/civ4xg/ - Civilization, Stellaris, Endless and 4X Games General

>Civilization Resources
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE) - well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- CivFanatics Database and Forums - - - - civfanatics.com/
- Wiki of all Civ games - - - - - - - - - - - - - - civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Civilization_Games_Wiki
- Browser Civ game, similar to civ2 - - - - - play.freeciv.org
- /civ4xg/ steam group - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- steamcommunity.com/groups/civ4xg

>Civilization VI

>Civilization V
- CIVILOPEDIA Online (Civ V) - dndjunkie.com/civilopedia/
- Civ V drafter - - - - - - - - - - - - - georgeskleres.com/civ5/
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot - multiplayerrobot.com

>Civilization modding
- Wiki for Civ modding - modiki.civfanatics.com/index.php/Main_Page
- Civ V mod workshop - steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid=8930
- Civ V mods - - - - - - -- forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393
- More mods - - - - - - - - pastebin.com/5ANRmRur

>Stellaris Resources
- Steam group - - - - - - - - steamcommunity.com/groups/vgstellaris
- Mod archive - - - - - - - -- mega.nz/#F!hpBCSbCC!vZNs1Qhip_UJQPSSdoZjUg
- Mod recommendations - pastebin.com/qsTFCyvh

>Endless Legend Resources
Manual - - - - - - cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
Wiki 1 -- - - - - - endless-legend.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Legend_Wiki
Wiki 2 -- - - - - - endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

>Alpha Centauri (SMAC & SMAX) resources
- Essential improvements - pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories - - - - mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

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Our first ship leaves the spacedocks and I can start exploring, and apparently Terrans were too dumb to invent telescopes previously as I had no idea this planet was a gas giant till I entered orbit around it.

how is MoO 2016 compared to MoO2?

Still never played moo2, since I got so stuck on master of magic instead

And here we have an anomaly, unknown signals from deep space between systems that you can send ships out to, functionally similar to goody huts except they spawn randomly so you can just have one appear next to your homeworld in the late game, makes sense honestly since space is big.

It's honestly pretty good and I liked it a lot even when it was still in unfinished early access. There's a lot of people who don't like it or certain things about it but most of those boil down to "it isn't a HD MoO2 therefore it is garbage" which is always a problem when a new game comes out for an old and well loved franchise. I'd definitely recommend at least pirating it to give it a whirl.

>tfw we will never be /sgg/
Please wake up everyone, we're slower than /mggg/ and almost as bad as /eagg/ was

First system fully explored and it's a alright. The three bars shown are fairly evident with size relating to max pops on the planets, biome being how habitable it is for your people and minerals being how much production you can get there. Gravity is also a big deal as high and low gravity cuck your production if you're not adapted to them or have gravity generating buildings.

Biome and gravity are kings early on since terraforming is a no go, later on minerals and size will start to be more important since we can just force a good biome onto the world then.

All things considered Jabbar V is actually pretty decent. and Jabbar III is alright with an economy boosting special there (gold) but a little too small to be useful.

Is this similar to Aurora?

And here's our first space worker in orbit around the Alpha Ceti gas giant, we can only build harvesting platforms here now but there's a taste of things to come right there.

Having never played Aurura I can't really say but it's like a space Civ with unit customization. It just uses common sci-fi star names.

And then we detected this on long range scanners. Big fat sack of fucking nope right there, that system is off limits for some time.
>214 defense rating
Even though it's weapons are shit this thing could chip damage an entire world to death right now.

Our first colony, amidst the swamps and marches of Jabbar V the Terran race takes it's first steps towards becoming a mighty empire of the stars.The different cutscenes for different biome planets are quite nice, they're all similar with your races colony ship design swooping across the landscape and then landing, but they look pretty.

Also now I own this planet I can rename the system if I want to. Any suggestions?

And wow get a load of this edgelord who offered to work for me. I think we can take him up on his offer for that juicy tech and production bonus.

