One Piece Games General - /opgg/

Money is power edition

Last chapter: General guide, read before posting

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- Special Events -
>Dec 7-25: Colo Batch- Ace, Coby, Hawkins, Ben Beckman, Lucky Rux
>2 day returning fortnights coming soon:
>21st-23rd Afro Luffy
>23rd-25th Brook
>25th-27th Okama
>27th-29th Franky
>29th-31st Wedding Nami
>CYO Turtle Times
>2x skill up on Jan 2nd, lasts for a week
- Fortnights -
>Dec 6-13 :Morgan and Breed
>Dec 13-20: Smoker and Young Arlong
>Dec 20-27: Alvida and Tom Workers
>Dec 27-Jan 4 : CobiMepppo and Tsuru

>Dec 6-21: Enjoy farming your ass off on the last run of movie fortnights because Bamco hates you Event
>Dec 6-7, 13-14, 20-21: Zephyr
>Dec 8-9, 15-16, Shiki
>Dec 11-12, 18-19, Guille Tostinos
>Dec 16-19: Young Robin + Nami
>Dec 19-21: Gran Torino
- Raids -
>Dec 6-20: Better max every movie raidboss
>Dec 23 : Aokiji
>Dec 26 : Ivankov
>Dec 30 : Duval

>Dec 12 - Jan 4 Free evolvers for 5*+ Zoro and Nami
>Dec 13 - 26 special islands with rainbow evolvers one time clear
>Dec 29-31 2x skillup
>Dec 19 - Mihawk
>Dec 23 - Jan 5 Clash of Clashes!
>Dec 23 - Usopp'un & Heracles
>Dec 24 - Boa

Other urls found in this thread:

first for orbs fuck DR cucks

second for you will never pull Kizaru

All Hail the new king.

Zephyr faget

I'm going to pop my tomes on Legendile and you fuckers can't stop me hahahahahahaa

>skill books
>the same as tomes

Really nigga

>heh why not wait 2 more months for something that isn't even confirmed instead of making one of the best legends usable asap

Maybe Kimono Croc after Hannybal.

>Hina's Marineford tits

Holy shit...

Farmed my last book for 3d2y Nami with this King Among men.

Not to mention Robin is literally his slut to give him a few hands to jerk his special off even more fierce than normal.

>tfw 7/11 will never come back

man it would of been amazing if sugofest was active during that could you imagine all the not legends we'd of pulled?

*would have been
*we'd have pulled

it happend because they fucked up the roll pool after a sugofest

Should I keep farming 40 Tesoro for sockets and skills up and wait forever until rainbow crabs become farmable? I'm at lv7 skill and full bind/despair sockets with Automeme and CDR half done.

>tfw missed 7/11

It hurts

I misread it
I'm sorry

I would still rather farm him, no matter how long it takes.

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot

But I did.

fuck off mabel

Nigga, just gem on 60 for the one crab. Get yourself killed the mob before him.

to add onto this once you revive with a gem the shitty buff is gona so i suggest you to bring doffy to help finishing him

Does anyone here have a Fujitora with a low CD they could put up?

Who's more important? Zephyr or Tesoro?

I wasted most of my gems on Shiki but got through story mode to get up to 40.




...his books aren't out yet, are they?

Japan, you imbecile.

Well this is akward...

I guess I'll go with him. I got enough stam for 4 40 stam runs. And 2 sockets should be easier to fill.

Brobro has a maxed one on JP unless you are Brobro

dumb nignog

>Oars Jr colo stage
>Giant with turtle on stage 3
>remember that giant does x20 attack at Forgot it's EVERYONE'S attack that's x20
>turtle decimated me
Honestly I would usually be pissed, but it's actually more funny than infuriating for once.

Is anyone else excited for Tom's FN?

no because I don't own legends for faggots

Is it wrong if I've mentally lumped LLers and Cheaters into one sum of meme players? I mean good for the Log Luffy players who pulled him and all, but I just can't help but Rool my eyes at the thought of him.

Selous be my friend.

Eh,I give up. I can't get 30 gems by this sugofest, I keep messing up the colo runs. Oh well, it'll be a silverfest anyway.

Nah I maxed him this summer when Tom first appeared

jealous as fuck

Fuck off he's my friend. In fact Selous is my husbando.

Should I tome legend Doffy if I plan to max Raid Doffy as well? I already tomed my Whitebeard.

If you have a good team for farming doffy then why tome? WB has no easy way of socketing so its worth it but doffy has a raid that appears every so often.

>tfw no loli Chopper

the correct term is shota you sick fuck

Wait, Chopper is a dude? Are you sure?

Is selous an epic new meme? I like it more than the scamming sailors meme tBh

So this next sugo is an easy skip with the Log Units coming back. Shame too

>tfw maxed Marguerite's sockets before her special during a fucking 2x skill up

He says he's a dude in this song

She's just got a feminine penis

Maybe she's not using the term literally. I mean Chopper said she wasn't attracted to women (referring to Nami and Robin) in the manga.

How long until the skill up buff patch? I have 40 zephyrs I haven't dared to use yet.

any day now

Chopper is a male for fuck sake
he's called Tony
he has a "form" called ChopperMAN

If Chopper was a girl would he be wearing a bra or would the pants be enough to cover his crotchtits?

females are also called woMEN

yeah nice meme, I'm sure you can trigger some feminists with that

He's not attracted to human women. He was attracted to the reindeer mink

>Chopper is Chopperman
Next you're going to tell me Usopp is Sogeking.


sure buddy
Next youre going to tell me Thatch is dead

Usopp is such a good liar

Finally those 99 turn locks will be a thing of the past.

That's one awful unit, though. You're better off using a good unit instead of wasting a slot using Nami to free another.

>another unit who's evolved art is more detailed but not as good looking

God Usopp Legend when?

NW Zoro, NW Luffy and NW Usopp should get Legends while Sanji is stuck as a five star jobber.


Unevolved Violet is the best

>17 turn max

>Oda confirmed that Doffy banged that ass

What the Hell even is that pose

What are the best 3D2Y Units to skill up? Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, Robin and Chopper?


She will only be used in cerebral, striker, PSY teams of course.

zoro then sanji then who cares


Does anyone here have any of the Christmas units from last year?

for sure.

Robin if you have Legendile
Luffy maybe, if you have Jimbei

Your pic is evolved

you guys read for your free GEMS all the big plentiful FIVE GEM LEL

Those five gems will pull me a Kizaru.


>you guys read for your free GEMS all the big plentiful FIVE GEM LEL
how do I get them?

sorry only for veteran players such as myself

So I'm getting a new phone. When you transfer your account, all your gems don't transfer with it, right?

Only when switching from android to apple and visa-versa

Iphone to android means no gems transfer and vice versa

Android to Android gems DO transfer

Not sure about Iphone to Iphone though

only if you switch operating systems

You only lose your gems if you chance from android to iOS or vice versa.

only if you switch from google to apple or something

dont know if im late or not but yes youll lose all your gems every time you have to reinstall the game also you'll die irl

oh I'll try to copy the files onto the new phone then instead thanks user

Is bind/ah for v1 robin okay?

sure why not

>tfw fastest

>also you'll die irl
Oh thank God finally

Ok cool thanks. I'm just getting a new Galaxy from my old one, so all is well.