/scg/edg/ Dangerous Citizen Elite Star General #105

Females in spess when?
Star Citizen information:
>Jump point and SubArt megapack

>2.6 Leddit Leak Megathread
>Latest ATV: youtube.com/watch?v=R8wTqdDXplc
>RTV: (last week's) youtube.com/watch?v=nnPrz48kB78
>Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy:

>Referral code randomizer:

>Citizencon Demo:
>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
>Star Marine Demo:
[Important Notice]: if there is more than one per link the OP is a lazy copypaste faggot who's mother will surely die in his sleep tonight.
>Elite: Dangerous information:
>Gamescom info:
>Latest videos

>Old thread:
>Other games:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for why revive a dead game?

2nd for ED is a shit game.

2nd for ded gaem(s)

3 days

2nd for Carrack after Caterpillar to be finished?

5th for comfy interiors in solo ships.

69th for people in this slow as shit thread are bad with numbers.

>dead game
>not even released


I hope to God that Chris doesn't listen to these dads.

a child that dies in womb is still a child

fuck off back to plebbit


>OP didn't read the OP

they're correct though

Star Marine exists for these people.

PVP slider accommodates more people than no slider.

But they're not looking to accommodate anybody :^)

Well they won't last very long as a business entity.

Protip: More customers = more money. Happy customers = more money.

>They're not accommodating to me, therefore they're going to go out of business!


There is a term trending currently regarding islam in the west; unreasonable accommodation. when you go out of your way to cater to people with shitty, retarded demands, the entire community suffers. see current Elite.

Chris is making the game he wants and says fuck off to everyone else. I support this entirely btw.

The only problem I have with this is his wife is making the money she wants and saying fuck off to everyone else also.

But if he made the game better, he could accommodate more people, make more money, establish a lasting franchise and go on to make bigger and better games.

Accommodating everyone makes for shitty bland games. It's one of the major complaints in modern gaming.

carebear slider would ruin the game, and i plan on exploring

Giving people the ability to opt-out of ganking, trolling and bullying isn't going to make a game bland.

>He still hasn't given up on arguing for "Pvp sliders"

That's a very autistic determination you've got there sport.

>He gave up arguing against "Pvp sliders"

I guess your position wasn't as strong as you'd hoped, sport.

>Flying the Murray Cup
>Delicate weight transfer
>Accurate racing lines
>Really good lap
>Might break my lap record
>Connection to CIG services has been lost

I am going to kill Chris Roberts.
He is going to die.

>vanduul swarm co-op
>wave 18 loads
>connection has been lost, error code 30000

>several days later
>vanduul swarm
>wave 18
>3 or 4 elite units left to destroy
>connection has been lost, error code 30000

>crash roberts 1

they can play alone on a private server if they want, solo mode is cancer

EVE online has no PvP slider and has had a stable population for 13 years.

Yeah, flying through space without any risk is definitely not bland. I hate to use the Dad meme, but you are one.

Chris Roberts has spent like the last 30 years of his life trying to make one specific game.

Every time he's tried, either the technology wasn't there or he got slapped by publishers.

Star Citizen is his chance to let his autism loose. He cannot be stopped, and he doesn't care what you think.

>without any risk
There are NPC risks. The PVP slider isn't something to make the game bland, but to give people the chance to avoid idiots. That's always a good thing.

There's plenty of PVP in GTAV Online, and a passive mode. It's an active AAA game that successfully gave people the option to play any way they want to.

planet landings?

3.0, March at the earliest.


To me it feels like at the current rate of progress, 4.0 will be another 2 years away at least. I think 6-7 months is optimistic for 3.0. Then there's another 3 patches after that.

I think this will get rationalized and shills saying "But AAA games take 6-7 years to make!"

It's all very well saying their pipelines are being set up and that they can make stuff quickly but we're not getting any content for long periods of time. What makes it worse is they keep promising things soon and then they get release to evocati in a barely functioning state. I mean don't QA get these builds and think "Wow this really isn't working at all?"

Another leak like the last one would be so beneficial to put people at ease with where they stand with internal progress.

6-7 months for 3.0?
nigga you crazy????
I give them time til march, else imma kms and vanish my daddyexistence outta this world

>6-7 months
There's pessimism, and then there's retardation.

A 2-3 month delay for 2.6.
A confirmation from CR that patches will be 2-3 months apart after 2.6.
A track record of constant missed deadlines.
A broken engine with 50/50 custom/legacy code.

Is it beyond ridiculous to believe they will be a dozen weeks behind schedule after their next patch is due?

You know very little of the content in 3.0 depends on 2.6, right?

2.6 was largely held back by animations related to Star Marine. 3.0 probably isn't going to add many new animations.

While specific development teams have been working on Star Marine, the rest of them have been working on planets, etc.

We know cargo has been functional on a basic level for a long time, and we've seen from the two demos in fucking August that planets and terrestrial gameplay is very much playable. The difference between these things and Star Marine is that they didn't outsource them, and they're not going to scrap everything and start over.

CIG likely has two branches major branches going right now. One for 2.6 and one for 3.0. It's going to take a substantial amount of time to integrate the changes from 2.6 into 3.0 properly. It's going to take a substantial amount of time for artists to create the various planets in Stanton. Chris said patches would be 2 months apart, and obvious that's not going to happen. More likely, it's going to take 3-4 months.

Not trying to be a dad here, but saying that it'll take them 7 fucking months to get 3.0 out the door is moronic.

Not who you're arguing with, but consider that Chris Roberts has apparently decided that the PU needs fully voiced and performance acted quest givers, and consider that the homestead demo was 100% hand-placed meaning they likely have no system in place to randomly generate planetary missions.

god bless your soul
your pessimism is ridiculous
you might end your life right now

I expect planetary content to be just as sparse as missions in 2.0 were, honestly. But I'm fine with that.