Oh fuck the Jews have turned up to take my money. Time to build combat ships.

Odd, can't get MoM to run for some reason.
I think I played it less than a year ago.
Just turns black on startup. Possibly some setup I had to put in for the last dosbox game I played.

>Any suggestions?

I'm surprised by how quickly units turn from "wimp" to "killing machine" in Dragonshard. Okay, there's only 5 levels, but still, a couple of levels makes a difference. And I like the idea of units being captains and gaining new units as they level up, it reminds me of Seven Kingdoms 2.



So here's one of my favourite things about MoO, tech choices. Some techs give you benefits that you have to choose between, do I want shields now or more accurate missiles? I mean I can get better shields further down the tech tree so it's not too bad and I can trade techs with other aliens or steal with with espionage to get the choices I didn't take.

It adds some nice depth and complexity to the tech trees without resulting in a pointless mess of shit like the Beyond Earth tech web.

Also just before this pic I got an event telling me the Antarens were back in the galaxy so I need to be on guard now.
Backstory, there used to be two precursor races in MoO, the Orions and Antarens. Orions were your generic benevolent precursors, highly advanced uplifting aliens all that stuff. Antarens are the type of Precursor that causes "used to be" to be part of the description of other Precursor races. War inevitably broke out and the Orions were losing hard and eventually discovered a way to throw the Antarens into a pocket dimension and lock them in there preventing them from ever fucking the galaxy up again.You know how this song and dance goes. The Antarens get locked away but war had taken its toll on the Orions who were dying out, their last act as a spacefaring civ was to build a super ship in their home system guarding their tech until another race was advanced enough to use it responsibly (re; advanced enough to reduce their guardian to scrap metal). And now it turns out the prison wasn't as good as they thought so the Antarens have an invincible staging point from which to raid the galaxy

Any advice for Endless legend? I keep getting wrecked.


What are you having issues with?

I feel that no matter what I do I get outclassed by the npcs tech and ship wise pretty quickly
Also I don't know when I should expand

WHat game is that my friend?

Have your second city built before the first winter if possible, then use your capital primarily for producing citizens and thus settlers so you can keep expanding.
Wild Walkers are good for expanding quickly thanks to their industry bonuses.

And here we have the bulrathi, the second biggest assholes in the galaxy. I need to wipe the Jews out soon so I can get an edge on these clowns.

I just realized i said Legend and not space, but thank you for that advice.

master of magic

create artifact is an arcane spell
the runemaster trait gives arcane spells -25% cost
artificier halves the cost of create artifact


ES 1 or 2?

Is it fun?

I like it, but sadly it's only 1 player and 4 AI.
And I like playing with something like 34 enemy civs in civ5.

Dude, the Huns are a Civilization, you can't trust them.

That reminds me of my pre-last Civ V game
>Be based Montezuma
>Huns keep asking me to join their war against Russia
>I refuse because I don't feel like attacking so early
>They continue their war for 100 fucking turns
>Russia settles 3 tiles away from where I wanted to
>Join forces with Attila, capture and burn down the new city
>Atila is pissed because I had a city near him and got troops near his borders
>Capture Attila's capital and second city
>Leave him in the middle of my territory and Russia's with half of his tiles in snow
That's why you shouldn't piss Monte fucking Zuma.

Oh, from same game.
>Declare war on Arabia because they got a lot of money and delegates
>Manage to capture one of his cities
>Realize Arabs are 2 eras ahead of everyone else
>Chicken out and stop the war
>The fucker keeps telling me I'm a warmonger
>Pay Washington to declare war on him
>Washington declares war on me because I left the Arab city I captured unprotected
>Ask Arabia for money in exchange of declaring war against Washington
>Anal rape Washington
Don't backstab Monte fucking Zuma!

>Discover the atom bomb
>Nuke fucking Arabia
Don't trust Monte fucking Zuma!

SMAC is spoopy.


Explain what you're doing.

