Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #953: Solid Kanan Edition

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Bad OP



me on the right

Reppin' Navigators!

>finally correct current events

Smart kanonposter.




>kananshitter ruining /llsifg/ once again

see you guys in 6 hours

t. buttblasted youcuck

>someone crying about the OP again

FUCK these pyons.

Why do you always post this pic?
It's not that good and Kanan already had an OP recently, you should have posted a less popular girl such as Mari or Umi instead of trying to make people mad about us and our raibu again.

>pyonposting hour

See you in sex hourse

Umi is love.

I want a stinkstar of my very own

>sex hours
welcome back


more like 24 because threads are really slow when we get these shit OPs



Just check how many hours the last threads lasted and it was a youcuck OP. Coincidence? I don't think so.

>3 threads already

Post canon

Kananfag literally went on a "if my thread won't stay up then no one's will!" baby rage. God fucking damn, watch all of the threads get deleted.

I just checked, 5 existing ll threads

Dumb crackposter.


This the real thread?

He's a falseflagger, it's not the first time he did that either.

I wanted Mari but Kanan is my second favorite and they are the cutest together so I forgive you.


Holding hands with Riko

I fapped to the gifs of this scene, imagining I was futa Kanan doing anal on Mari.


>he makes my raibu look bad so hes a falseflagger
Okay. Not to mention that one fucking blogshitting Kanannigger. What about him? Is he a falseflagger too?

Go back to sleep, dear.

Dumb cuckposter.

Shikaco is really HOT

Where's Ruby? What color does she have?


Reply to this with canon pairings only.

But I'm hungry, Nico-chan.

Why would it bother you that others get called falseflaggers unless you were one?

Are you dumb? If it becomes okay to call everyone a falseflagger then nobody will ever take responsibility for their autism. This is why falseflagging is so big here anyway, its ridiculous. I know it's an anonymous board, but there has to be some sort of credibility.

Ironic you mean.

Because it's a dumb copout. Why should we assume everyone who acts undesirable/like a retard here is a falseflagger?

>take responsibility for their autism
>I know it's an anonymous board, but there has to be some sort of credibility
Holy shit, how new are you?


That's me, and I haven't blogposted in a while because I understood it was useless to do so on an anonymous imageboard.
You don't need to be so rude user.

face 4/10
uniform 10/10


What does it say?

Dumb newshit. You don't have to assume shit, but you don't have to care either. And you shouldn't unless you're a falseflagger trying to save face.

hope mods start nuking these threads on sight again desu

Kanan won again. In your faces, faggots.

Most of the generals are pretty much like that. I remember doing a typo while searching /llsifg/ and got /lisg/ instead and since it's about a game I finished a year ago, I tried checking it and it was just full of circlejerking fanart shit most of them probably finished the game long time ago and don't even touch the game anymore.

>He's a falseflagger,
>but you don't have to care
Then why constantly point it out with no evidence whatsoever? Fucking retard. I'm just saying it's dumb to label anything you don't like as falseflagging, just makes you look like a fucking dumb conspiracy nut confined in your little safe space.

Something along the lines of eating those sammiches together after Riko's done working.


Guys, you really need to quit. It's hard being an actual fan of my best girl and you guys come here and make us real Kananfags look bad, so whenever we post we always get shit on. This is ridiculous. I may just straight up and leave if this continues. I don't know what Kanan or us Kananfags did to make you or you guys so mad, but seriously, enough is enough.

I'm happy us Makifags will never reach the infamy levels of the Kananshitters

It's even dumber to take anyone acting like a retard on the internet at face value, specially when you're on Veeky Forums among obviously bored people getting their kicks from fanbase wars.
If something is quickly derailing into shitty fanbase wars, you can be sure there's falseflaggers replying to themselves involved. But you know this already.

So uh, what happened?

>uniform 3/10

Kananfags taking the blame for the OP because of an obvious falseflagger

meh. I think if everyone just stopped worrying about falseflaggers, everyone would be happy.

I used to visit the Sonic general (/sthg/) and it was like that too. Well that and the comics, which update more regularly, but then we're on Veeky Forums here, not /co/. The Undertale general is like that too due to the 1 game being relatively old and un-updated since it's release.

Is Undertale that old?

And yet we have people here making 5 threads for the same general because an unpopular character got an OP.

>tfw no raibus to lick my anus piles.

Late (Sept.) 2015, which for a video game with ZERO updates is a very long time.

Kiss Hanamaru.



*Licking Yoshiko*

Don't leave. Just understand some people are bored.

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!
can't wait


Got lost in my YoshiRiko folder I almost forgot to post.

Keep on posting Kananbro, that's exactly what this shitposter is looking for, just because you leave doesn't mean he's going to stop either, just look at what happened with woobyfriend.
Is there any place online where I can order this plush? I want to get one for Christmas.

Maybe it's time to move to >>/a/...

>implying you ever had a chance

I'm not retarded enough to work for free, just glad there will be people to clean up garbage.

absent-minded crackposter

>implying anyone from /llsifg/ applied

that place is basically only my waifu is kawaii posts though

Crack crackposter.

Everyone on /a/ hates Sunshine and Kanan

everyone on Veeky Forums hates kanan

My wife's son hates Kanan.


But we all know who doesn't hate Kanan

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who hates kanan.

I love Kanan.

Nobody wants you Kananfags here anyway.

Riko is cute, CUTE.

>Kanan literally split the general
Guys, I know she isnt even a good raibu, but come on...

All slaves must remain here and post when it's necesary.