Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Time Cutie Edition

>What's new?
Two new heroes, Varian and Ragnaros announced at Blizzcon, along with a new brawl map and a couple of new skins.

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Where do I find you Odin-without-Master-Assassin-talenting faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Current weekly brawl:

>Latest patch notes:

>Official site, general news:

>Hero rankings, various statistics, talent calculator:

>For new players:

>Tips and other useful resources:

Previous thread:

>playing some hots with WoW guild leader and vice lead after raids
>they're not particularly good and one them has only plays three heroes and gets tilted easily
>mfw I try to tell them how not to suck in the kindest way because I dont wanna be that guy

you know that guy, the one whos good at the game and cant help but constantly tell everyone what to do like an armchair general

gr8 op image

Something that's been bugging me for a while

Whenever I close the client it just crashes and I have to kill it in task manager. Is this a common thing or just the game deciding to screw with me?

Just nudge them in the right direction. This game isn't actually all that easy for migrating noobies. There's a lot to know and learn, so getting better will take a good bit of time especially if they didn't come over from another MOBA and have no idea how to do anything.

That was the main reason I made a smurf, to play with my wow friends. Then I really just don't care

Nerf this fucking hero

the other thread hasn't even reached 750 posts yet you fucking dumbasses

this game's client is absolute dogshit, it's not just you

>barely have 1k games played
>constantly matched with people that have over 2.5k games

Is this game really so dead that I will be oomed to play with these low lifes forever?

games played means nothing

Well obviously, but playing the game more, and one hero over 300+ times, should mean you know a little more about shit that the 1k nigger who's most played hero is 50 games.

are we too busy with bronzes complaining about ragnaros to notice chromie is an overpowered piece of shit now?

No she's not.

Naz however is really fucking silly, spiders do way too much damage for how easy they are to hit.

Naz was fucking trash before and his spiders were really difficult to hit. He's still weaker than he was right after the rework, but he's fine now.

>be BW
>get hit by spiders
>lose 50% hp

not ok

>using any icon other than the Alpha Player Portrain

you WERE playing this game during closed alpha, right?

is there anything more awkward than going core after enemy team wipe but realising your team hearthed back?

No, it was fucking awful back then.

>not scrub minion knight
bronze detected, its the one and only one you should be using.

>"rush bot"
>"yeah good idea"
>only you go
>niggers that responded go to the objective instead

every time

I use the wonder billie portrait


>rehgar is the most offensive support!!!

>kharazim exists

How much i hate her.

Unless Kharazim gets Iron Fists, Rehgar is still the most offensive support

I wouldn't fuck a gnome, and I wouldn't fuck a goblin, but I'd fuck fel queen chromie

that's normal, right

>It's a "Muradin Doesn't Bother To Threaten The Tracer Running Curcles Around And Fucking Our Nazeebo And Instead Opts To Chase After Varian" episode.

The little bitch straight up said "lol protect him from tracer as muradin? ok" when I called him out on it.

Reminder that Heroic Difficulty is Rag's best level 20 talent and two lava wave charges is not nearly as good.

>lol why the fuck you pick stitches???
>Mfw I hook the guy that said it over a wall to safety while he was about to get FELOMELORN'd


Why the fuck would anyone ever go Lava Wave? Sulfuras is fucking amazing. Great teamfight potential and really ups kill potential in Molten Core.

Lava Wave gives him the ability to proxy lanes and defend shit without being there; it's what gives him his defensive prowess. Also it's extremely difficult to dodge if you're pushing a keep because you need to get out of the way IMMEDIATELY as soon as you hear the audio cue.

Sulfuras Smash is still good though; I expect it to see more use once Lava Wave either gets nerfed or people actually start dodging it.

>Wouldn't fuck a gnome or a goblin
>that's normal, right

No, it isn't.

I feel the two wave charges is only worth it on Warhead Junction and Blackheart's, otherwise Heroic Difficulty is definitely best.


please nerf Ragnaros already

How come people in ASSFAG games only ask for nerfs and not buffs?

>Finally playing more Samuro.
>Actually really enjoying his hit and run gameplay.

I just feel bad whenever I bait someone into diving with me because he thinks I'm hard engaging and not just poking at people.

>not pleb minion

lmao playing this game in alpha/beta when it was even fucking worse

When a character is weak it only affects the people that play that character.

When a character is strong it affects everybody since they have to play against them.