>posted three times

Settle down there montezuma

Also here's one for you

>playing Civ III
>American civilizations are more or less on the same continent
>the Aztecs- me- are the biggest empire around
>suddenly friendly nations in the unexplored south of the continent like Maya and Iroquois start getting gobbled up by the asshole known as Inca
>Americans are getting invaded by Inca so I step in and declare war on the Inca
>I have no iron but that's okay because I had the Statue of Zeus that grants good cavalry for free
>my legions of horses clash with the Inca again and again
>eventually the Inca begin gaining the upper hand because technological advancement and access to iron gives them knights and other medieval units
>search desperately in nearby islands off the continent for a free source of iron I can grab
>finally find a small source of iron on an island owned by the little Japanese civilization
>invade and take the iron
>suddenly an event I never had seen before or since occurs and the game tells me the iron resource is exhausted and it disappears
>quit because the Inca will certainly win against my pre-iron age civilization

Fuck the Inca



>giving Stellaris one last shot
>huge galaxy, max civs,, hard mode, high agression, max FEs,advanced start for everyone, ironman mode, hyperlanes only
>triple overwhelming hegemonist imperialist fucks everywhere
>get my starting system rekt by wandering fleets of space amoebae several times
>lose both my science ships early
>lose a construction ship too
>lose a bunch of corsairs struggling with pirates and clearout out a hyperlane node
>fuck yeah I'm finally struggling, like I'm actually playing a video game
>all those empires who could squash me like a bug rather war eachother
>they arent expanding at all, despite starting with 4-5 planets I beat all of them to having 6-7 planets
>I can intervene in wars with no repercussions once the losing side had its navy smashed and get shit tons of techs and free vassals
>all I do is sitting on my ass clicking +1 on buildings and wait for endgame crises because no one will invade me at this point

I want this game to get some content so bad

The awakened empires are quite hard
And try some mods


>Be Japan
>Capture everyone's capital except Kongo and Egypt
>Just got Infantry
>Cleo asks me to declare war on Kongo
>Do it because i want Cleo to be my waifu
>My empire is rebelling because i'm low on amenities
>Suddendly a bunch of Mechanized Infantry 3 star corps are crossing the ocean to get me
>Cleo's capital has been taken
>Production is low and barbarians are raping my territory
>Everyone who i stole capitals from declares war on me
>Get culturally enriched because of some dumb slut that shit talked me since turn 1.

>>all I do is sitting on my ass clicking +1 on buildings and wait for endgame crises because no one will invade me at this point
try I dunno, invading, expanding or fucking anything except waiting you faggot

>reading comprehension

The AI just refused to expand. Ever. Even if they get retardedly lopsided starts the human players will outscale because they dont fucking build colony ships.

Also, invading IS waiting. Once you destroyed the doomstack of the empire youre targeting, it will NEVER be a threat to you again! Ever! All you will do is wait for the truces to expire and re-invade them for another 2-3 new and horribly managed planets. Hope you enjoy micromanaging boring and pointless blockades and fixing the AIs retarded shit like 25 food surplus planets or ultra rich mineral planets covered in labs and power plants.

Stellaris MP when?


civ v is frustratingly boring

What is that white fluctuating thing that looks like a portal located outside the galaxy?

Should I be worried?

Oh shit I didnt meantion I was talking about stellaris but I think that's pretty much a given.

Pls respond

Play VI, the early game is pretty tense. Lategame slows due to to diminishing production returns unless you build right, though.

Play Painkiller.

>cossacks 3 have been updated several times in days
>only one changelog
I can't help but notice the people who made Cossacks 3 have no idea how to patch it.

pls respond

i dunno lol

what is the warmonger penalty of a Joint war? is it equal to a surprise war? or equal to your least offensive casus belli?

Guys whats a good fleet in Stellaris?

How many corvettes, cruisers ect should I be running?

I've done missle weapons .. not sure if that's good or not Also I'm really bad at ship design so I just use the defaul "auto best" ships

pls respond

Don't bother, it's surely nothing bad.


