 but man. I guess no amount of surgery can fix that

Enjoy your experience.

Yeah I like him in the jungle but his first clear takes too long. I would rather jung with Vi or Sej.

Speaking of Vi, people really need to fucking stop building Warrior on her. Its fucking shit and every Vi game im in where she builds Warrior she gets trashed hard. Trinity Force and maybe Sterak should be her only offensive items.She excels at prolonged fights, not act as a damn assassin.

And Nidalee is evil for raping animals.
Purge the furry stripper.

Which laner has the LEAST "impossible" match ups?

>playing normal draft
You deserved it.

but she doesn't do that

actually I find AD Vi much more successful, warrior into trinity, youmuu, steraks and then tank
you can one shot squishies and still be kinda tanky

No way
Did you mean: "What are you doing?-Tier"?
Constant exposure to a carcinogen means you yourself become a carcinogen.

Every champion that's ever had an advantage over him has been reworked now.

So, which character skin do you guys hate the most?

I like having bans and i hate mirror lanes

sorry, my man

Axes grind and maces clash as wounded fighters fall to the ground
Severed limbs and fatal woundings bloody corpses lay all around
The smell of death and burning flesh the battle weary fight to the end
The Yordles have been overpowered victims of the mighty Noxians

You'd better scatter and run
The battle's lost and not won
You'd better get away to fight another day


yorick's got it pretty easy, and he's so much fun to play

most ranged champions have easy match-ups as well

hes also perma banned

Elementalist [PAY TO WIN] Lux

literally all of the arcade skins

Don't really know. Mid lane is generally safe from "impossible" matchups. Top lane is the worst for it.

Really though this isn't how you pick a main. You need to find something that clicks stylistically.

irelia is pretty good at that
even in the hardest matchups you can survive until 5/6 and then kill them

Cougar form, user. She used it during her heats.

literally any SKTT1 skin


I honestly dont know how as its the opposite from my experience. The majority of AD Vis just ults, gets peeled, and dies. There were several games where the enemy team couldve won if their Vi didnt go dmg because she just gets blown up easily.

Also, been messing around with Sion support here and there. Dont know how viable he actually is in support but i've been finding success.

They are going to fix her q and w, right? Because it's pretty bullshit. But knowing riot they'll leave is as it because it's a $30 fucking dollar skin.