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Visual Novel General #1277

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

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>tfw Himawari was kusoge

Can you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

Himawari = garbage

So is Good Haro trolling Himawari to further her fujo agenda?

The whole pushing Fata Morgana and shitting on the rest reek of fujoshit tricks

Fourth for meaningful relationships with life partners.

We don't need that whore in the OP.

Both are all-ages kusoge that deserve to fail

Don't try to cover your tracks, your agenda is obvious

In the mirror her index finger is pointing straight-up and in reality it's pointing down.


All-ages kusoge is not allowed in this general, nor should it be allowed in this industry.

>Reading Supreme Candy
>Get all ends, ready for true route
>Wait why the fuck I'm getting the bad end again
>New opening happens
>I was rused and actually did it right
I hate this kind of bullshit as much as best girls being locked in fandisc. I almost fucking re did again the choices.

Still talking about Himawari, come on guys you're beating a dead horse.

I see the shitposters are at full force today.

I'll come back when I'm done with Himawari, which by the way, is turning out to be one of the best reads of the year. You useless wastes of space.

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it.

Last few threads have convinced me that every VN is apparently either kamige or kusoge (or both), there's no mediocre ones.

The Himawari remake artist is surprisingly bad.
>dislocated shoulder
>bulging cheeks
>inconsistent eye spacing
>incorrect nose placement
>whore is trying to go into ahegao already

Fujo are already taking over anime

They are coming for VNs as well

Enjoy your domination, Good Haro must be laughing right now at how gullible and easily manipulated some people here are

Aries a BEST, purest soul on this planet

How can it be a good read when the translation is so bad?

Things will never have for 100

Aqua is better in the doujin but Aries is better in the remake

Fuck off MG shill

I see this thread is still an uninhabitable wasteland.

>best reads of the year
I don't know man I've found it rather boring and pretty badly paced. I just finished 2048 and while the ending was pretty good that's pretty much the only thing I've found entertaining so far in the entire VN. I'd give it a 7/10 at this point in time. Maybe the rest can turn it around.

Go cry somewhere else, MG shill.

Can you never fuck with the OP ever again? Retard.

Personally I prefer Aries in the doujin, too. She looks a bit too angular and boyish in the remake.

>Aries a BEST, NTR soul on this planet.

If that's the only part you found interesting it probably isn't meant for you, I think moege or chuu2 would be more up your alley.

Koichoco, PE, Dracu Riot, Noble Works and all the 'recent' moege are the embodiment of mediocrity.

Simply can't fathom what people like in them. I think even Bunny Black which is mostly gameplay focused and mediocre as well had a better storyline/fluff than those.

damn that's some weak shitposting..

Mmm, you're probably right. I can really only see the "Whoa..so deep.." crowd enjoying Himawari. It's definitely overrated in my eyes. Nevertheless I shall finish it for completionists sake.

The only way to stop them is by buying Himawari. Do you really only want fujoshit and shitty cashins aimed at the Nekopara audience?

>Simply can't fathom what people like in them.

Sucky sucky and fucky fucky with cute anime girls and no useless pretense of a serious plot.

How would buying an all ages kusoge stop anything again?

>B-buy Himawari guys, it will stop the fujoshit menace!
Yeah, nice try, Good Haro. No one is buying your retarded shilling. Literally no one wants this all-ages kusoge.

That's not my point, my point is that kamige and kusoge have become meme words that don't mean anything. It's basically kamige=I like this game, kusoge=I don't like this game. And most of the times they are said by people that haven't even read the VNs.

Then why not go for a nukige?

Too fetishized.
I only want vanilla scenes and hand-holding because I'm so ronery.

For those who haven't read Himawari yet, allow me to go against the wave(was that english? what are some expressions to say that)[\spoiler] and recommend it to you guys! Just go with a clear, devoid of memes mind and you're going to enjoy it!

t. Conjueror

That's the lowest energy shilling I think I've seen

Ah wtf happened to my comment? I am sure I didn't fuck up...

Ctrl + S next time.

How can I trust a guy who fucks up this badly? Definitely avoiding Himawari now.