>This mod exists.
>Apparently discontinued.
>limited options.
>Can't choose specific types or designs.
>But it still exists.




>so basic
>yet paradox didnt think of it
Is that what you are trying to say?

>Remember having fun with CK2.
>Get all the DLC pirated
>game is not bad
>combat is worse than Stellaris

I also forgot that it conflicts with anything that modifies governments and ethics, so I can't use it because or more important mods.

It's just such a basic, stress-preventing feature yet it's completely missing from the base.

At least in CK2, raising troops is fun (kinda).

>combat is worse than Stellaris
...no it isn't, what the hell are you talking about?

>trying to get back into Civ 6
>every time I start a game, I end up bumping into another civ or 2 within the first 10 turns

can't I just get a comfy secluded spot by myself please

>trying to get back into Civ 6
Found your problem, wait for another expansion.

I never played III, but that sounds sad as fuck, couldn't you make a peace deal or trade for iron with someone?

I posted 3 times because there were 3 fucking threads simultaneously.




III is fun but not especially remarkable.
It is a re-skin of AlphaCen so has the same spam-cities-everywhere-to-win playstyle.

It's probably the most "correct" gap to have in your civ lyfe.
I'm the real heathen. I've never played IV.

>ultra heavy railgun
Hahahaha run away

You will only die tired

I guess the counter is to use rocket-proppeled melee infantry?

This hit the AI so hard it stopped building and recruiting

It has a small turret on each side and if it is in that shielded area (giant blue circle on the ground) melee doesnt work
I guess the only way to destroy that is to either use other titants or nuke it via superweapons

Sounds OP.

It balances out with the relic units the other factions get

Now that one looks ridiculous. It looks like it comes out of Supreme Commander.

Suprising really




>2M KM sq land
>enough iron to support T W O longswordsman
civ v is a funny game

Two squads of them
It's still bullshit but at least get your shit right when complaining

>tfw can't play V anymore

VI killed it for me. I'm hoping someone makes a distric mod for V.

>VI killed V for you
Districts are implemented horribly right now anyway, what do you even miss about them?



Distant Worlds question here: Is there reason to impose limits is on colonization? I've been settling like crazy and so far everything seems alright. Just wondering if anyone knew as to long term affects. Pirates are somewhat more of a problem due to more targets to be raided. Troops have been doing a good job keeping a foothold on the colonies (even if their space ports keep getting blown up)

Yeah, otherwise you spread thin.

Challenge and/or immersion basically.

Playing with colony limits forces you to keep your empire somewhat bunched together, leading to regions which end up being "owned" by one faction or another.

Even with limits on you can circumvent it by settling low quality planets (and eat the constant loss) just to stake out an expansion.
The AI won't do that unless the planet has a special resource on it.

Playing without limits means the galaxy ends up looking like a dozen spiderwebs lay on top of each other.
Playing with limits means the galaxy end up looking like a load of differentiated blobs.

Pick one that makes you happiest really.
I like limits on, range = 2.5 It feels comfy

>playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
>Rebel Alliance uses astrodroid to gather ressources and build buildings

This is a poblem how?

Think about it.

They repair spaceships and do maintenance on computer.
They don't fucking take care of farms and gather carbon.

Then would you rather have them use?

They managed to invent original droids for the Empire that aren't ridiculous. With the Rebel Alliance, they just used units that looked like they were out of Star Wars, but without considering if it made sense or not.

I need to find a way to take screenshots.

Construction droid, type 5 or some shit.
But then no-one would recognise it, whereas the astro is instantly recognisable.

This is called an artistic choice.

Fuck artistic choices.

Yes. They are usually silly things.
In this case:
> With the Rebel Alliance, they just used units that looked like they were out of Star Wars, but without considering if it made sense or not.
is exactly what happened.
There was probably a focus group, and that was probably the only "must have" item.

At least they made Jedis playable.