>you will NEVER be this dedicated

The poor guy's history is all Gazlowe. And msotly losses. Fuck Blizzard for not giving him love.

>play Muradin
>jump at enemy Chromie
>throw hammer
>dumb gnome panics
>entire team blows her up
My favorite feeling. Muradin is amazing.

>Gnome in range of dwarf
>no stasis trap allowing her to escape for free
Is she on free rotation?

sounds like she outplayed herself there

or didn't play at all

>It's a "Bunch of Solo QM Players Against An Organized 5 Stack" episode. Three in a row in fact. Not fucking kidding.

Because it's so fucking hard to make these fucking people play each other, and not a bunch of solo queuers with no voice comm, and who did not plan their entire comp.

>Huuuuuuuurrr QM matchmaking is durrrrrrr
>Look at me being a baka complaining about fucking quickmeme
Have a (you), don't spend it all at once!

His talent choices are a bit hit/miss. But at least he takes Robo ~50% of the time.

Zarya fuckin chromies pooper.
An illustration by BigDingo for ipwnlocks

more like SmallDingo

5 stack means very little in this game.

Oh excuse me for pointing out a glaring loophole/flaw within their matchmaking that contradicts the mode itself.

relative to what

because you can't lose lane to the point of uselessness in hots

The only thing you're contradicting is yourself by trying to tell me the mode that prioritizes speed above all should introduce additional filters because some baby can't handle the boo boo stacks. QM is for memes and people with ADHD, if you play it for another reason you're just straight up retarded.

No. Its


saved your pic extremely large penis dingo

lil yung dingo reporting in

page 10 so here's the stupid diablo webm I posted just before the last thread died.

>not using the "get to level 40 during the alpha" icon
maximum pleb

I don't care if anything else gets nerfed, I want Molten Core to stay the same. Feels so good to use.

I strongly dislike you

Molten Core isen't OP.

Ragnaros dmg output in general is slightly too high, coupled with retards that prometheus run away from lava wave and his W. You got the recipe for a high winrate the first 2 weeks.

I think Ragnaros first talent quest that buffs his W, is slightly too good, but thats all really.

>someone else on /hotsg/ that isn't retarded about Rag'
Wot da zogg?

I honestly think the damage on Meteor is getting nerfed, as well as one or two of it's talents. It's weird because the damage on it MAY be too high, but at the same time, everyone fuckig Prometheus runs it, just like his wave.

Ragnaros' win rate overall is very weird because technically a lot of what he does is entirely avoidable or flat out dealt with rather easily.

He simply high-lights who is retarded. It doesn't help that he's b& majority of the time so people don't get to practice playing with/against a new hero.

He's very-overated, heavily due to the fact that people just do not have experience and understanding about him.

>inb4 found the ragnaros player!
0 games in live. Played in PTR though. Plus I'm not retarded (I hope)

Thank god it's Christmas. Atleast two more weeks people can learn to play against the Rag before Blizz kneejerk nerfs him.

The only thing that needs a nerf is lava wave: It's not ok that it deals nigh unavoidable 1k dps damage if you're fighting within the enemy base. In the lane you have time to react, but if you try to backdoor or are all packed up in one angle against the core, it's instant fucking game over. Give it some minor windup, i.e. like 50% until after it leaves their base's gates.

Ragnaros winrate is a testament to how many retards there are in masters and diamond. His winrate goes up as you progress league rank.

Which one of you is this.

I think I played with that guy. Is he silver?

Are YOU silver?

Are you silver?

I am not any of these guys, but I am bronze

No, this was QM. He's unranked I think.

Yes, hence the question.

My sincerest condolences. My games are pretty horrible already. Don't want to see that kind of hell.

>get hit by spiders
did you consider not getting hit by spiders

was diamond last season lose 6 placement games mostly due to bad drafts with morons.

Get really bad games afterwards at plat 5 get demoted to gold 1.
Every single game is like a fucking coin toss where i wind up with a team of retards who should be in silver or bronze and have games that are largely coin tosses in which team has the bigger idiots who can throw the hardest or draft worse teams with no synergy.
A huge problem with the gold fucking meta is the skill level is all over the fucking place resulting in people picking meta heroes and losing because they dont know basic fundamentals of game play.

I've found so far the only hero that will carry me is fucking malf

If you cant win against gold players, then you don't deserve to be Diamond. End of fucking story.