>Homestead demo

Wouldn't they have done that just to have complete control, instead of risking it on any unfinished or buggy systems?

>stable population
I hope you arent talking about mental stability user. eve online is well known for nothing but mega-autists and 33rd degree spurglords


>Not trying to be a dad here, but saying that it'll take them 7 fucking months to get 3.0 out the door is moronic.
Trying not to, but succeeding anyways, dad. CIG have never met a promised deadline EVER

They literally said it's merely planned to have generated quests

Cool, it's a good thing I don't expect them to meet the deadline, fag.

Try reading posts before you respond.

Most recent "pvp slider" info from CR here: youtu.be/g4UaUmJ8Ho8?t=293
He talks mainly about the differences between monitored and unmonitored space (more on this is coming in 3.0), then:
>we may possibly have some level of a slider in terms of being interdicted by AI or other players if you're travelling somewhere, so it's not too dissimilar to what was originally envisioned, but we're trying to get as many people as possible into the same space
Seems like more of an afterthought now.

>Try reading posts before you respond.
I'm not reading all that autistic armchair developer bullshit nigga

>armchair developer
I'm a software developer at a telecom company, nigga

Post what you want to base your character on


so you write some shitty javascript to power a telco website... oh excuse me your majesty, here I thought you were just a garden variety nigga.

maybe they should fire you, nigga

they hit every one from 2.0 to 2.5

>moving goalposts
>implying I'm frontend codemonkey

>they hit every one from 2.0 to 2.5
The original plan was to increment monthly. "Just take what we have and put it into a patch"
Look how that turned out.

They let you play Xian?

yes, they did.
retarded niggers thinking that internal schedule plan = deadline.
ALTHOUGH CR FUCKING SAID ITS NOT A DEADLINE. It's an orientation for us fuckers.

btw any ideas about implementing an autopilo in cruise mode?

would love to set my herald on auto, fly through space and take a big fucking dump on my steel seat warmed by hydrogenfuel while watching the stars

Whos moving goal posts? I called you an armchair developer, and I stand by that. Nothing you have said disproves it.

>I'm right and you're wrong because I said so and you're a liar
Alright, then.

this is Veeky Forums, everyone lies here. I believe you like you would believe I am one of the queens corgis

set autopilot, go fire up the shitposting rig, multiscreening star marine, 0gchan, and a forward camera in pip, now that's neetlyfe

>He's wrong about predictions because he's an "armchair developer"
>You're right about predictions because ???

I aint predicted shit. But good for you for sticking up for your boyfriend.

Cool so you're intent on shitposting regardless of what I say. You could have just said that from the beginning. Have one more (You).




btw this map predates 2.0 let alone 3.0.

reminds me of rogue squadron

>Still thinks private servers will exist at all

So, they put the golf swing scan in for ships. Does this mean we can power down and hide from that scan also?

Wait, did they? I thought it was only in for players.

Ships too according to the leak thread.

Not the guy you replied to, but thinking that 3.0 will be before April 2017 is absolutely retarded. Each patch after that will take at least 4 months a pop on the roadmap we saw.

the last big update i remember was when the pirate station opened up, right after the wanted system was implemented. roughly 6 months ago?

whats new in the verse? i want the /scg/ update not some email or bulletin

>the verse

Don't act like you're from around here

2.6 soon, hopefully Friday.

who the fuck is this nigga derek smart?

Anything new in Elite that's interesting enough to drag back someone who hasn't touched it for six months?

You already saw grimhex? Then very very little. It would honestly be better for you to read the patch notes or check this robertsspaceindustries.com/feature-list and see what is familiar to you, an what is new.
CIG are doing a weekly-updated schedule thing (updates Fri) robertsspaceindustries.com/schedule-report

A lolcow, puffed up by pride, provoked by thirst for fame, ruled by hate and envy, the laughing stock of goons he thinks are on his side. See /r/dereksmart for more history than you can probably tolerate.

EVE Online's population has always been in a small decline as like you said user, the spurglords are even getting bored of the game.

EVE Online has not really grown as the game drives many people away.

jesus christ is he for real?
I thought he'd be trolling?!

There is a way to do that.
Play single seater ships in maximum security sectors.

No need to fear strangers coming to kill you.
No need to fear stowaways
No need to fear pirates

And if you do need to go out into lowsec for whatever reason, hire escorts.

Weren't we supposed to get prices and models a week in advance for concept sales?

Is there supposed to be a concept sale?

If he is trolling he is the best imitator of a bitter and envious failed indie dev the world has ever seen.
If he is trolling he would be the world's greatest troll. He is simultaneously more dedicated and focused on this epic long-con than anyone I have ever known. The man is literally wasting his life away railing against something he has zero control over.

I don't think he is trolling. I think he's literally obsessed with SC, because he can't comprehend that it could succeed. Partially because of his own failures, partially because of his personality. He probably sees his intentions as noble, because if you can't comprehend why people would be giving CIG money, campaigning for people to get refunds would seem noble to you. He might even think that after SC inevitably implodes, people will flood to his own game (Line of Defence), which would never happen. Some would go back to other games (E:D, EVE, PS2 even), but nobody would play that piece of shit.

Holiday livestream yeah. Probably Origin 600.

I've got a few more of these. Who wants?

Any non spaceplanes?

Just the 890 Jump.




clearly a 2 man ship, serves zero purpose over an aurora without 2. unless you mean NPCs which im not so sure you want being the ones doing all the hacking stuff that makes the herald the herald
