Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #952: Snow You Edition

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JP: RikoDia MedFes

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>EN: N/A
Dumb Youcuck.

>EN: N/A
haha ecks dee

Shit OP

First for snow You!

>EN: N/A

We literally had this OP a few threads ago

someone make a new thread without a Youcuck OP for fucking once

Go back to making lists if you're going to be this autistic

No, retard. Then we will have two threads up. Just make a non You OP next time.

>le we're the majority so we can force our shit girl down your throats XDDDD meem

Youcucks are the cancer of this thread. Worse than the Kananfag

Keep crying, buddy. It's not going to change anything.

I already got her hand before m8

You could at least have used the correct EN event though

>stay mad XDDD
>doesn't even add the correct events
>doesn't even add past thread

you're fucking cancer

There is no EN event going on right now.

Shut up cuck.

It will start today and the thread will last for the whole day.

who gives a shit about Kotori right?

Stay mad. Stay triggered. It's actually pretty funny.

The increased rate is considered an event

Messing up the OP again just to make people upset is not nice.

Holding hands with Riko on my birthday

scouting is not an event

Happy birthday, user.

Then put "Kotori MedFes (Upcoming)" or something at least.

Happy Birthday Yohane

dumb crackposter

Scouting boxes have the current set and the previous 4 sets right? or is it 5?

I like Hanamaru

so do I

So do I

's stinkstar.

>scouting is not an event


I just checked, apparently it's 7. So when the devil set is out we'll have

devil, idol outfits, christmas, dancer, baseball, taisho roman, and fairy. not bad

god forbid I get the honoka or nozomi idol outift URs

also single member scouting when

Can you fuck off back to /fgg/? We could do without that kind of shitposting here.

I care a lot about Kotori. She is my favorite.


why didn't you scout this set more /llsifg/

I didn't want bread or rice. I did want Smug Tea Time Nico.




Still too early.


by about 30 minutes


Sleep tight, you magnetic gays.

NicoMaki is one of the most forced pairings in anime

That's a pretty good reason actually. And yes that is a nice Nico

>look up for Kanan doujins
>only decent one with consensual sex is futa
I hope fapping to girls' dicks doesn't make me gay

>still no KananMari
Not joke.

>dat 6,7 closeness
>Ruby shoved off all the way to #9

Really makes you think.

What are you talking about. That Dolphin doujin looked pretty consensual.

Who is 8?

it does

Mari. Kanan and Dia are 3 and 4.

Almost as gay as self inserting as the girl getting dicked

crack stupidposter

This is the good kind of autism that's in service to humanity, like Tesla. This would be a better place if everyone could back up their arguments as thoroughly.

What should I be doing during Maintenances?

playing pokemon

Red or Blue?


Fap to Riko rape doujin.

Post here with your fellow /llsifg/ brothers

I was saving for this cat

Wape wooby

Post here.

Lick Umi.

>dat 3,4 closeness
>Mari shoved off all the way to #8

Really makes you think

Gen 2 was best

They couldn't get them cuter poses?

Honkposters are cute! CUTE!

good taste

johtoddlers are almost as bad as genwunners


Really though, why can't we show paired cards together? And it'd trigger the art background from the card.

dumb millennials

Penetrate Umi's hymen


Why did it take until 2016 to make a 3D game when the PVs had already made resources for all the girls since the beginning?

shut up retard

It makes sense that Ruby is at the middle.

They already had the fantastic PSP game.

What 3D game?

Sakurauchi Riko is my favorite raibu to sexualize.

Please do not sexualize this pure maiden


Shiitake time?

>You OP
well, at least better than Chika

cumming inside Riko-chan~~~



Smart canon poster

Average anime sales per volume:
>Love Live! 39,263
>Love Live! 2nd Season 67,341
>Love Live! Movie 236,252
>Love Live! Sunshine!! 57,801

/llsg/'s meme names

1st years
Cat, tomato, rice
Chuuni, zura, pigu

2nd years
Sea, bread, burd
Dog fucker, rat, cuck

3rd years
Fat, pke, ??
Shiny, who, mole

Old 2nd years are decent and better.

Let's wait until all volumes release for Sunshine, it will probably be closer to 45k.


>Only have enough google reward credit for one of the holiday packs
do I pick young fresh goddesses or old hags?


I want to spend a cozy day with Riko /llsifg/!

Both are respectable choices and you should pick your preferred group between the two.

Sex all day with Ruby.