I was silver/gold for season 1 and 2. I was constantly mocked in every conversation about the game for being silver/gold. Even though i knew i was better than them, and could prove it if i had the chance to.

I really hope a shit ton of master/diamond-shitters was tossed into silver/gold, where they belong.

Now i'm plat, and still climbing slowly. My team-mates are still fucking retarded, but you can learn how to play around that if you're good enough, and climb slowly.

As long as people with below 500 are tossed all the way up to Diamond 3. Then Diamond 3 is worth as much as Bronze 5.

MMR should be reset every season. Period. The only people that say otherwise, are fucking master/diamond-shitters that know they are bad and couldn't win a single game with bronze-shitters.

But i'll give you a nice tip to get out of silver and gold.

Play Gazlowe with Robo-goblin/slow-turret. He absolutely wrecks uncoordianted teams, as they aren't fast enough to stop your pushing, and the slow turrets get completely ignored, providing a nice escape for your retard team, and making disengaging impossible for the enemy team.

It works all the way to plat, then the players become sligthly better, and Gazlowe becomes as useless as he was before.

yeah but explain what happens when you push their core and their ragnaros spawns
it's a pentakill 5v1 without even having to fight

How the fuck are you supposed to stop Tracer as Muradin? Swing your hammer angrily after you miss your stun because of her teleports?

>Jump stun, hammer, rewind into hammer and jump again, then haymaker to finish her off


So I don't want this to come off as bait- but how dead is this game? i played my matches get my Genji skin in Overwatch and all everyone talked about was how doing that was a desperate move to try and get more players.

Also- is there any way to purchase upgrades/skills without clicking? In League you can just hit Ctrl and press the key that the skill is assigned to when you level. It's the one thing I miss from League.

Ctrl+#. League noob.

Oh well that seems... fairly unintuitive instead of just mapping it to the key you actually hit. But that works either way, thanks user.

Some skills have multiple talents in the same tier. Some talents are passive or new skills.
>league noob logic

8% of the moba market, if I remember the graph right. Third biggest slice of the pie.
LoL hitting some 60-70ish
Dota at 15-25
The rest was all smaller shit.

No guarantee's on the exact numbers though.

So it's not dead at all.

Also, Crtl + number will do that, no idea what the problem is.

Just jump on her and Thunderclap. Slow that bitch down, that's all you need to do.

Alt + ability will target yourself.
Enable quickcast for almost all abilities, thank me later.

>they nerfed Li-Ming by breaking everyone else
What the fuck.

>Cyrus the Memest rexxar player alive is on Marche's stream
>Marche complains of D3 plebs and quality of games
>Cyrus is D3

one and only

You move to the other side of the core then...

>every fucking quick play game is 30 minutes+ since they added Rag

No you don't. You just focus the fucking guy. He has an insanely small health pool.

How can people fuck up this bad, like literally just fucking kill the guy? He's huge, stationary and has almost no health that is slightly dropping by the second.

yeah it always crashes when i click the "exit game" button.

It's a trick, that a lot of Game Dev companies have started to implement into their games. CA also does it with all of their Total War games. Its to satisfy investors, so some smart guy at a powerpoint pres can say "Look at our games, people still play them for hours, even though they got fucking mad at us for ripping them off, hire us."

Go to Steam, and see how many people are playing old Total War titles. There are properly thousands of people out there whom don't shut off their computers, and let them stay on, that have been "playing" Total War for days.

Game length: 33:36

Your team mates are absolutely shit with those numbers. There are plenty of pro players that can rake in 120k in damage in 20 minute games with heroes like Lunara and Jaina.

Talking about Lava Wave.

Tutorial on how to lose 200 mmr:

Chain queu HL during weekends

>tfw just fuck my shit up senpai

so he alone is a raid boss?


You know if you know rag's about to spawn, why the fuck would you clump together?

If you are at the core the lava wave spawns a coule feet from the core so if you arehugging core you should be fine

IF you are on the last fort and rag spawns pay attention maybe? and know when to step back and come back in.

Honestly Everytime I use meme wave i feel like I should have gotten hammer instead. And if anything i think hammer ult should get a slight buff for outside damage cause it hits like wet paper unless people get hit at the center

aside from the other stuff that other anons already said, I think meteor shower from molten core do need a slight nerf to keep in line with the rune. the rune does an ok damage but meteor hits like a japanese truck