My younger sister graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a degree in Mathematics meanwhile I've worked as a waiter and jerk to hentai

I'm 23 and after 3 years in University am still barely at second year Engineering level
If I'm lucky I can graduate when I'm 25
Everybody I know who's my age is already graduated and is working full time

don't kill yourself untill she gets a job with that degree

Don't worry about that really bro. Just accept the time frame and do your best to make the most of it. When I first started at college I fucked around for two years and got nothing done, then finally got on track to graduate around 20 y/o now I'm on my last year at 24 going to finish up in May.

At first, being so behind sucked, but as time went on a lot of my friends started fucking up in their own lives and now I'm graduating before some of them even are. And either way, comparing your lives to your friends can be dumb. As long as you aren't bullshitting yourself and actually putting in the time and effort to reach your goals then there's no reason to feel shame or embarrassment about being on a different time frame than others. 25 is still young - hell if you don't have kids/get married then 30 is still fucking pretty young!

>6-7 years of college tuition

I graduated at 24 from engineering. I fucked around in first year and didn't get a high enough GPA to get into the faculty I wanted so I redid it and got in. Then my dad was diagnosed with cancer so I transferred schools for a year. That school didn't have all equivalents so when I transferred back I had to take prereqs for yearlong capstone.

It's fine bro. I got an engineering job a couple months after graduation. Just make sure you get involved with extra curriculars

Don't worry, my own costs incurred weren't as enormous as you would assume. I went to community college for 4 years (2 total fuck up years) and then transferred full credit to a local commuter college that had a good reputation for my field. All in all I have probably spent 26k on school most of which my parents graciously covered and the rest I covered with savings bonds gifted to me as a child. Compare that to my sister who just had to go to an out-of-state party school for a degree in HR and Marketing - she graduated in 4 years (younger sis grad before me nooo) but is now 90k in debt with student loans. We both just received a 34k inheritance and I can just invest mine/travel a little whereas she has to put the majority to repaying loans.

I'll admit my route was definitely shaky and not the norm but compared to my peers I'm more financially stable and my field is actually relevant to getting a job (information security)

good for you man play safe with your finances. I'm gonna come out of school with anywhere from 20-40k in debt depending on how I swing scholarships, FAFSA. etc. I plan on living in a shitty apartment maybe even with roommates and just working until I get it paid off (I've got a decent shot at getting hired at a digital marketing company I've been interning with, really good entry level pay). Idk what I'll do after that, I just hate the feeling of these loans hanging over my head.

>be me
>go to college at late 23
>work myself up to differential equations at my local CC from Elementary Algebra
>finally finish my GE and everything else
>transfer to Cal Poly Pomona as a CompE major
>Can't do physics
>can't do intro to EE course
>decide to change major
>wasted a year doing Math that I ended up not needing
>will be 30 by the time I graduate with a bachelor's in Accounting

Fucking kill me.

sounds like you should jerk to your sister instead.

It's not a big deal bro.

>used to be salaried
>two others in the office get salary increase to match new salaried min wage
>i get changed to hourly, no increase

welp, this holiday is gonna be spent revising my personal and professional resumes

>51k tuition per year

What's her debt and what's yours?

I graduated in mathematics, worked as a waiter and jerk to hentai. What should I do?

>graduated in mathematics
>no job.
>oh maybe there are jobs in mechanical engineering
>graduate with mechanical engineering
>no jobs
>high loans.
>maybe i should change my career to **** *******.
>... studying while 28 with a 58k student loan on my head.


It could be worse. You could have a job as hentai, have a degree in waitressing and jerk it to your sister.

>58k student loan
That sucks. Good thing the university is free around here.

Get a cheme degree in 4 years go to work in tec sales, hate my life, hate my job, work 70 to 90 hr weeks get payed 70k + truck. Try and find other work cant, start to burn out at year 2.5 . Complain to upper bosses 20+hr work days are unsustainable. Current boss throws me under the bus and I am put on a pip and forced to relocate.

being hourly makes you legally entitled to overtime where I live, where salary does not get this.

>be me
>going to college at 23
>starting from college algebra
>have to go up to linear algebra or discrete math
>working full time
>in the summer I will go to part time as an engineer tech, 18/hr
>still probably won't graduate until I'm 30
>scared of upper level courses even though I'm doing fine in my current classes

what do

I mean tuition is only $4.5k a year and it's all paid for, but I don't want to do this grind for 6 years. I'm used to having freedom. This semester hasn't been too bad but I'm still worried I won't make it

she has $20k in loans because she got financial aid

>Has a degree in both mathematics and mechanical engineering
>Can't find a job
Fucking how

He probably wants
>muh 300k starting
and certain perks in addition to that.
Yfw if you graduated like 5 years ago or more and don't have relevant work experience then the employer won't even take that degree seriously anymore because of "loss of qualification".

>the year is 2010
>First year of college
>discover that freedom allows me to drink whenever I want
>discover that freedom allows me to do drugs whenever I want
>party literally every day all day
>withdraw from all classes after getting caught drinking once
>move home
>get sober
>try again
>stay sober
>3.7 gpa in two degrees
>graduate in 3 years because I've been taking 28 credits a semester every semester
>take the GMAT/LSAT
>get ready for an MBA/JD
>get rejected literally everywhere because I had previously been caught drinking.


>getting rejected because of drinking
>applying for an MBA without work experience

I think I found your problem son. Apply to regular JD schools, you can definitely get into an ivy with those stats.