It bombed. It is selling like crap. But I'm not a shill, you guys always shit on any VNs and that's okay but if anyone's legitimately on the fence about Himawari, I want to show them that it is a cool game which deserves attention!
(Shitting on Hanachirasu is unforgivable though)

What an egomaniac....

Enough of these games Conjueror.

What people are complaining the most about is the TL, and no offence, but you are obviously an ESL, so you probably didn't even notice the mistakes.

You put the / backwards on the second tag, if you don't close the tags properly it makes everything after the first tag a spoiler.

You should just rename it to Himawari General at this point fml what happened to you guys?

No one's even talking about Himawari the VN. They're just shitting on it and its translator.

I did notice some stuff like protag saying " me having..." instead of "my having..."
Also maybe I just don't know english but I don't like the tense of the story, would have preferred of he had used present tense, even though this looks like one of those stories where the MC is just retelling his past(?)
Don't bully if any of those are wrong

>why are people talking about the biggest English release in a fucking decade

>biggest English flop in a fucking decade

It's the only English release from last week, and watching the shilling and the damage control has been fun (and probably more fun than the actual VN)

I thought Conjueror was "our guy".
What the fuck happened?

Himawari is alright. 6.5/10 so far.

Why do you ask this every thread

Revealed himself as a shill and a mediocre translator

>everything he has worked on has flopped
>Good Haro and BDH made him look like a total fuccboi on twitter
>everyone is now calling into question his translating ability

Conjueror...had a hard life...

He was our guy before someone actually read his stuff. turns out he can't translate

But you guys used to say he was a Grade A translator on top of being fast as fuck.

Punished Conjueror - a fallen translator

Don't forget Conjueror pretended to like loli for some reason, then was called out for it.

He is also shut-in manchildren. Fuck him and his work.

So what happens to Dies Irae now?


That would be Arunaru, our guy


>just a couple of days ago everybody was talking about how Conjueror is our boy and how we want him to succeed
What happened bros? Is it the SP shills?

You literally just asked this question. Are Conjueror-drones retarded?

No I didnt

Only moogy-drones allowed here, guys

Eustia translation cancelled

Good job guys you cost us one of the best kamige

>EOP this starved

Everyone relevant has already read this years ago anyway.

lol moogy wanted Himawari to succeed too. he even made a tweet about how useless hype(ie his shilling) within the "hardcore fans" are

Conju ruined Himawari. Its a really good VN but the translation is dogshit.

I also thought so but then...

Name 5 (FIVE) examples showing the exact lines in which Conjueror 'messed up' citing both the Japanese and English version of the text.

Dude's face looks a little wonky there.

Why? You're an EOP, not like you can tell. Learn Japanese, read it again and you'll roll your eyes every second line.

The "hardcore" audience don't buy any VNs, pirate the most, are the most entitled, and are the hardest to satisfy. Why cater to them, when you can cater to the Steam casuals who actually buy games?

Burn it all down. Imperfection must be reshaped.

The oniichan scene has 6 screwups within that secluded scene. It was impressively bad.

anal sex with loli!

Us moebros buy our games. Can't wait to turn MangaGamer into MoegeGamer wwwwww

Pretty sure that's just you and the rest of the shitstains in this thread.

People who care about VNs will buy them. That's all there is to it.

I knew I'd see some autist here throwing a fit over the Aqua oniichan scene.
Anyway, Himawari's translation is fine, save for the obligatory typos and a couple grammar mistakes.

You already turned MG into moe/yuri/fujo/nukige gamer anyway.
SukiSuki when by the way?

Kill yourself

No it isn't.

t. Low-IQ EOP

You misquoted it seems.

>disgusting flat chests
Kill yourself

I didn't

Can you all be quiet if you don't know what you're talking about? There's ALWAYS a reason for Conjueror's translation decisions, he is not the best vn translator in the scene without a reason.

>EOPs complaining about translation quality

What a supremely weak explanation.

>U-uh it was a weeaboo joke!!
Awful excuse

If it were true he would've kept oneechan in that scene as well since it was a key part of the humor in that scene.

But he didn't.

It's also a poor excuse anyway since, no matter what, the lack of translation on those oniichans sticks out like a sore thumb in a bad way regardless. Conjueror is a retard.